Author Topic: Matt C. Cycle Update.  (Read 146790 times)


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1400 on: August 19, 2022, 12:10:31 PM »
Why are you waking up at 1 PM?

Do you not have a job?
Do you work nights?

Did you go electric and pop a Tesla?

Matt doesn’t work, he has rental properties.

Correct. I'm looking into volunteering at the soup kitchen soon, but if I end up getting problems with that because of my Facebook posts, it will be the last thing I EVER attempt to work for, be it real work OR volunteering.

I'm just not a man who can handle being told what to do - least of all by morons attempting to coerce me into taking garbage and dangerous pharmaceuticals that don't even work.

I just can't handle it, and won't.

I'd rather be in jail.

I'd rather be dead.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1401 on: August 19, 2022, 12:12:36 PM »
You need to leave Thunder Bay dude.

I'm not being a dick, just saying you don't get out much obviously.

My training partner is 5'8" and 210.

A little chubby but he's thick as a horse cock.

You are stronger though on pressing movements.

That's a big dude.

But realistically, how often will you see a person like that just walking around?

I could go to the mall today in a tank top, and be the most muscular man there, out of hundreds of people.

Muscle just isn't common. I mean, 68% of Canadians are overweight or obese. It's not a good thing.

Only a very small percentage have muscular physiques. And I don't mean competitive bodybuilding level physiques - I mean any muscle at all.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1402 on: August 19, 2022, 12:55:21 PM »
That's a big dude.

But realistically, how often will you see a person like that just walking around?

I could go to the mall today in a tank top, and be the most muscular man there, out of hundreds of people.

Muscle just isn't common. I mean, 68% of Canadians are overweight or obese. It's not a good thing.

Only a very small percentage have muscular physiques. And I don't mean competitive bodybuilding level physiques - I mean any muscle at all.

Where i live now is similar in population to TB, so i agree that i don't see people here very often that are built.

But when i lived in Houston, just inside any commercial gym after 5pm you would see bros that were jacked as fuck.

Go to any nightclub or beach club.

But yeah, i'm 6' and 215 at 8-10% BF. People think i'm huge when i'm at the mall or whatever. I get compliments all the time, mainly on my calves. ;D

A few weeks ago i visited my brother in Austin, Texas; we went to Lake Travis on his boat just cruising around. This local hot spot for party folks was filled with maybe 100 people. There were 3-4 dudes there that made me look tiny.

On the other hand, I go to Mexico a lot and i've never seen a bodybuilder, and steroids are legal OTC there.

If my entire sample size was Santa Fe, i'd be a monster. But if i go to large City i get out massed easily.

Most Americans are fat and lazy, but you see a lot of bro dudes that are 20-30 years old that are juiced to the tits.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1403 on: August 19, 2022, 06:21:53 PM »
How's Matts deadlift coming along?


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1404 on: August 19, 2022, 06:22:10 PM »

The size he wanted does NOT require steroids, period. So, it takes him a few months longer. What's the big hurry? Does Matt have a bomb on him that will explode, if he doesn't hit 215 (or whatever) by the end of August?

But he didn't want just size. He wanted to look jacked. Do you understand that you can give some people steroids and the physique changes in a way that NO amount of time or training and eating allows? You start hormones and your shoulders start to "spread" in a way that is abnormal. My brother stupidly used steroids without training at all but in 6-8 weeks his body, when in a t-shirt, looked very different - you have the shoulder widening effect with the trapezius hyperthrophy. No amount of training causes this same look. Steroids cause water retention but not all water retention is the same. Water from anabolics looks different that water from kidney or heart issues. Most of the weight Matt gained is water but it looks like steroid water retention, meaning it looks like muscle. Consider this scenario: identical twin girls. One trains like crazy. The other doesn't train but uses anabolic steroids. Both weigh the same after 2 months. Will they look the same? Who is likely to visually have more jacked traps and wider shoulders? Do you not understand that anabolics cause a different look? Even you skin will look different. Anabolics may cause the muscle in your hands and jaw (and head generally) to hypertrophy in a way that simply does not happen without hormones.

