Author Topic: Board Member's History/Stats  (Read 53857 times)

Arnold jr

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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #75 on: October 22, 2006, 04:31:24 PM »
All right Div, now that you're back around it's time for you to indulge the rest of us with the incredible life that is Division...inquiring minds want to know. :)

Jr. Yates

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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #76 on: October 23, 2006, 02:04:51 PM »
All right Div, now that you're back around it's time for you to indulge the rest of us with the incredible life that is Division...inquiring minds want to know. :)
agreed. cmon DIV, im sure its a good one.


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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #77 on: October 24, 2006, 10:14:34 PM »
I jointed the Army at nineteen after two years of college, mainly because I knew that if I never got out of the suburban lifestyle I was living I would be one of those people who never did anything interesting, life altering in their lives.

I was working on my Psychology degree at the time, when a recruiter explained the options open to me.  Given my high ASVAB scores, I had a choice of anything, plus GI BILL and choice of duty station.

Spent several years in Germany, was deployed to Bosnia, spent time in South Carolina, Georgia and Texas. 

Honorably discharged in '01, and was enrolled full-time in college, then 9/11 happened and was re-activated and deployed for two years straight as part of the "War on Terror".

Before the military I was more of an overall athlete and had a good run time.

The military only enhanced that, I took up powerlifting in the Army and though it was difficult to maintain (given the amount of running we had to do) it was a staple of my life.

Now that I'm out, I can focus completely on my lifting goals, which are strictly strength related.

I'm 5'7" and range anywhere from 240-260lbs in the 18-23% BF range.

I'm not concerned with size, only with strength.  My thoughts being that the strongest I can be at the smallest size possible, the more versatile I can be.

I think my training would best be described as a mix of traditional powerlifting with other influences added in.  I believe in explosive positive lifts like a powerlifter, but I also believe in intense negatives as well.  Explosion with control, I suppose.  Most powerlifters don't fully control the weight, rather they rely as much on gravity and momentum as true strength.  Cheating the negative portion of an exercise is cheating your body of the added stress and possibility of strength.  This is how I differ from traditional powerlifters.

I was not and will never be a bodybuilder, either in training style or competition.  I have no desire for it. 

I lift because it's empowering and tests the will, not because I want cuts or women.  My motivations are somewhat different than most guys who are in this.

I study pharmacology, both AAS and traditional on the side.

Most of the women I've dated were goth/industrial....though since I've matured I'm attracting the literature/philosophy type chicks.

I eat clean (just that I eat ALOT).

I don't drink.

I don't do recreational drugs.

I don't find female bodybuilders attractive.

I don't do small talk.

I don't care if people like me.

I do like Rose McGowan and there's not an inch of her body I wouldn't devour like a bloody rare 32oz. sirloin...

Any questions, feel free to ask (within reason).


I'm a ghost in these killing fields...

Jr. Yates

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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #78 on: October 25, 2006, 12:22:24 PM »
cool, thanks DIV. interesting.

Arnold jr

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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #79 on: October 25, 2006, 07:02:06 PM »
I jointed the Army at nineteen after two years of college, mainly because I knew that if I never got out of the suburban lifestyle I was living I would be one of those people who never did anything interesting, life altering in their lives.

I was working on my Psychology degree at the time, when a recruiter explained the options open to me.  Given my high ASVAB scores, I had a choice of anything, plus GI BILL and choice of duty station.

Spent several years in Germany, was deployed to Bosnia, spent time in South Carolina, Georgia and Texas. 

Honorably discharged in '01, and was enrolled full-time in college, then 9/11 happened and was re-activated and deployed for two years straight as part of the "War on Terror".

Before the military I was more of an overall athlete and had a good run time.

The military only enhanced that, I took up powerlifting in the Army and though it was difficult to maintain (given the amount of running we had to do) it was a staple of my life.

Now that I'm out, I can focus completely on my lifting goals, which are strictly strength related.

