Author Topic: Texas school shooting  (Read 25737 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #300 on: May 27, 2022, 10:19:11 AM »
I was busting on Coach a bit.  Sorry about that, Coach.

Coach is one of the good guys and didn't deserve it.


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #301 on: May 27, 2022, 10:32:02 AM »
We're not saying all cops are cowards...just these 40 cops who stood around for an hour+ wearing all the fancy guns and body armor playing with their dicks, waiting for REAL MEN to show up and save the kids.

So, Beak, are you a cop?  If so I hope you wouldn't have stood around playing with your dick for an hour, handcuffing parents, like those cops in Uvalde did.

No just a reasonable person with common sense. Theres a big difference between what you think you know from your computer screen and what actually happened. Abd actually being there.

Ive been in some shit. And i dont pass judgement on those who were actually there. I thought this is a lesson people here understood. But the selectivity of when the news or joe fucking blow on twitter is credible vs. Bullshit is not objective at all its subjective depending on what media you wish to hear. But the media doesn't Know what happened either. How many times has the story already morphed? Their all vying for the quickest most sensationalized story. And you gobble it up what is spit out.

You weren't there and you don't know. But you're awfully fucking quick to pass judgment.  The most damning kind of judgement.

Yesterday you didn't know that of the cops there not only lost his wife but his child in the shooting and your appraisal of the cops were that they're cowards standing around in a circle jerk.

The filth and accusations about cowardice is fucking disgusting.

Reminds me of hippies spitting on vietnam vets. You just dont even know what the fuck you're talking about.

And if i tried to explain it you wouldn't believe it and if you did believe it you wouldn't understand it.


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #302 on: May 27, 2022, 10:34:49 AM »
Apparently you haven't watched or read the first person accounts of the parents who watched the cops playing with their dicks.


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #303 on: May 27, 2022, 10:36:28 AM »

Coach is Back!

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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #304 on: May 27, 2022, 11:02:20 AM »
You can't tell an armchair commando like Qoach anything when it comes to stuff like this.  He has already ran the pretend scenario over and over in his empty head on how he would have done things as a one man Rambo army.   ::)

The cops fucked up.  Worrying about what kind of weapon it is or is not is pointless when kids are being killed.

Start here

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #305 on: May 27, 2022, 11:11:22 AM »
Apparently you haven't watched or read the first person accounts of the parents who watched the cops playing with their dicks.

They’re now saying that they didn’t break down the door because they thought the gunman was alone and not a danger.



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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #306 on: May 27, 2022, 11:40:04 AM »

Coach is Back!

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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #307 on: May 27, 2022, 11:46:56 AM »
You here :

Sticking your nose into more things you know absolutely nothing about makes you look more of an ass. But since you’re a hiding coward it doesn’t matter


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #308 on: May 27, 2022, 12:32:18 PM »

According to a study from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), 89% of mass shootings between 1988 and 2019 occurred in gun-free zones. This evidence seems to suggest that gun-free zones just don’t work to keep people safe.

Why would that be? Simple. Because shooters look for easy targets. Most shooters don’t act on impulse. According to the FBI’s Study of Pre-Attack Behaviors of Active Shooters in the United States between 2000-2013, 88% of mass shootings are planned – it’s essentially premeditated murder. And in their planning, these bad actors look for easy targets where they can do maximum damage in the least amount of time.

When you put out a big sign that says “Gun-Free Zone,” this tells potential shooters that there will be no one in the area to stop them from killing as many people as they want. They know there will be no resistance.


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #309 on: May 27, 2022, 12:46:53 PM »
Obama forgets to grieve for all the civilians he murdered.

Crims gonna crim:


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #310 on: May 27, 2022, 12:50:46 PM »
Sticking your nose into more things you know absolutely nothing about makes you look more of an ass. But since you’re a hiding coward it doesn’t matter

If you had been in charge of the response, you would still be out in the parking lot trying to beat him by posting from shit from Infowars or OAN. 

Your response to this, or anything involving actual action is to attack it from the internet trenches.

You would have fucked up worse than the cops did.


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #311 on: May 27, 2022, 01:07:25 PM »
Emotions are understandably high.

Anyone surprised by someone being angered from watching this incident unfold knows nothing about human nature. I think it would be wise to allow everyone a little bit of lenience in their reactions. 