On pubmed there is a case study of a person whose face got lopsided. What had happened was he ate gum on one side of his mouth and used Winstrol causing the jaw muscle on one side to hypertrophy. You think if he didn't use steroids and ate twice as much gum he'd gotten the same lopsided face? Unlikely.

Or think about this: in Rambo II Stallone weighed 150lbs. Could he have weighed the same or more without steroids? Maybe. But it wouldn't have looked the same. Do you get it?
Steroids = different look. It simply can't be duplicated without them. 150lbs = twink weight. But can looked jacked with hormones.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1405 on: August 19, 2022, 07:27:06 PM »
I don't know how prostatectomy affects the mechanics involved. All I know is these products can work amazingly for a somewhat healthy person. You don't need any narcotics but they can make a huge difference. Sex is all in the mind so of course they work. I know many people feel you shouldn't tamper with your sexuality or headspace like this, like there is something immoral about it. Many people also say, and I often hear it, I don't NEED Viagra for example, and they woukd be embarrased to admit they use it. Actually you don't need to have any sexual problems to use it. It's like enhanced vs natty bodybuilding. You don't need steroids to be a bb but steroids sure change the whole experience. It's no wonder Viagra sells like crazy. All these people don't have physical "problems."

The Melanotan is great but like always there are sides. It makes me very nauseous. Almost everyone gets nauseous but for some it passes within hours, some feel sick for days.

Even being mildly nauseous isn't for me. So I guess it will be a no thanks to the Melanotan II.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1406 on: August 19, 2022, 07:33:37 PM »
How's Matts deadlift coming along?


I haven't tried a heavy single for a while. Probably over 500, with 545 being a painful struggle...but doable if I'm willing to risk injury, which I haven't been doing lately.

I can get that up to 405 for 15-16-17 reps, but I've never officially gotten 20. I'm of the mindset that I can do it if I just spent 16 weeks doing max reps with 405...but I tend to quit on a strength program sooner than that.

Maybe out of boredom...maybe out of diminishing returns. But I have a tendency to quit on a strength program between month 3-4. Perhaps my body is telling me something, and I ultimately listen, without knowing what it is.

I have never been injured. Nothing close. And that's hilarious given the shit form I have used and many contests I have been in:

Hm, this one wasn't as bad as I remembered:

^ Both lifts above are at 170-lb body weight, off gear.

I have no issue getting strong off gear. E.g., 510 deadlift at 170. That was never the issue. Looking full and pumped and hard, almost 24-7, that was the issue.

Lately, I'm pleased to have maxed out my gym's leg press machine.

It's only about a grand here...but I'm quite happy with this:

That girl I took home really threw me off. I missed a meal and didn't sleep that night, and now I'm 199-lb, rather than 203-204-205.

I also wasn't able to get 10 plates a side on leg press for multiple reps yesterday. I thought for sure I'd be repping it out, but I regressed slightly, due to lower calories.

I skip about two days of Anadrol a week. I never wanted to go to 220. But for now, I'd like to stay 205 for a bit.

All because of one fucking date. Fuck that, I'd rather be bigger right now.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1407 on: August 19, 2022, 07:44:45 PM »
Once again, O whiny one, you whine about your insecurity about being perpetually pumped. That simply means you feel like a shrimp without it. You'd think a 40-year-old man would outgrow this stupidity that I was doing back in my teens and early 20s.

Wrong! You're doing it because you're lazy and can't keep up your so-called gains without the sauce, as that would require actually EATING more food than than an anorexic model does.

You're actually daft enough to think that rapid fluctuations in weight, especially with steroids in the mix is healthy? If you keep quiet, nobody will know how stupid you actually sound. Keep telling yourself that I'm fat, while you STRUGGLE to get 17" arms, O twiggy one.

Again, are you 40 or 14? Nobody cares about your ejaculations, except for the gremlins between your ears.

