Author Topic: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))  (Read 17320 times)


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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #50 on: July 01, 2023, 07:47:41 AM »
Matt, HK, please present your pricks. If they're both 6.45" ragers, you've got some explaining to do....

(Seriously though, if it's not Matt, it's one of the finest impersonations we've had here. Right after I read the first post, I went looking to see what Matt got banned for.)

While the IP addresses for "The Horny Prince" are limited, when I traced the 2 IPs logged for that account they do belong to commonly used IPs provided by VPNs. All that tells me is that YES, it is a gimmick account, and NO, it does not share any identical IP addresses with Matt's account.

What I can tell you with complete certainty is that in the past Matt has sent me private messages that have shared the "exact" same facts (word for word actually) as the post made by "The Horny Prince" account. Also, if you compare Matt's style of writing throughout the years to the post made by "The Horny Prince" it's a dead match down to the grammatical mistakes.

So, do I think Matt is most likely behind this post? Yes. Will I completely surrender to that stance and do something cruel like ban him? Of course not, that would color me as the vile creature his gimmick account suggests that "we" are.

Once again reinforcing my long held belief that this forum becomes the proverbial sanctuary for many, offering a psychotherapeutic outlet that facilitates cathartic experiences.



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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #51 on: July 01, 2023, 07:53:43 AM »
Read Matt's last Facebook post from a few hours ago, lol. I think he's finally snapped. Poor soul.

Maybe he just found out the crack baby is his..?  :-\


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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #52 on: July 01, 2023, 07:54:22 AM »
I was thinking it was Matt at first too, lol.

Maybe his twin in Miami who went berserk?

Titus Pullo

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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #53 on: July 01, 2023, 08:48:33 AM »
Admins can see his IP address to compare, unless using a proxy or VPN on one acct to make it differ...

It's him.  The writing style, grammar, lexicon and punctuation all match, even down to using brackets in lieu of parentheses and his tendency to use abbreviated dashes -- almost hyphens, really -- like so:  "The Jew bankers - and to a lesser degree, their goyim leftist partners - do X, y and z."

The long-winded content speaks for itself.  He repeats himself often, he's not a big Jew fan 😜, he hates McWay, is fatalistic, etc., etc., etc.  The commonalities are endless.

That's all fine by me.  I am sick of these anti-white assholes' agenda.  I just don't understand why Mattster would use such a transparent sock puppet about it, then deny it's him :?:


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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #54 on: July 01, 2023, 09:55:56 AM »
Keep pushing because I’ve lived enough of life...

I'm not reading all this shit, just wanted to say: epic fucking autistic meltdown.


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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #55 on: July 01, 2023, 11:31:38 AM »
While the IP addresses for "The Horny Prince" are limited, when I traced the 2 IPs logged for that account they do belong to commonly used IPs provided by VPNs. All that tells me is that YES, it is a gimmick account, and NO, it does not share any identical IP addresses with Matt's account.

What I can tell you with complete certainty is that in the past Matt has sent me private messages that have shared the "exact" same facts (word for word actually) as the post made by "The Horny Prince" account. Also, if you compare Matt's style of writing throughout the years to the post made by "The Horny Prince" it's a dead match down to the grammatical mistakes.

So, do I think Matt is most likely behind this post? Yes. Will I completely surrender to that stance and do something cruel like ban him? Of course not, that would color me as the vile creature his gimmick account suggests that "we" are.

Once again reinforcing my long held belief that this forum becomes the proverbial sanctuary for many, offering a psychotherapeutic outlet that facilitates cathartic experiences.


Always a gentleman, OMR.

Phantom Spunker

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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #56 on: July 01, 2023, 01:40:49 PM »
 ::) ::) ::)

I think The Horny Prince is worse.

Prince Andrew.

Yes, as I said, only 1 in 3 of the people who would have otherwise allegedly died of Covid, are now dying of Covid, thanks to the vaccines.

I call bullshit though.

Remember when England bullshitted their numbers, conflating those dying WITH Covid, compared to EXCLUSIVELY OF Covid?


Perhaps England needed a distraction to get the international community's mind off their horny prince.

Prince Andrew
The Horny Prince

I think it came close with the allegations against the horny prince.

Did you watch the interview where that horny prince was being asked about the allegations? Fantastic interview:

And there was an amazing body language analysis on the interview, with a British body language expert on the panel:


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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #57 on: July 01, 2023, 01:54:11 PM »
Worst attempt at an anonymous gimmick ever.


