Getbig Misc Discussion Boards > The Getbiggers Board - The Lounge
Little Tattletale Babies on getbig
The Squadfather:
hahahaha, Ron PM'd me and told me that 7 of you little crybaby bitches hit the Report to Moderator on something i said this weekend, hahahaha, are you that pathetic and weak that you have to go crying to Ron about a post on a message board, i have never once in almost 2 years and 14,000 posts hit teh report to moderator button, grow up, it's only the internet.
Hahahahaha! I got a few of those types of PM's from Ron Himself in my career here.
Lots of sensitive and weak minded people on these boards. I also learned 9 out of 10 times those who click on 'Report to Moderator' are INDUSTRY PEOPLE who's egos are melting down.
The Squadfather:
--- Quote from: alexxx on January 22, 2007, 11:44:11 AM ---hahahahaha
--- End quote ---
you were probably one of the people i'm talking about, hahahahaha, are you a woman?
--- Quote from: The Squadfather on January 22, 2007, 11:47:03 AM ---you were probably one of the people i'm talking about, hahahahaha, are you a woman?
--- End quote ---
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