You are as delusional at the high school kids who hog the benches, strain to put up 135 on the bench, and act as if they've conquered the world. You need to be "pumped and full", because otherwise you look and feel SMALL!! That's what teenagers (including yours truly, back in the day) do.

And what happens to you when you go back to a buck eighty five and merely looking at certain poundages could put you in the hospital? Here's a hint: Stay away from any shiny and pointy objects.

These are all good observations. Matt has always been somewhat juvenile in terms of his thought processes including his irrational thinking and not one ounce of logic. Lately, he has been regressing. It could be a side effect of his using AAS. Everyone responds to drugs differently. It could also be an issue with his autism spectrum disorder. At the rate he's diegressing he will soon have the communication skills of an infant.

Does this remind you of anyone?
Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by persistent deficits in the ability to initiate and to sustain reciprocal social interaction and social communication, and by a range of restricted, repetitive, and inflexible patterns of behavior, interests or activities that are clearly atypical or excessive for the individual's age and sociocultural context.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1408 on: August 19, 2022, 07:49:04 PM »
But he didn't want just size. He wanted to look jacked. Do you understand that you can give some people steroids and the physique changes in a way that NO amount of time or training and eating allows? You start hormones and your shoulders start to "spread" in a way that is abnormal. My brother stupidly used steroids without training at all but in 6-8 weeks his body, when in a t-shirt, looked very different - you have the shoulder widening effect with the trapezius hyperthrophy. No amount of training causes this same look. Steroids cause water retention but not all water retention is the same. Water from anabolics looks different that water from kidney or heart issues. Most of the weight Matt gained is water but it looks like steroid water retention, meaning it looks like muscle. Consider this scenario: identical twin girls. One trains like crazy. The other doesn't train but uses anabolic steroids. Both weigh the same after 2 months. Will they look the same? Who is likely to visually have more jacked traps and wider shoulders? Do you not understand that anabolics cause a different look? Even you skin will look different. Anabolics may cause the muscle in your hands and jaw (and head generally) to hypertrophy in a way that simply does not happen without hormones.


This x1,000.

MCWAY seems to think being 200-lb naturally is the same as being 200-lb on steroids. It's not. And in my case, NO AMOUNT OF TRAINING CAN GET ME THIS LOOK.

And what an insult for him to suggest someone who has trained as long and as consistently as me could post such results.

What absolute BALDERDASH!

Perhaps - just PERHAPS - with changes to my NUTRITION, things could have been closer, as I've always been between 1,000 and 1,500 calories daily.

It reduced closer to 1,000 to 1,100 from 2014 before this cycle, and now it's generally over 2,000 daily, although in the past week, I think I've slept back closer to 1,800 or less...regressing to my old habits, and losing some size to go with it.

The quick gains from steroids have motivated me to eat more. It's hard to do something like double my calories, knowing it will take over a year to get WORSE results.

Anadrol has made the difference - causing me to bring my calories up to a sufficient level.

But my point is - no amount of training will give me the 24/7 full and pumped up look that I get from gear. I can maybe maintain half a chest pump one day after chest day - but not much more.

Steroids allow this to be a daily thing.

It's sad because I'm willing to do things naturally to look this way...but it's simply not possible.

It's depressing knowing that the look I want necessarily requires steroids.

But it does. And I've had way too much experience training naturally to believe the hogwash that MCWAY spouts.

On pubmed there is a case study of a person whose face got lopsided. What had happened was he ate gum on one side of his mouth and used Winstrol causing the jaw muscle on one side to hypertrophy. You think if he didn't use steroids and ate twice as much gum he'd gotten the same lopsided face? Unlikely.

Or think about this: in Rambo II Stallone weighed 150lbs. Could he have weighed the same or more without steroids? Maybe. But it wouldn't have looked the same. Do you get it?
Steroids = different look. It simply can't be duplicated without them. 150lbs = twink weight. But can looked jacked with hormones.



