Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Injury and Rehabilitation

Lower back pain and ab training?

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--- Quote from: galain on September 09, 2023, 10:52:21 AM ---Didn't realise others had posted to this thread. It's been a couple of years now. Many thanks guys (if you're still here) for the suggestions.

I gave up all hanging leg raises and things improved 9except my midsection!) and recently tried them again and here we are with a messed up back again. I think I've learned my lesson.

--- End quote ---

You have to follow the protocol if it hurts don't do it. So many other exercises that are just as good. For many years the bench press gave my shoulders grief. The decline dumbbell press gives me zero pain. Sometimes the deadlift gives my lower back aggravation. I switch out to power cleans and every thing is fine again. Straight bar curls sometimes hurt and I switch to ez bar curls and no pain. So many changes you can do and get the same or even sometimes better results.

 I know we get attached to exercises that worked so well in the past but injuries and age changes that dynamic.  Sometimes you can even leave a movement for a bunch of years then slowly start with a light weight and build up with no pain.  Often the cause of pain is over use. Right now I'm trying to put the bench press back into my routine. Started very light but going up 5lbs a week. So far so good. If it gives my shoulders grief I will leave it and never look back. Many ways to build your chest without it.

The abs should be trained with Reverse Crunches & Crunches. The abdominals only work in a short range of motion to curl the pelvis to the rib cage or chest to the pelvis.
concentrate & breath on the contraction.
Lower back pain only comes from a non dominant ab exercise & if the lower back is trained directly there should be no pain. I suggest if there is pain get a scan.


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