I personally like the 500 words. And I like that we're shooting out any problems... This idea is approved and is getting it's own post in the rules thread as a forum activity. Nobody will be mocked for not accepting the challenge if it occurs because after we talked about this we got to thinking that not everyone has the time to put together a well written essay so this is strickly something for two willing partipants... I love the idea and when the challenge is made and accepted, the rules are there for all to see and there will be a sticky long enoungh for people to read and vote for a winner. This idea is a go, all the mods liked it and I think it promotes positive debate in the forum... I love it... Now we do have some other good ideas up there that need talked about too so people please chime in. It looks like a lot of people like the idea of pinning some major topics so we need to come up with some general policy for pinning major news items... I want to hear ideas on this? How many, how to decided all that good stuff...