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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1409 on: August 19, 2022, 07:49:42 PM »
That 475 deadlift is a lot of weight Matt but you hitched it up like a big dog.

I can`t approach that but it wasn`t a lift that would have got even two white lights IMO.

Still,props for trying.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1410 on: August 19, 2022, 07:54:47 PM »
That 475 deadlift is a lot of weight Matt but you hitched it up like a big dog.

I can`t approach that but it wasn`t a lift that would have got even two white lights IMO.

Still,props for trying.

Thanks wes.

Yeah, lol, it would have been flagged for sure.

That being said, what I love about Strongman is that Derek Poundstone style lockouts like that will pass in contest.  :)

That's what I like about Strongman - it's less refined than powerlifting.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1411 on: August 19, 2022, 08:02:21 PM »
Thanks wes.

Yeah, lol, it would have been flagged for sure.

That being said, what I love about Strongman is that Derek Poundstone style lockouts like that will pass in contest.  :)

That's what I like about Strongman - it's less refined than powerlifting.
Oh wow,I had no clue that would pass for a good lift.....I  thought you were gonna` slip a disc or shit your pants or both.  LOL ;D


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1412 on: August 19, 2022, 08:45:18 PM »
But he didn't want just size. He wanted to look jacked. Do you understand that you can give some people steroids and the physique changes in a way that NO amount of time or training and eating allows? You start hormones and your shoulders start to "spread" in a way that is abnormal. My brother stupidly used steroids without training at all but in 6-8 weeks his body, when in a t-shirt, looked very different - you have the shoulder widening effect with the trapezius hyperthrophy. No amount of training causes this same look. Steroids cause water retention but not all water retention is the same. Water from anabolics looks different that water from kidney or heart issues. Most of the weight Matt gained is water but it looks like steroid water retention, meaning it looks like muscle. Consider this scenario: identical twin girls. One trains like crazy. The other doesn't train but uses anabolic steroids. Both weigh the same after 2 months. Will they look the same? Who is likely to visually have more jacked traps and wider shoulders? Do you not understand that anabolics cause a different look? Even you skin will look different. Anabolics may cause the muscle in your hands and jaw (and head generally) to hypertrophy in a way that simply does not happen without hormones.

On pubmed there is a case study of a person whose face got lopsided. What had happened was he ate gum on one side of his mouth and used Winstrol causing the jaw muscle on one side to hypertrophy. You think if he didn't use steroids and ate twice as much gum he'd gotten the same lopsided face? Unlikely.

Or think about this: in Rambo II Stallone weighed 150lbs. Could he have weighed the same or more without steroids? Maybe. But it wouldn't have looked the same. Do you get it?
Steroids = different look. It simply can't be duplicated without them. 150lbs = twink weight. But can looked jacked with hormones.

The only way anyone looks remotely "jacked" at 150 lbs is if his body fat is severely low and he's athletic, steroids or not.

Speaking of traps, I've been motivated to train mine more, after my brother-in-law complimented me on mine, during a family get-together. In addition to that, when I posted about my training style of using "alternates" (doing a set of one bodypart, resting, and doing a set with the opposite bodypart), I realized that I pretty much ignore my traps when I do shoulders.

But, with a strained forearm, doing barbell or dumbbell shrugs became problematic. Fortunately, complex problems often have simple solutions. The Smith Machine where I do military presses also has two calf machines next to it, one seated and one of those sorry Hoist plate-loaded standing calf machine. The Hoist machine sucks for doing calves....BUT for doing shrugs (until my forearm healed up completely), it worked great. So, it's a set of shoulder presses on the Smith, rest, then alternate with shrugs....until I'm done with shoulders and traps.

So far, so good!!  ;D


This x1,000.

MCWAY seems to think being 200-lb naturally is the same as being 200-lb on steroids. It's not. And in my case, NO AMOUNT OF TRAINING CAN GET ME THIS LOOK.

And what an insult for him to suggest someone who has trained as long and as consistently as me could post such results.

What absolute BALDERDASH!

