Physical Magazine
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February 2001

Physical Magazine's tag line is 'high energy, sports nutrition'. The magazine's timely information will help you make decisions regarding how you are living 'The Physical Lifestyle'. This month's cover features Cory Everson.

February 2001
Table of Contents
Volume 4, Issue 2


  • Super Size Your Chest
    A bigger, broader chest fills out suits and shirts, providing an eyeful as well as a sense of solid power. Here is a formula for intense training to get the best out of your chest routine.

  • Joint Savvy
    Before you hit the gym, pound the pavement or go out shooting hoops, find out what you can do to protect your joints.

  • Fit Firefighters
    Firefighters never know what physical or mental demands will be placed on them. Keeping their bodies in top shape is a job requirement. Fit firefighter Lynne Hall surveys her cohorts around the country and tells how it is done.

  • David Hawk's Challenge
    Here is the sixth and final month of David Hawk's challenge to regain the pumped, ripped physique he enjoyed more than 10 years ago. He and his son have cut fat and added a mass of sculpted muscle. Check out the awesome results!


  • Graffiti

  • Body Chemistry 101
    The Latest Findings in sports nutrition

  • The Expert Column
    Why all athletes need vitamin C.

  • Muscle Chef
    Great protein shake recipe

  • In the Spotlight
    Pasqualena Mitchell gets ready for guest posing at the Arnold.

  • Lab Insider
    Some of the latest unpublished sports nutrition research currently in progress.

  • Physical Girl
    Featuring Physical Girl Kim Lyons.

  • In the Locker Room
    Exercise and Fitness Q&A's for Women

  • The Cutting Edge
    Insider's Report: Here is what is new in sports nutrition and gear.

  • Personal Trainer
    Training Q&A's to put your progress in overdrive.

  • New Stuff
    Cory Everson has developed a new line of sports nutrition supplements just for woman.

  • Body Online
    Internet sites where you can surf for fitness tips.