Shawn Ray is not a a psychopath...narcissisti c perhaps, yes. But he does draw the line whereas Craig does not have any lines or boundaries he won't cross...that is very much part of the psychopathic strcuture.
See how many psychopathic traits Craig has by going down Dr. Hare's Psychopathic Trait Checklist:
The Hare PCL-R contains two parts, a semi-structured interview and a review of the subject's file records and history. During the evaluation, the clinician scores 20 items that measure central elements of the psychopathic character. The items cover the nature of the subject's interpersonal relationships; his or her affective or emotional involvement; responses to other people and to situations; evidence of social deviance; and lifestyle. The material thus covers two key aspects that help define the psychopath: selfish and unfeeling victimization of other people, and an unstable and antisocial lifestyle.
The twenty traits assessed by the PCL-R score are:
glib and superficial charm................... .....................YES
grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self.......YES
need for stimulation............. ........................ ................YES
pathological lying................... ........................ ..............YES
cunning and manipulativeness........ ........................ .....YES
lack of remorse or guilt................... ........................ ......YES
shallow affect(superficial emotional responsiveness)...YES
callousness and lack of empathy................. .................YES
parasitic lifestyle............... ........................ ....................YES
poor behavioral controls................ ........................ .......YES
sexual promiscuity............. ........................ ...................YES
early behavior problems................ ........................ .......N/A
lack of realistic long-term goals................... .................YES
impulsivity............. ........................ ........................ .......YES
irresponsibility........ ........................ ........................ ......YES
failure to accept responsibility for own actions............YES
many short-term marital relationships........... ..............YES
juvenile delinquency............. ........................ ...............N/A
criminal versatility............. ........................ ...................YES
Scary ain't it??