I'm 5'7" and range anywhere from 240-260lbs in the 18-23% BF range.

I'm not concerned with size, only with strength.  My thoughts being that the strongest I can be at the smallest size possible, the more versatile I can be.

I think my training would best be described as a mix of traditional powerlifting with other influences added in.  I believe in explosive positive lifts like a powerlifter, but I also believe in intense negatives as well.  Explosion with control, I suppose.  Most powerlifters don't fully control the weight, rather they rely as much on gravity and momentum as true strength.  Cheating the negative portion of an exercise is cheating your body of the added stress and possibility of strength.  This is how I differ from traditional powerlifters.

I was not and will never be a bodybuilder, either in training style or competition.  I have no desire for it. 

I lift because it's empowering and tests the will, not because I want cuts or women.  My motivations are somewhat different than most guys who are in this.

I study pharmacology, both AAS and traditional on the side.

Most of the women I've dated were goth/industrial....though since I've matured I'm attracting the literature/philosophy type chicks.

I eat clean (just that I eat ALOT).

I don't drink.

I don't do recreational drugs.

I don't find female bodybuilders attractive.

I don't do small talk.

I don't care if people like me.

I do like Rose McGowan and there's not an inch of her body I wouldn't devour like a bloody rare 32oz. sirloin...

Any questions, feel free to ask (within reason).


Thanks for sharing bro.

You've mentioned before that your training is more out of "empowering and tests the will" and that's great, I think a lot of guys can relate at some level. But I've allways found that having a set goal really helps in this. What about PL comps or something like that? Have you ever given that a thought?

Oh, BTW, not lifting because for women, you're right on point with that remark. Guys like this absolutely infuriate me, you can tell by the way they carry themselves that that's why there in the gym. And it's always simply a matter of time before they crack and leave the game all one can last if their drive is not self motivated.


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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #80 on: October 26, 2006, 07:13:23 AM »
Thanks for sharing bro.

You've mentioned before that your training is more out of "empowering and tests the will" and that's great, I think a lot of guys can relate at some level. But I've allways found that having a set goal really helps in this. What about PL comps or something like that? Have you ever given that a thought?

Oh, BTW, not lifting because for women, you're right on point with that remark. Guys like this absolutely infuriate me, you can tell by the way they carry themselves that that's why there in the gym. And it's always simply a matter of time before they crack and leave the game all one can last if their drive is not self motivated.

I'll need to get my totals up before I'd do well in PL tournaments.  I'd also have to diet down to get in to a weight class that fits me.

It's possible, but not something I'm really striving for.

I lift because it's sustainment...

I'm a ghost in these killing fields...


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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #81 on: October 28, 2006, 06:14:33 AM »
I first picked up a weight when i was 16 yrs old weighing a whopping 135.... I still remember those days struggling to bench 135 and even getting stuck trying to bench 155....  I was always the skinny, smart, quiet kid growing up... i was the runt on the family..... my older brother was benching 315 @ 16yrs old...
I lifted hard for a few years and got up to 185-190 around 19 but i was a little chubby... 
Ripped fuel and Hydrocut 9 each a day ( way too much.. this was when it was real) and some Andro poppers were the supplements i was using and dropped down to a decent condition 175 but i still sucked.....   I started working for a moving compnay that summer and my boss gave me my first injection of enanthate in my left delt and it was all over from there.... Over the next 2 years i used about every type of steroid i could get... I easily spent 600-700 a month on gear when i was on...Usually 3 or 4 months... I spent all the money i had on gear...  i gradually moved up to about 225 15% bodyfat which still really sucked for all the abuse i put my body through... Anyways i went to the Airforce lost 30 lbs in two months and looked like shit... I had my friend send me some d-bols via mail lifted hard gained most of my weight back.... Finally came home for good.  Then i started real bodybuilding... I used to be all drugs, shitty nutrition, and lifting like a pussy... Well that all changed I joined a real gym started lifting with my friend who i was getting my gear from... My friend always places top 3 in local shows... Our other lifting partners were top 5 finisher @ nationals in SHW and his gf @ the time who was top 15 female @ the USA's.....  I never lifted with anyone that big in my life, I was in awe everyday, man I was jealous of all the muscle my friends gf had.. shit I wanted to be like her... Anyways lifting with them for a while changed my whole perspective... They taught me how to train, and i started getting all my protein in, and i started jucing in moderation.  even tried a kit of growth and experimented with insulin.   Its been 2 years since then my life has changed a married bought a new house, and a few more years of college (I'm gonna be a pharmacist)  I train on my own...probably only spend about 600-700 on a cycle ( 2 a year) i have a wife and kids so i cant afford to spend that much money until im done school...  But with everything I have learned I'm up to 240 around 12% bodyfat when im on nothing at all.   Im only 25 I would like to compete someday.. Iv'e come a long way from 135...  i working on bringing my legs up at the moment... I'm on these boards just trying to learn...I respect everyone who tries there best in achieving their goals.. I'm not here to bash anyone ...I believe everyone has valuable info that they can pass on.. I've learned Training comes first, then nutrition and finally drugs if a person chooses to.   My advice to anyone is AAS is the icing on the cake don't use them till your ready


