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Ironsports Books

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keep your eyes open if you ever go to  or are forced to go to flea markets, yard sales,or estate sales for these items.

Anvils horseshoes and cannons books volumes one and two by leo gaudreau 1975. Amazon sells them for 900 dollars for vol. number 1 and 1000 dollars for volume number 2. it's a real steal at 750 for a used copy of both. e-bay sells them for 1094 for both.

three more reps goes for 162 dollars for book one on amazon and 99 on e-bay though the copy looks kinda of beat up. book 2 goes for 72 on e-bay.  book 2 is unavailable on amazon book 3 is no where to be found.pictured is the condensed version not as valuable.

 :D pic'd is the more valuable originals.

next book is the super-athletes by dave 172 on amazon and 75 on e-bay.

next up the bodymen by rick wayne 229 dollars on amazon.


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