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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #58 on: July 01, 2023, 01:55:05 PM »
Matt this is not the type of new thread we wanted you to start  >:(


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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #59 on: July 01, 2023, 02:00:50 PM »
We know its you Matt need for a troll account.  You always write long winded posts like this


Thank you very much for that compliment, but it's not my account.

Great OP though - and as I said, I appreciate that compliment.

Just as I hope you appreciate my saying that Paul Dillett, being so wide in the clavicles with long and muscular arms [and being a role model for the Black community] is "very Goodrum-like".

Incredible physique - very Goodrum-like, IMO:


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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #60 on: July 01, 2023, 02:04:17 PM »
Matt this is not the type of new thread we wanted you to start  >:(


While I agree with 85% of the OP post, it is not my intention to commit genocide against Getbig's administrative team.  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #61 on: July 01, 2023, 02:10:58 PM »
While the IP addresses for "The Horny Prince" are limited, when I traced the 2 IPs logged for that account they do belong to commonly used IPs provided by VPNs. All that tells me is that YES, it is a gimmick account, and NO, it does not share any identical IP addresses with Matt's account.

What I can tell you with complete certainty is that in the past Matt has sent me private messages that have shared the "exact" same facts (word for word actually) as the post made by "The Horny Prince" account. Also, if you compare Matt's style of writing throughout the years to the post made by "The Horny Prince" it's a dead match down to the grammatical mistakes.

So, do I think Matt is most likely behind this post? Yes. Will I completely surrender to that stance and do something cruel like ban him? Of course not, that would color me as the vile creature his gimmick account suggests that "we" are.

Once again reinforcing my long held belief that this forum becomes the proverbial sanctuary for many, offering a psychotherapeutic outlet that facilitates cathartic experiences.


I actually thought for a second the OP must have access to my PM's.

I suppose that is possible, but extremely unlikely.

If I had to guess, everything was taken from my public posts, but then altered slightly, with a few things added.

I don't, in general, hide behind gimmicks.

Though what confuses me the most is his user name. While I have definitely publicly called Prince Andrew "The Horny Prince", I don't recall saying it enough times that people would associate it with me.

While the OP is amazing, and I agree with 85% of the content, I don't generally advocate for genocide/murder.  ;D

I mean, I probably have...but not too often.

From what I can tell, I only used the term "The Horny Prince" a handful of times on here over the period of about 10 or so months. So associating that term with me is impressive:


  • Getbig V
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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #63 on: July 01, 2023, 05:35:59 PM »
Worst attempt at an anonymous gimmick ever.
no, Gary Strydom was the worst

The Horny Prince

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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #64 on: July 02, 2023, 01:20:44 AM »
I'm not reading all this shit, just wanted to say: epic fucking autistic meltdown.

Why are you being mean to me??



Are you saying that Phantom Spunker is like Franco Columbo? Just one more thing…

While I agree with 85% of the OP post, it is not my intention to commit genocide against Getbig's administrative team.  ;D

Great post, Matt. I can address these points, but first let me say:

I am a big fan of The Horny Prince, Prince Andrew, and I'd like to take this time to thank the board for welcoming me.

Let me now address the point about me using a gimmick. Yes, you and I are [almost] in agreement, but is that really so rare? While we have similar views, I feel like you lack the killer instinct because you post under your real name and can take for granted being stronger than basically everyone in real life. Now...just to be clear: someone using two accounts is not the same pretending to be someone they’re not. Does that make sense? Thank you for not advocating for the murder of Getbig’s moderators but I feel like the time has come.

Although 1MR is a classic Getbigger, and I would like to spare him, he is also a bender. I am DISGUSTED with the thought of getting stool on my penis - If you willingly do this, you are going in the oven.

As to the wider point I am making, people need to understand that when you have unlimited financial resources, the only thing left to gain is power. And that's what the Jews are doing now. There should be some way to have their assets confiscated, but the Rothschild family and other elite Jews still need the US to be the most powerful nation on Earth, so that the next time another country rightly goes nationalistic + antisemitic, they can use the USA as a bodyguard to save them from the oven.

Deep down on some psychological level [yes, I actually am trained as a psychologist], the Jews know all it takes is for ONE man with great charisma and speaking skills to come out of nowhere and rile up the entire population of a country against them. But that won't happen as long as people aren't starving. And as Hitler said in the 1936 Pittsburgh Press – they learned that lesson when they treated Germany like a “Negro colony”.

