Author Topic: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested  (Read 5888 times)

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2007, 12:18:26 PM »
No because my topics get 9/11 brought into the which YOU allow to happen.

"Well, we need better education"

"Well, 911 and the war budget and blah blah blah."

Step up dude, take some initiative.  A sticky would do this board good.
I don't allow to happen... If I missed it, I missed it but I have warned 240 that he is not to spam other topics with 9/11.  just report the post if he doesn this and I will split or delete it.  240 knows this is my policy on it and it's the price he pays for being able not be merged all into one thread.  The last time I checked 240 was ok with this.  So anyone who feels like their thread was spamed with an off topic post, just pm me and I'll split it if it has it's own merit or delete it if there is no political point.  come on guys, I'm busting my balls here trying to shoot for what is the most fair to everyone...  If you all haven't noticed, 240 acutally makes a hell of a lot of non-9/11 threads... Sometime he has a bout of increased activitiy on the subject and other times he goes some time posting on other subjects... Click started by and you will see he talks about a lot of other stuff too.  If we start hindering someone's poltical view, this forum will die...  Don't be so eager to destroy what we have cap...

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2007, 12:21:45 PM »
yes, you have a marketing savy about you now ... i do think you push the limits with  the more out there posts about orbs and whatnot, but in the interest of openmindedness and in recognition of the 99% gold you bring i would not bitch

as for cap86, you have to respect the fact he called for a vote on you and let peoples opinions reign ... he is wrong about 911 threads and their place here, but he is right to seek all our opinions

sadly, berserker came right out and said that opinions didnt matter ... but that will change :)
Is that so assclown... Then why when I just had a request to move this thread to another board did I tell the one requesting that the thead sought to gather opinions from those in political and I wouldn't move it until people had a chance to get those opinions heard...  That is a fact and hopefully the person I posted that to in a pm might confirm that???  Up to you... My opinion was my opinion... We're hearing others now...


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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #27 on: February 19, 2007, 12:32:54 PM »
yes, you have a marketing savy about you now ... i do think you push the limits with  the more out there posts about orbs and whatnot, but in the interest of openmindedness and in recognition of the 99% gold you bring i would not bitch

as for cap86, you have to respect the fact he called for a vote on you and let peoples opinions reign ... he is wrong about 911 threads and their place here, but he is right to seek all our opinions

sadly, berserker came right out and said that opinions didnt matter ... but that will change :)

Cap86 wasn't seeking opinions, he sought to agitate for censoring a member... there is a difference.

Berserker didn't say opinions didn't matter, ...he said there would be no vote to silence anyone.


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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #28 on: February 19, 2007, 12:33:48 PM »
there is no need to call me an ass clown on this board, unless you want me to call you a monkey or a xxxxxx--[edited by Berserker: please make sure your posts conform to the posting guideline of this forum.] ;)

im sticking to the issues namely this post, which petty much says no matter what the board wanted you would do exactly what you wanted

cap, no political voices will be silenced here.  not yours, not anyones... If you don't like what 240 is saying, don't reply to his posts.  Post what you want to talk about and people have more than showed they are willing to engage about every topic posted in political... There will be no vote to silence anyone... Not you, not Bruce, not Mr. Intenseone, Not Sandydipshit, not me, not anyone... thank you, that will be all :)

that what i mean about not listening to people and thats why we need a guy like cap 86 who will do exactly what the people want when they want it


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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #29 on: February 19, 2007, 12:35:19 PM »
Cap86 wasn't seeking opinions, he sought to agitate for censoring a member... there is a difference.

Berserker didn't say opinions didn't matter, ...he said there would be no vote to silence anyone.

if you cant keep up with the rest of the board dont contribute ,,, cap 86 clearly asked for OPINIONS on 240 and the 911 issue

some people here seem to stick together :D

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2007, 12:47:55 PM »
Sandy, you can call me a monkey, a gorilla or an assclown or a jackass or an asshole but per Ron's and Ozmo's request your racist names will have to stay out of this forum...

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2007, 12:49:01 PM »
that's right, I said no politcal voices will be silenced... I mean it Sandy, you just have to deal with it...

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2007, 12:54:11 PM »
I vote to let 240 spew as much retarded nonsense as he wants.  ;D
Ron: "I am lazy."

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2007, 12:58:32 PM »
thats just retarded

calling you a XXXXXX--[censored by berserker] is not anywhere near as calling you a monkey, thats implying that your not even human property, youre in fact a sub species of human

there is no need for you to call me an assclown on this board, you coco Black monkey f**cker :D

I take it as a compliment... My favorite animals in the yole wide yurld... JOYYYYY!!!!