Perhaps - just PERHAPS - with changes to my NUTRITION, things could have been closer, as I've always been between 1,000 and 1,500 calories daily.

I rest my case! 1500 calories? PLEASE!! That's a little more than one of my weight gainer shakes back in my college days. And I was downing THREE of them, in addition to regular food.

It reduced closer to 1,000 to 1,100 from 2014 before this cycle, and now it's generally over 2,000 daily, although in the past week, I think I've slept back closer to 1,800 or less...regressing to my old habits, and losing some size to go with it.

The quick gains from steroids have motivated me to eat more. It's hard to do something like double my calories, knowing it will take over a year to get WORSE results.

That is "BALDERDASH"!! And I know that from personal experience. I go back to what I did in 1996. In addition to the 21 lbs I put on that spring semester, I added another 5 in two months during summer break to get to 215. Then, I finally got to try creatine (Phosphagen HP, to be exact).

As most people know, when you load for the first time, you'll swear creatine is the second coming. In my case, it was 7 pounds in one week and 5 pounds the second week.

That means I started spring semester 1996 at 189 lbs, left school for the summer at 210, added another 5 pounds to get to 215 and added creatine to get to 227 before I went back to school. Take a wild guess as to what my friends, teachers, and dorm director asked me when I returned to campus.

If my math is correct, from early Jan to late Aug is approximately 8 months. Eight months, 38 lbs, no anabolics (couldn't afford them even if I wanted to use them). It was food, weight gainer, and (at summer vacation's end) creatine.

So, this sniveling about needing 18 months to put on 20 - 25 lbs, without steroids is unwarranted. BTW, this wasn't regaining weight I once had. I'd never been over 200 in my life prior to 1996.

Anadrol has made the difference - causing me to bring my calories up to a sufficient level.

But my point is - no amount of training will give me the 24/7 full and pumped up look that I get from gear. I can maybe maintain half a chest pump one day after chest day - but not much more.

Steroids allow this to be a daily thing.

It's sad because I'm willing to do things naturally to look this way...but it's simply not possible.

No, you're not!! You've been told the one thing you need to do. But, you won't do it, which is why it's back to twig city when you go off the sauce.

It's depressing knowing that the look I want necessarily requires steroids.

But it does. And I've had way too much experience training naturally to believe the hogwash that MCWAY spouts.

Hence, you have the mark of sheer immaturity and insecurity. When you're truly BIG enough, you don't worry about being pumped all the time. I outgrew that garbage decades ago. I still can't believe I was the goofball, doing pushups every so often at water parks and beach picnics, trying to stay pumped to impress girls.

Once I got to a certain size, that foolishness was necessary.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1413 on: August 19, 2022, 09:17:46 PM »
No, you're not!! You've been told the one thing you need to do. But, you won't do it, which is why it's back to twig city when you go off the sauce.

And for health reasons.

I don't care for my natural 180 look anyway. So I'd rather be lighter and healthier and train for strength.

I can cycle again in the future if I want this look again.

Also, why is it wrong for me to go for a swim after getting a pump to get attention, but it's fine for you to be "motivated" to train shoulders more to get your shoulders up to Matt C level, because your homosexual brother-in-law complimented them at a family dinner?

What's the difference?


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1414 on: August 20, 2022, 03:27:53 AM »
Matt must avoid the destructive effects of wimmens to his goals.

Never miss meals.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1415 on: August 20, 2022, 07:05:47 AM »

That girl I took home really threw me off. I missed a meal and didn't sleep that night, and now I'm 199-lb, rather than 203-204-205.

You have lost the plot

The Scott

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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1416 on: August 20, 2022, 07:20:59 AM »
You have lost the plot

He's not talking about a burial plot, ace...


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1417 on: August 20, 2022, 07:27:13 AM »
Matt must avoid the destructive effects of wimmens to his goals.

Never miss meals.

