Cytodyne LLC wants to set the record straight
regarding the FTC fines on Xenadrene!
January 5, 2007

  • It seems that some news agencies are reporting that Cytodyne LLC are the ones that are being fined by the FTC. Now that is not true, and here are the docs to prove it. It also looks like Cytodyne's lawyers are going after the ones who are claiming this and demanding retractions asap!

    For those of you who don't know, Cytodyne Technologies, based in New Jersey, were the ones who were fined. Cytodyne LLC is based in New York, and has nothing to do with the lawsuits nor the marketing of Xendrene EFX from 2003. All of Cytodyne LLC's marketing and taking care of Xenadrene EFX after 2003 and up to today to not deceive the customers. Here are two documents in response to this latest story.