That did not end well, did it? Keep pushing us, Ron.

So as long as the Jews need the American military to help them wipe out the indigenous population of Palestine and save them from retaliation, it needs to be the geographical location for global capitalism. And so we can't just confiscate people's fortunes, or else the Rothschilds themselves will have their assets seized, which is exactly what happened to them in Germany in 1938.

So while I would like Jews like Ron, and Bill Gates to have their fortunes confiscated, I don’t think it will happen, but I'm glad the Jewish public image has gone to shit since and people realize what they’re up to. Even Jewish bender OneMoreRep said Bill Gates is a snake in the grass.

This is what people need to realize: even though Jews don't control the world, they do/did have the ability to organize and exert their media influence and financial power to bring down Hitler. Make no mistake, Jews can and still DO snuff out any military power that challenges their global financial hegemony.

So the comparison here is that even on Getbig, it’s still just one big Jew who has the power to control us, censor us, and hide our posts from the board. In Canada and USA, the current elite may not have the power to fully control us yet, but they absolutely do everything they possibly can to do so.

Their goal is full control of all of us, and they do EVERYTHING they can to get that result. Everything they possibly can. I'm happy that we are learning that the elite are not powerful enough to take over the world completely. That being said, we need to acknowledge that we are just one fake pandemic, or one more crisis – genuine or manufactured, of the Jews taking full control of us. If they can take down the West, they can take down the world.

It is your families they are coming for. They are coming for our kids and that’s where the line has been crossed. Are you going to stand by and watch or are you going to say that enough is enough? That is why I am calling for Ron and every other Jewish Getbigger to be included in this pogrom and go in the oven.

And yes – that includes Prime. While I can’t be sure he’s Jewish, he has the attributes of one. His own daughter was HOSPITALIZED over a vaccine that HE supported. After warning us all about the “risk” of Covid, everyone who got it was fine and his daughter almost died from taking his advice. Stupid fuck. I am absolutely sickened by this!!!

Oh but she saved “grandmother”. Fucking phaggot. Even now you agree with her outlook and have no intention of dissuading her from taking more boosters in future. There’s a special place in the oven for you, Prime. Shame on you. You are one stupid irrational fuck.



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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #65 on: July 02, 2023, 02:43:02 AM »

Nobody has even mentioned blue stars here in over a decade literally.   Shut the fuck up

fat & Black...   :D  Poor Vince

Phantom Spunker

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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #66 on: July 02, 2023, 03:49:40 AM »
LOL, Matt, is this supposed to be like some sort of Primal Fear–esque 'not guilty by reason of insanity' thing? It wasn't me, it was 'Roy'?


  • Getbig V
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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #67 on: July 02, 2023, 05:17:25 AM »
Why are you being mean to me??


Are you saying that Phantom Spunker is like Franco Columbo?

Well I wasn't, but I am now!  ;D

Just one more thing…

Great post, Matt. I can address these points, but first let me say:


LOL, Matt, is this supposed to be like some sort of Primal Fear–esque 'not guilty by reason of insanity' thing? It wasn't me, it was 'Roy'?

Sorry Matt - I had to do this  ;D

Phantom Spunker

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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #68 on: July 02, 2023, 08:19:40 AM »
Mattrick Bateman, lol. Let's see Paul Allen's gimmick. I can't believe Matt escaped a timeout after launching an antisemitic tirade and threatening to shove me (and everyone else) into an oven, haha. I've been given the boot for way less. My people don't deserve this.


  • Getbig V
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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #69 on: July 02, 2023, 08:46:15 AM »
Mattrick Bateman, lol. Let's see Paul Allen's gimmick. I can't believe Matt escaped a timeout after launching an antisemitic tirade and threatening to shove me (and everyone else) into an oven, haha. I've been given the boot for way less. My people don't deserve this.

SPUNKER (Nearly choking with laughter)

     "Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's gimmick."

Taffin pulls up a post from another thread and drops it into his reply to Spunk - its title reads:


Spunker swallows, speechless.  The sound in the room dies down and all we hear is a faint heartbeat as Spunker stares in confusion at the incoherent post.


Look at that unsubtle anti-semitism and racism. The repetitive autism of it all. Oh my God... it even has a matching IP address....

His hands shaking (with laughter), Spunker tries to make sense of the post again, and stares at it until it slowly fills the screen.

He loses the will to live, and closes the post from Taffin



     "Is something wrong?  Spunker...? You're sweating."