Anyone who mocks a person that trains in effective gun use, is displaying extreme ignorance. Owning a gun and not training to become proficient with it is probably the worst thing you can do. You would be better off not owning a weapon at all. Since we live in houses, it’s not a bad idea to train in houses. If you live in a city, it would be good to be proficient in a firearm in a urban environment.

It is difficult for someone who has a reasonable amount of knowledge about firearms, to listen to people who obviously know nothing about them profess how they believe they should be regulated or handled. If you want your opinion to be taken seriously, you should speak from a position of knowledge.


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #312 on: May 27, 2022, 01:10:20 PM »
This has nothing to do with guns. People kill people not guns. Acts like this will continue far into the future.


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #313 on: May 27, 2022, 01:11:18 PM »
As usual you provide a thoughtful and well reasoned response.  I appreciate that as well as you not attacking me or getting hysterical.  Thank you. 

The war on drugs is a fucking joke.  That is more about incarcerating people than it is regulation.

I think the FDA does some good work.  We have a pretty safe food and water supply.  Flint, Michigan not withstanding. 

I think the FAA does a pretty good job (9/11 not withstanding) of keeping us safe.

I think our system for how one can obtain a drivers license is for the most part pretty fair and reasonable.  I think a similar approach to guns could work.  Maybe if you are between 18 and 21 you have to go through a set number of safety classes, competency exams and have some restrictions.  Once you are 21 and can prove that you are competent and pass a reasonable exam then you are good to go.  Is anything going to make it go away entirely?  No.  But if something like this or anything for that matter can slow it down, save some lives, then I am all for it.  I've see recent studies that indicate boys brains aren't fully developed til around age 25.  Someone who does fucked up things at 18 may not do them at 21, 25, etc. 

Why is it that I always hear Republicans suggest it's a mental health issue?  I happen to agree that mental health plays a huge role.  My problem is that Gov. Abbott in true Republican form slashed a couple hundred million from the budget that supported mental health.  We can't have it both ways, right?

No worries my dude!

I'm always open for a gentlemen's debate.

I used the War on Drugs as an example because that's how i see this playing out. The FAA/FDA and many other government programs have their ups and downs, but to be fair i don't think they are an example of what i have in mind. They are going to retroactively regulate guns, or at least that's what people want, and i don't see that happening. It's impossible for them to backtrack, but i do believe that having a better training program will help, yet not much.

When i started hunting i had to take a Hunter's Safety Course before i could get a hunting license, as i was only 14 years old. You learn a lot from programs like this and believe proper training helps. I have a LTC in three different states and have spent most of my life around firearms in one way or another.

I know a lot of people who don't have a valid DL. I've been in a car accident 3 times in the last 10 years with people who didn't have a DL or insurance, one of the guys was in his 50's and had never had a DL. So again i don't think some government regulation is really going to help. But i will agree with you more or less.

The problem i have is that added training/regulations will not change the bad guys from doing bad things. Guns are pretty much banned in Mexico and it is heavily enforced, yet you have guys rolling around with all kinds of guns because Cartels don't follow the rules. Same thing IMO applies here, i don't understand how more regulations is going to prevent bad people from doing these things, it will make firearms harder to obtain, which may give the crazy person some time to change his mind. But if someone wants to shoot up a school, they are going to do it.

I do think having better training and tracking of firearms is a good idea. But the fatal flaw is how far are we wanting the government to have control? Once they gain an inch, they will take a mile. So for me it's conflicting because i don't want any of our freedoms taken away, regardless of a school getting shot up or not.

My thought is that we should have better security. Think about everywhere you go, there are armed security or off-duty Cops. Walmart even has City PD sitting out front where i live. Dispensaries too, banks, colleges, etc. All these places typically have armed security. The local Mall here has like 5 City PD that drive around and walk through the Mall at all times. The parking lot there is considered one of the safest places to leave a vehicle, so they sectioned off an area to use for car pooling.

Why not schools?

Better yet, WE the people should take control of our children's lives. Volunteer to sit out front of your child's school once a week and have a schedule with other people. We had this in Texas back in the 80's. Country folks would take matters into their own hands. Now this creates complicated logistics too, as you don't want you local Karen/Kyle sitting in front of a school causing problems. There can easily be a school program to have this implemented in a matter of weeks/months. I'm not talking about having these volunteers armed to the teeth, just having a presence and radios for communication. Something weird happens you can lock down an entire school in less than a minute or two.

The best prevention is NOT allowing them access inside the school. The exact same way they handled Covid. Pretty much all businesses here had people standing at the entrance to check your temp and force you to use hand sanitizer. Many places had Cops there too in order enforce masks. The local University here had Cops standing at all entrances to events for months, if you didn't have a mask they escorted you out.

