Larry Scott was a big drug guy. Took loads of D-bol. Just sayin'.
Without it he had a good build but was Clark Kent. D-bol turned him into Mr. Olympia. Also messed him up and forced his retirement.
Because you have not asked for my advices...I will give it.
High volume/high intensity/balls out routines work great for druggers. Not well for nattys. Too much stress on the CNS, cortisol, inflammation. That's probably why you feel like crap.
You could cycle the intensity somehow so you can recover.
Sounds like you have really blasted your CNS and it's fried. You have pumped the well dry. This can take awhile to recover from. I suggest to keep training but drop the intensity way down. Stop each set well before failure, at least 2-3 reps out. Lower the volume to 1-2 exercises per bodypart. There is no need to do 4-5 exercises per bodypart but you could if you kept the intensity low. Not just lighter weights but also staying away from failure.
If you feel refreshed after training you are doing it right. If you feel wiped out you are doing it wrong.
When you feel better watch out for going back to frying yourself.
My two cents but it's really common sense. You know this already.
For example, using your workout today as an example:
Leg press or squat - 2x12
Kick back machine or Seated leg curls - 2 x 12
Standing calf raise or Seated calf raise or Tibilalis work - 2x20
Hanging leg raises - 1 x ?
That's all. No sets to failure.
I've had good results eating like this. High fat, low carb.
I also have maybe 3 drinks a week. 1 drink in a day.
Simple whiskey, vodka, gin drinks, schnapps drink.
Not beer as too many carbs.
Excess carbs get stored as fat.
Eating low carb makes your body burn fat for energy. Improves your insulin sensitivity.
Anything not on the following list I don't eat. Occasional (once a month) cheat.
If I get hungry I eat nuts, fats, meat, eggs, etc. but no carbs.
You do get some carbs from the green vegetables, nuts, berries.
I think it would work for you too. Drop the carbs. It's not as difficult as you think.
Meat, eggs, fish
Non-starch vegetables (green)
Lettuce, radishes, celery, etc.
Berries (but sparingly)
Cheese, cream
Nuts, seeds
Butter, healthy oils
Had a physical in November. My bloodwork was quite improved. Cholesterol numbers improved a lot over previous.
Good luck.
I'm hoping to hear about the Steve Reeves book!