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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #82 on: October 29, 2006, 05:42:09 PM »
Well when I met my ex-wife is was in night school trying to learn algebra.  She was 19 I was 27, yeah I know.  Well we dated for a couple years and got married.  During this time my training became more and more sporadic, to the point after a couple years of marriage I was not even training anymore.  At this point my old bad habits started to surface again and I would say because I started to get depressed.  We had the nice house, the picket fence, the dog in the yard, but something was missing or something about me was.

Well I started to get high again after 10 years of not even touching the stuff.  I started drinking and getting fat too, this and other factors lead to me becoming depressed.  A while after I started smoking weed again she found my stash.  This really strained things and it was lost after that, never got back to where we were.  I specifically remember driving by the gym one night thinking about how I used to be and what the people in there were doing and how I had drifted so far from it.  What had I become?

Well things got progressively worse in my marriage and then one day when I was at work I came home and she was gone.  Even took the dog who I helped raise from a pup.....I never saw him again....never got to say goodbye.  Must say it hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized what happened, was one of the worst things I ever felt.  Our relationship lasted about 9 years total.

Well after the divorce and selling the house I moved and rented a townhouse for a few years, this is where I started to turn things around again.  I joined a gym and just started real slow, doing cardio and some machines.  It was so hard being in there seeing the guys in shape and being such a joke myself but I just kept going, nothing hardcore just some cardio and very light weights.....not that I could lift heavy ones even if I tried.

I didn't date anybody or even have the desire to for 2 years.  But I was going to the gym and started to get a little more serious with my training and diet....because the desire awakened again.  I started to talk to some girls again and even went out a couple times....cause I was getting my confidence back.  There was this trainer girl who I really adored and she helped me see that maybe I could love again, she just helped me see it was possible that's all she had a boyfriend but somehow she helped me through it.  As did myself and this other big trainer who I talked with and he helped me get my diet back in order, mainly by just encouraging me.

Well I was juice free was for years but I got myself in some pretty good shape again I was a solid 190lbs natural.  One hotty who had not seen me in a few months said "damn you got huge" and she was a serious trainer.  This really helped me feel good so i just kept at it.  I finally finished school at this time too and started my new job, which also really made me feel better.  Weight training helped me once again feel good about myself, I had come a long way from where I was and I know one thing for sure I'm never going back again.

So I was back in the lifestyle, training, going out, banging women.....having fun had been a long time.

More to come.


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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #83 on: October 29, 2006, 07:33:28 PM »
That is a great story, Luv2hurt. Not all the female drama but the fact that no matter what goes on WE ALL find our way back to the gym. We know exactly how to get things straightened out. I always said that the gym is MY church, its how I relax, and its great therapy too. ;)

Lets keep this goin!