Having parents or security present is a huge deterrent in crime. But again, this will still not stop these things from happening.

There was a guy yesterday in Texas, a big swole (BBing related) kneegrow, standing at the entrance to his child's school, he wasn't armed, but his presence is enough to make people think twice. Imagine if all of our schools had 4-5 volunteers per day monitoring the campus.

Why aren't are schools being protected? That is THE fastest AND easiest way to help prevent this. The government give billions of money to foreign countries for stupid things. Why not protect our kids?

Where i live and have lived in the past, we have a local group of people that take turns driving around the neighborhood during the day and night, looking for suspicious activity. These civilian watch programs work amazing with real results. Sometimes the best defense is just the presence of humans, even if they are not armed.

But at the end of the day, these things will always happen, it will never stop. You can ban guns 100% and it won't stop anything like this from happening.

As far as Gov Abbott, i was born in Texas and lived there most of my life. I think he has done some good things, but i have no idea why he slashed the mental health budget. So i can't comment on that.

My personal opinion is that America has become more comfortable with violence, movies, video games, etc. A lot of younger people don't value life as much as we did 50+ years ago. I think it's a very deeply rooted issue that has no real answer.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #314 on: May 27, 2022, 01:35:19 PM »
They’re now saying that they didn’t break down the door because they thought the gunman was alone and not a danger.


WHOA WHOA WHOA, it was a HIGH RISK ENVIRONMENT.  They needed their HIGH RISK TEAMS to approach!

Back the blue bud.


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #315 on: May 27, 2022, 01:43:18 PM »
Top Texas cop admits cops botched Uvalde school response: ‘Wrong decision, period’

“With the benefit of hindsight, where I’m sitting now, of course it was not the right decision, it was the wrong decision, period,” McCraw said.

“There was no excuse for that.”


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #316 on: May 27, 2022, 02:01:01 PM »
Apparently you haven't watched or read the first person accounts of the parents who watched the cops playing with their dicks.

Yep. And you know what. Sticking  a microphone in some ones face minutes after their baby was senselessly slaughtered is guaranteed to get you a rational, well thought out, objective response.

If i lost my child under those circumstances and a news reporter asked me how i felt id probably shove their microphone up their asshole.  And i certainly wouldn't stand around talk about what a great job the cops did. Id probably lash out at everybody. If i lost my children under any circumstances, violence, accident, medical, poor health, Id be fucking beyond reasonable and id want someone, anyone, to pay- with blood if necessary. Including the people who showed up to help.

Last I checked none of those parents are on this forum.  Just a bunch of keyboard, know it all, warriors, saving lives and taking down gunmen from their computer monitor.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #317 on: May 27, 2022, 02:11:59 PM »
Yep. And you know what. Sticking  a microphone in some ones face minutes after their baby was senselessly slaughtered is guaranteed to get you a rational, well thought out, objective response.

If i lost my child under those circumstances and a news reporter asked me how i felt id probably shove their microphone up their asshole.  And i certainly wouldn't stand around talk about what a great job the cops did. Id probably lash out at everybody. If i lost my children under any circumstances, violence, accident, medical, poor health, Id be fucking beyond reasonable and id want someone, anyone, to pay- with blood if necessary. Including the people who showed up to help.

Last I checked none of those parents are on this forum.  Just a bunch of keyboard, know it all, warriors, passing judgement from their computer monitor.

You have lost his debate bigtime, Beak.

Be a man and admit defeat.


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #318 on: May 27, 2022, 02:56:54 PM »
You have lost his debate bigtime, Beak.

Be a man and admit defeat.

Nat,  Your entire position comes from the standpoint of what you don't know. What you don't understand. Not some expertise, experience or technical knowledge but what you don't know. There is no debate. There's what actually happened and how these things play out. Then there's the vast world of difference between that reality of it and the assumptions of people who weren't there yet have a matter of fact opinion about it.

Hindsight is a cognitive bias that leads people to think that conditions were somehow more favorable in retrospect than they were at the time decisions were made and steps were taken.

Can we agree that a cop was shot in the head going in to challenge this guy.

Can we agree that it was a cop (border patrol agent- i know you like to be technical there) killed this guy.

Can we agree that at least one of those cops had family in the school. And at least one of those cops lost family in thzt school.