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2007, 01:00:55 PM »
thats just retarded

calling you a xxxxxx--[edited by Berserker: please make sure your posts conform to the posting guideline of this forum.] is not anywhere near as calling you a monkey, thats implying that your not even human property, youre in fact a sub species of human

there is no need for you to call me an assclown on this board, you coco Black monkey f**cker :D
stop acting like an assclown and maybe people will not call you and assclown... but you can call me whatever you want as long as it doesn't violate Ron's and Ozmo's rule on Racism...  Think of me as Coco's older brother ;)

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2007, 01:01:40 PM »
you do realize that this was the side i voted on dont you :D
no it's not, you changed your vote to censor 240...

when i first saw this thread i was pissed because i supported cap86 for mod and i thought he was censoring

but i read it again... he sees teh amount of 911 threads as a problem and is asking if other people agree

hes bringing democracy

as much as i disagree with cap86 about this issue, hes doing what berserker refuses too and thats being a responsible leader


cap86 in 07 !

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2007, 01:02:24 PM »
I vote to let 240 spew as much retarded nonsense as he wants.  ;D

And I will continue to do so.

In addition, I will also share great information as I learn more about the 9/11 self attacks.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #37 on: February 19, 2007, 01:05:56 PM »
"as much as i disagree with cap86 about this issue,"

apparently monkeys cant read

i wonder if thats why they need affirmative action?
but i read it again... he sees teh amount of 911 threads as a problem and is asking if other people agree

hes bringing democracy

as much as i disagree with cap86 about this issue, hes doing what berserker refuses too and thats being a responsible leader


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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #38 on: February 19, 2007, 01:06:45 PM »
I wonder if any other feds will visit 240's house....more than he already has. Are they nice Rob?

I bet this guy's FBI file is a mile long.  You can ask for it you know....then they start another one for that.   ;D

BTW, 8 pages of the 18 on this board have mention of 9/11 in them. 

Squishy face retard

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2007, 01:07:54 PM »
If I read it wrong, it's more to do with your lack of being concise ;)

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2007, 01:08:54 PM »
I wonder if any other feds will visit 240's house....more than he already has. Are they nice Rob?

I bet this guy's FBI file is a mile long.  You can ask for it you know....then they start another one for that.   ;D
How about my ChaVez loving ass, I bet I have one hell of a file ;D

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #41 on: February 19, 2007, 01:09:45 PM »
i disagee with censoing rob but i agree with asking for everyones opinion and doing whatever the majority will

honestly monkey, how slow can you be ;D
duh, so do I ::) hense why I take you to mean othwise... Your lack of claity isn't my fault...

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2007, 01:11:22 PM »
BTW, 8 pages of the 18 on this board have mention of 9/11 in them. 
Sandy starts some too and someone else, I don't remember who.  But what percentage of the last month?  there has been more posted in the last couple days than is normal.  See what I mean...

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #43 on: February 19, 2007, 01:21:59 PM »
I wonder if any other feds will visit 240's house....more than he already has. Are they nice Rob?
I bet this guy's FBI file is a mile long.  You can ask for it you know....then they start another one for that.   ;D
BTW, 8 pages of the 18 on this board have mention of 9/11 in them. 

cause i want an investigation of 911?  Guess what, millions of people feel the same way.  They are actually going to march to the white house lawn on sept 11 of 2007. 

Because I'm using my first amendment rights to discuss an event in american history?

Because, like the majority of americans, i don't believe the official story of what happened?

I'd invite the feds in.  Then I'd ask them if they wanted to chitchat about 9/11.  i'd give them my theories.  It'd be fun.  I don't break any laws and I never would.  If they made it illegal to talk about this shit, I would stop obviously.  but it's legal.  And it's right.  It has to be a little unsettling to look at the video of a possible missile nailing WTC6 and not be scared, sure.  if the govt wants anyone gone, they disappear, sure.  But there are tens of thousnds of people who hand dvds out, who tell everyone they can, who debate this on board, in gyms, at schools and work.  Keep a file on them.  hell, a few congress members, many scientists, ex-military, ex-cia, ex-cabinet members, they all want a new investigation.  FOUR of the TEN 911 commissioners want a new investigation.   

cap86, as much as you cannot conceptualize a self-attack for the greater good, brighter people can and have.


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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #44 on: February 20, 2007, 08:44:28 AM »
Accoring to berserker's pinned thread, it belongs here:

Conspiracy Theories involving the Government.  Example: 9/11 belongs in Politics

Anything else?

cap has a point though, you've claimed in the past you were through with 9-11.

Not that I'm saying you should be a man of your words, since the topic obviously changes and perhaps becomes interesting to you every once in awhile.

But, my point is, you did claim you would stop posting on 9-11.

FWIW, I don't think you should let old promises hold you back, but rather: make sure to keep your sanity. :P

As empty as paradise

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Re: Official vote: 240, your approval is requested
« Reply #45 on: February 20, 2007, 08:50:52 AM »

I'm thru trying to educate people.  Once you're exposed for the 3rd time, from a 3rd source, you'll look at it for the first time.  Some folks will believe it's an inside job, some won't. 

I'll still share when news comes.  And when someone starts a thread just to trash the 911 truth, i'll respond with everything I have.  But i don't want to change the world anymore, I just want to learn and debate.