Arnold jr

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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #84 on: October 29, 2006, 08:58:49 PM »
Really enjoying your stories L2H...keep them coming :) You hit a soft spot when you mentioned the female trainer.


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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #85 on: October 30, 2006, 05:48:28 PM »
That is a great story, Luv2hurt. Not all the female drama but the fact that no matter what goes on WE ALL find our way back to the gym. We know exactly how to get things straightened out. I always said that the gym is MY church, its how I relax, and its great therapy too. ;)

Lets keep this goin!

Yep that's the truth bro.

You hit a soft spot when you mentioned the female trainer.

Seems like there is one like that in every gym AJ  :)

Arnold jr

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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #86 on: October 30, 2006, 06:35:04 PM »
Yep that's the truth bro.

Seems like there is one like that in every gym AJ  :)

Maybe, but I've been at 3 different gyms over my time, and I guess around 3 or 4 other gyms that have always been my "stand by" gyms and I've never come across anyone like her...not even close. Not to sound negative, it can sometimes be hard to decipher tone of voice in these post , but I honestly doubt I'll ever meet anyone again who clicks for me like she did. I'm not bitching or anything, just stating how I see it.


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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #87 on: October 30, 2006, 07:02:48 PM »
Maybe, but I've been at 3 different gyms over my time, and I guess around 3 or 4 other gyms that have always been my "stand by" gyms and I've never come across anyone like her...not even close. Not to sound negative, it can sometimes be hard to decipher tone of voice in these post , but I honestly doubt I'll ever meet anyone again who clicks for me like she did. I'm not bitching or anything, just stating how I see it.

And please don't think I was trying to trivialize it bro, I certainly know how you feel.  I'm thinking you will find someone even better one day though  :)

Arnold jr

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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #88 on: October 30, 2006, 07:15:35 PM »
And please don't think I was trying to trivialize it bro, I certainly know how you feel.  I'm thinking you will find someone even better one day though  :)
Maybe...I don't go out chasing tail like I did when I was younger, it's got to be a worth while thing or I'm not interested. However, this girl did set the standard, it's not that anyone else has to match up exactly like her, but the bar has been raised a great deal. A lot of people would say I'm being stupid or irrational, I disagree. Although, maybe a bad analogy, since this is a steroid board, look at it like this. Once you cycle on, why on earth would you ever go back or even want to. Like everything in life, once the best of something has been revealed, then that is what you always want.

Jr. Yates

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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #89 on: October 30, 2006, 10:45:51 PM »
Maybe...I don't go out chasing tail like I did when I was younger, it's got to be a worth while thing or I'm not interested. However, this girl did set the standard, it's not that anyone else has to match up exactly like her, but the bar has been raised a great deal. A lot of people would say I'm being stupid or irrational, I disagree. Although, maybe a bad analogy, since this is a steroid board, look at it like this. Once you cycle on, why on earth would you ever go back or even want to. Like everything in life, once the best of something has been revealed, then that is what you always want.
totally agree AJ, im in the same boat. and its a shitty boat, kind of like a canoe with a fucked up paddle.


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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #90 on: October 31, 2006, 11:29:02 AM »
Thanks for a great thread, itīs seems like everybodys been honest. Iīll give you a slice of my story (nothing too personal).
By the way if i sound arrogant in this thing, i donīt meen to.
My two cents...