My interpretation is those cops showed up. Probably shit themselves. Some were maybe scared, some maybe froze, the vast majority of them tried to orient themselves to where the shots are comming from

(Which can be difficult because of the echo effect of the shooting. As sound travels it bounces off of walls and hall ways if shots are fired in a building. If you've been there you know)

Tried to do whatever they could Until they got to the shooter. First cop in takes a round to his dome. They're probably at a pinchpoint like a doorway so its actually limiting how many cops can challenge the shooter. At a point its counterproductive to have 40 cops standing at a doorway so Its likely that while theres a number of cops inside trying to stop this guy theres a bunch outside as well. So panick stricken parents outside are thinking 'why tge fuck aren't you inside!'  Now, Those parents do have to be stopped from going in otherwise they'll be killed too. They're actually contributing to the chaos. So theres alot going on. Different pieces and most of those cops did what they could with what they knew and the weapons they had. Could they have done better? Maybe. Could the shooter have killed more people if not for the cops? Yes.

Your interpretation is: those cops are cowards playing with their dicks.

Pardon me for trying to get you think a little bit.


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #319 on: May 27, 2022, 03:07:56 PM »
Nat,  Your entire position comes from the standpoint of what you don't know. What you don't understand. Not some expertise, experience or technical knowledge but what you don't know. There is no debate. There's what actually happened and how these things play out. Then there's the vast world of difference between that reality of it and the assumptions of people who weren't there yet have a matter of fact opinion about it.

Hindsight is a cognitive bias that leads people to think that conditions were somehow more favorable in retrospect than they were at the time decisions were made and steps were taken.

Can we agree that a cop was shot in the head going in to challenge this guy.

Can we agree that it was a cop (border patrol agent- i know you like to be technical there) killed this guy.

Can we agree that at least one of those cops had family in the school. And at least one of those cops lost family in thzt school.

My interpretation is those cops showed up. Probably shit themselves. Some were maybe scared, some maybe froze, the vast majority of them tried to orient themselves to where the shots are comming from

(Which can be difficult because of the echo effect of the shooting. As sound travels it bounces off of walls and hall ways if shots are fired in a building. If you've been there you know)

Tried to do whatever they could Until they got to the shooter. First cop in takes a round to his dome. They're probably at a pinchpoint like a doorway so its actually limiting how many cops can challenge the shooter. At a point its counterproductive to have 40 cops standing at a doorway so Its likely that while theres a number of cops inside trying to stop this guy theres a bunch outside as well. So panick stricken parents outside are thinking 'why tge fuck aren't you inside!'  Now, Those parents do have to be stopped from going in otherwise they'll be killed too. They're actually contributing to the chaos. So theres alot going on. Different pieces and most of those cops did what they could with what they knew and the weapons they had. Could they have done better? Maybe. Could the shooter have killed more people if not for the cops? Yes.

Your interpretation is: those cops are cowards playing with their dicks.

Pardon me for trying to get you think a little bit.

Hahaha, at this point, this guy has got to be joking. 

Beak, lemme ask you this:  Are you a parody account? 

T-they weren't cowards!  They stood outside the school for an hour, cuffing and tazing parents, because there were echoes in the hallway and they couldn't figure out where the shooter was!


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #320 on: May 27, 2022, 03:17:00 PM »

Hahaha, at this point, this guy has got to be joking. 

Beak, lemme ask you this:  Are you a parody account? 

 Stephanie, you're just a stupid ho,  a special kind of small minded and petty. So blissfully free of the ravages of intelligent thought. Be gone bitch


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #321 on: May 27, 2022, 03:36:30 PM »
Police officers have no obligation to protect you......even if they are present and witness someone trying to murder you.  They are allowed to just watch it happen.


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #322 on: May 27, 2022, 03:55:29 PM »
Police officers have no obligation to protect you......even if they are present and witness someone trying to murder you.  They are allowed to just watch it happen.

That's why you protect your family and yourself.


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #323 on: May 27, 2022, 03:59:10 PM »
That's why you protect your family and yourself.

True. Unless you’re in custody. If you’re a mental patient, arrested, in custody, there is a duty.

No duty to protect kids in school either since the law is weird in that they are in the custodial control of the school…yet it’s against the law if you don’t send your kid to school.


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Re: Texas school shooting
« Reply #324 on: May 27, 2022, 04:14:02 PM »
That's why you protect your family and yourself.

Unless someone is in the process of smoking your kid at their school.  Then the police will handcuff you if you attempt to save your child.