  • Getbig V
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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #70 on: July 02, 2023, 02:41:43 PM »

SPUNKER (Nearly choking with laughter)

     "Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's gimmick."

Taffin pulls up a post from another thread and drops it into his reply to Spunk - its title reads:


Spunker swallows, speechless.  The sound in the room dies down and all we hear is a faint heartbeat as Spunker stares in confusion at the incoherent post.


Look at that unsubtle anti-semitism and racism. The repetitive autism of it all. Oh my God... it even has a matching IP address....

His hands shaking (with laughter), Spunker tries to make sense of the post again, and stares at it until it slowly fills the screen.

He loses the will to live, and closes the post from Taffin



     "Is something wrong?  Spunker...? You're sweating."

Raymondo level. Very good  :D

The Horny Prince

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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #71 on: July 02, 2023, 11:28:02 PM »


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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #72 on: July 03, 2023, 01:39:02 AM »

Rascal full

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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #73 on: July 03, 2023, 04:09:14 PM »

SPUNKER (Nearly choking with laughter)

     "Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's gimmick."

Taffin pulls up a post from another thread and drops it into his reply to Spunk - its title reads:


Spunker swallows, speechless.  The sound in the room dies down and all we hear is a faint heartbeat as Spunker stares in confusion at the incoherent post.


Look at that unsubtle anti-semitism and racism. The repetitive autism of it all. Oh my God... it even has a matching IP address....

His hands shaking (with laughter), Spunker tries to make sense of the post again, and stares at it until it slowly fills the screen.

He loses the will to live, and closes the post from Taffin



     "Is something wrong?  Spunker...? You're sweating."

Haha very nicely done Taffin, Bret Easton Ellis would be proud.

Matt, if it's not you posting this stuff you have an uncanny mimic stirring up your views. I take your point on some of it but where do we draw the line? Not all Jews are bad. Some are wonderful people. Do we punish all for the actions of a select few?

The Horny Prince

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Re: My message to Ron, OMR and all the other (((globalists)))
« Reply #74 on: July 04, 2023, 10:58:37 AM »
Tell me something, Rascal Full:

Are some White people wonderful? Is the entirety of White civilization bad? Do we all deserve to die?

Sure, most Jews might be nice people [Though I wouldn’t go that far]. But are they really relevant when a minority of the wealthiest Jews on the planet are dedicated to the DESTRUCTION of our civilization? Do we allow the actions of the few to condemn US all to hell? I don’t see the majority of “wonderful” Jews doing anything to stop the “few” from waging war on us.

And that’s why I’m advocating for the oven.

The collapse of our civilisation has been pushed for years now. Canada is already too far gone...

My government will take away more and more of people's rights and claw more and more's bad. Right now, I just want to be as strong as I possibly can be to prepare for Kristallnacht.

I have also come to accept - I will just be in jail and I am fine with that. I refuse to tolerate my own government breaking the law. I just won't do it. I won’t have my rights taken away. I am protecting my rights.

Everyone went along with this plandemic the whole time. I didn't tolerate it for a second. I wore a mask TWO TIMES, and only until I confirmed my legal rights.

In general, I'd say fighting back against bullies to show that you aren't a weak target is a good idea, wouldn’t you agree?

And that's what this is about. Where do you draw the line? I draw the line at sexualizing kids and destroying White society in order to engender another world war.

War is a business. A Jewish business.

Those who financed World War One were laughing all the way to the central banks that they control.

It wasn't so funny in World War Two. Of course, the REAL reason for World War Two is that Hitler pulled Germany out of the Jewish financial system. The Jewish elite then had to make an example of Germany. But going to war with Germany came at a massive cost. Let's not forget that. What do you think World War Three will be like?

That’s why I’m calling for the DEATH of Ron and others like him.

Western civilization is swirling around a toilet bowl. Protecting civilization IS the RESPONSIBILITY of men.

I'm not pimping out my kids, I'm not supporting SATANIC levels of debauchery, I'm not being locked down again and I’m sure as FUCK not advocating for women to LEGALLY suck off a pig...need I go on?

And Ron hides my posts from the board to censor truth. HAHAHAHAHAHA, what an absolute pathetic piece of shit. Another 320-lb fatass like Sarcasm!

If you say anything negative about Jews, you are going to be attacked and insulted, etc. So is there actually any difference between me and Hitler? If I say things perceived as anti-Jewish, to them I may as well BE Hitler.

That's why I say - why even bother trying to prove you aren't racist? You get called racist no matter what. Prepare the oven.