Me 8 years ago:
age: 13
weight: 110 lbs
relatively strong, but skinny as all hell

Me now:
age: 22
weight: 295 lbs
height: 5ī10
(letīs just say enough)

Ok, i started sports when i was 6 years old (wrestling) and i took up bodybuilding/powerlifting at 13. All i did while growing up was pretty much train, eat and sleep. That was/has allways been no 1 and iīm not about to change it ever. I have allways trained heavy and hard, but when i was 20 i eased up on martial arts and really blew up. I have allways had an insane appetite so gaining quality weight was never too hard. These days i eat about 6-8 times a day (use to eat 10-12 times), lift weights 4 times a week and do a couple of cardio sessions a week. But donīt get me wrong none of this was/is easy my story is filled with death, pain and loss, but still iīm a happy trooper (relatively). I know some people might say that guys like me DO NOT have a life, but what the fuck do they know, right. I mean i have traveled all over the world and done things those scrawny junkies canīt even dream off. BTW best time i ever had was when i was in THAILAND training at the UNIVERSE GYM (too bad i didnīt meet DJ).

Steroids: i use to think all that was cheating but when you get older you know better. All i ever have done is: 6 weeks dianobol/nolva (while in Thainland) at age 20 went from 230 natural to 245 solid. And 8 months later 7 weeks sustanon+10 days d-bol+pct (too short, i know) went from 255-275, now i have been almost 1,5 years off and iīm planning on a proper cycle 12 weeks etc. Iīm not planning on competing in bb, but down the road i might get into that strongman stuff. I respect bodybuilders and i do live that lifestyle but my childhood dream was to be a strongman...
Hope somebody got something out of this rant...
See ya!

Jr. Yates

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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #91 on: October 31, 2006, 11:41:30 AM »
cool man thanks! wow you've been eating properly for along time now thats good.

Arnold jr

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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #92 on: October 31, 2006, 11:46:48 AM »
Hey Luolamies, do both, both strong man and BB...there are guys that can do this successfully.


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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #93 on: October 31, 2006, 12:09:50 PM »
Good idea Jr. Arnold, but iīm not sure if i can pull it off...
btw Luolamies=Caveman in finnish in case somebody was wondering.

The reason iīve been eating good from the get go is because when i was starting i got a lot of help from a bodybuilder who had just gotten out of jail.
So i give credit where itīs due, jesus even writing is a bitch cause i did a monster delt-workout last night.


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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #94 on: November 01, 2006, 07:27:48 AM »
Really enjoying your stories L2H...keep them coming :) You hit a soft spot when you mentioned the female trainer.

Having a female trainer as a GF would be 'da bomb....

She'd know where I was coming from, and vice versa.....

Sounds like a dream.   :-*

I'm a ghost in these killing fields...

Jr. Yates

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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #95 on: November 01, 2006, 11:18:53 AM »
Having a female trainer as a GF would be 'da bomb....

She'd know where I was coming from, and vice versa.....

Sounds like a dream.   :-*

I agree!! that'd be perfect. Everything would be understood and because of that would get rid of 80% of fights and arguements.

Arnold jr

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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #96 on: November 01, 2006, 11:29:15 AM »
I agree!! that'd be perfect. Everything would be understood and because of that would get rid of 80% of fights and arguements.
That, and it creates a connection because of the common intrest that can't or won't be there with others.

Jr. Yates

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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #97 on: November 01, 2006, 11:31:10 AM »
That, and it creates a connection because of the common intrest that can't or won't be there with others.
I hope theres one out there for me :'( :'(, my last one could spend 10 hours in a mall but not even 20 min in the gym. And getting the hour and half to train each day was miracle if there was no fight.


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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #98 on: November 01, 2006, 12:16:14 PM »
That, and it creates a connection because of the common intrest that can't or won't be there with others.

Good point.

i dated a Lebonese women who knew more about nutrition than i did. she used to catch me slipping on my diet and would bust my balls. we never fought and everything was cool because she understood why i do what i do each day and working out was never a problem. she moved to Kansas so we broke up.


Jr. Yates

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Re: Board Member's History/Stats
« Reply #99 on: November 01, 2006, 01:07:11 PM »
Good point.

i dated a Lebonese women who knew more about nutrition than i did. she used to catch me slipping on my diet and would bust my balls. we never fought and everything was cool because she understood why i do what i do each day and working out was never a problem. she moved to Kansas so we broke up.

:'( aw thats too bad.