no, go gh15! at least the man is whipping up some drama...
i'm not trying to create drama. i'm very mad at the murderer and his ugly wife cuz they hurt my sport which is already hurt badly in the people eyes. there is no bodybuilding industry because f**k ups like craig titus ruin everything arnold worked so hard for.
bodybuilding, and we all know it, is full of hormones. we take lots of them cuz we have to....and i understand many have to lie about their hormone use...BUT NARCOTICS HAS NO PLACE IN BODYBUILDING. our so called "industry" will never become anything mainstream cuz of the criminals among us, the narcotic users, the ones who started bodybuilding for the whores around usa to like them and sleep with them, the partiers etc etc etc.
we will never be an olympic sport cuz there are no arnold, zane, labrada, ray anymore we only have few serious guys like ron, jay, dexter, martinez, gunter but there are not enough of them. we are stuck! and crag titus this piece of shit hurt us big time so insted of backing him up like bunch of pussies if you ever wanna make lots of money from your so called "industry" you need to do what joe and ben are doing right now. A COMPLETE DISCONECT FROM THE MURDERER LIKE HE AND HIS UGLY WIFE WERE NEVER BORN.
i understand the need to be kool and kiss ass to your heros and "BUDDIES"(we all know craig titus had zero real friends). but your BUDDY just murdered a young woman in cold blood and your BUDDY is out forever. ouf of the SPORT, out of the INDUSTRY, and OUT OF THIS LIFE.