Ah yes, the Craig Titus principles. Even cocaine benders didn't get in the way of his precious meals

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1418 on: August 20, 2022, 07:54:25 AM »
You have lost the plot

Finally a topic you’re an expert on.

Boy oh boy….filled the leg press machine with 45s, like a 15 year old drug free high school kid.

The spastic little jerkoff Queen needs to get in a squat rack and move some real weight. Right now Matt Canning is exactly like you; all drugs and running his chihuahua yap while lifting like a teenage girl.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1419 on: August 20, 2022, 08:19:52 AM »
At the rate he's digressing he will soon have the communication skills of an infant.

Looks like your communication skills might be "digressing" too Prime..


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1420 on: August 20, 2022, 08:23:56 AM »

That girl I took home really threw me off. I missed a meal and didn't sleep that night, and now I'm 199-lb, rather than 203-204-205.

Sounds like you regret taking a woman home. No surprise there.

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1421 on: August 20, 2022, 08:27:46 AM »
Sounds like you regret taking a woman home. No surprise there.

#18 ranked lightweight strongman in Thunder Bay Ontario.

Skinniest kid at Fat Camp. Sent a jerkoff video to an 80 year old soggy old man.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1422 on: August 20, 2022, 08:54:05 AM »

That girl I took home really threw me off. I missed a meal and didn't sleep that night, and now I'm 199-lb, rather than 203-204-205.

Matt then you clearly know that lost weight was just piss & crap coming out.
don't worry about it so your more accurate body weight is under 200lbs
So what.

All the stick you give Bwanky for being Bloated & carrying water - don't fall into that trap yourself.

If you wish to see the scales register more LBS wear more cloths / hold a 10lbs weight when you step on them etc etc.

unless your contest ready like Tommy was at 212LBS & 6ft And See Just How
Damn good He Looked. !!!
The scale readings are useless & meaningless.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1423 on: August 20, 2022, 11:48:47 AM »
The only way anyone looks remotely "jacked" at 150 lbs is if his body fat is severely low and he's athletic, steroids or not.

Speaking of traps, I've been motivated to train mine more, after my brother-in-law complimented me on mine, during a family get-together. In addition to that, when I posted about my training style of using "alternates" (doing a set of one bodypart, resting, and doing a set with the opposite bodypart), I realized that I pretty much ignore my traps when I do shoulders.

But, with a strained forearm, doing barbell or dumbbell shrugs became problematic. Fortunately, complex problems often have simple solutions. The Smith Machine where I do military presses also has two calf machines next to it, one seated and one of those sorry Hoist plate-loaded standing calf machine. The Hoist machine sucks for doing calves....BUT for doing shrugs (until my forearm healed up completely), it worked great. So, it's a set of shoulder presses on the Smith, rest, then alternate with shrugs....until I'm done with shoulders and traps.

I have never seen an "impressive" set of traps on a natural. In 35 years I've never seen it! I could show a ton of examples but it's too time consuming. What some naturals have is a bottle neck build, where it's all traps but no shoulders. But that's not impressive traps really, it's more of a lack of shoulders . Even more demoralzing is that juicers do not have to train traps to grow traps. No amount of trap training gives you "androgen traps." That is just a fact. An experienced observer can spot the androgen traps in a second in a guy in a t-shirt, even if the guy is pretty small overall. Then there are a few with such poor trap genetics that even androgen don't do much, like Kai Greene to a degree.

Another example of tiny Stallone. He is tiny, look at his legs and everything else. But he is juiced to the tits. How can you tell? The forearms. You can even tell he is on gh, not just steroids. It's not the size, millions of naturals who never lifted a weight in their lives have bigger and more muscular forearms. It's something else.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1424 on: August 20, 2022, 12:09:50 PM »
What drugs cause the capped shoulder dominance everyone has these days? Schwarzenegger, Ferrigno, etc... never had them like that but suddenly everyone does, even the "more plates more dates" guy has them to an extent that they don't jibe with the rest of him. He looks like Rick Astley with cannonballs that don't fit with his facial structure or anything else.