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upons Rons request..i'm gonna take your pic down off my avatar.. Bez..howeva
Getbig IV
Posts: 3860
Re: Ok
« Sent to: ToxicAvenger! on: Today at 09:58:15 AM »
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OK - agreed - will keep it only on the X. But you also stop with the pictures that are him or claim or him.
Both of you stop.
someone cried like a wittle bitch about the picture! ;D
i sincerely wish that you keep my picture up...
I didn't message Ron. I got an ultimatum from last night saying that if I addressed you on any other board but the X that I would be going straight into timeout. An ugly sand nig like you isn't really worth the time anyway.
--- Quote from: BerzerkFury on January 31, 2007, 10:36:18 AM ---I didn't message Ron. I got an ultimatum from last night saying that if I addressed you on any other board but the X that I would be going straight into timeout. An ugly sand nig like you isn't really worth the time anyway.
--- End quote ---
apparently san nig > than bezerkfury ;D
hows that for no getbig hierarchy?! lol.. ;D
G o a t b o y:
What pic is he speaking of?
I need a new avatar. ;D
--- Quote from: G o a t b o y on January 31, 2007, 11:26:14 AM ---Junaids!
What pic is he speaking of?
I need a new avatar. ;D
--- End quote ---
LMAO..this is gonna be funny! ;D he posted this pic..then when everyone made fun of it quickly pulled it saying it wasn't really him...
wonder why he gets his pannies in a bunch over someone thats not him ;D
and he is welcome to keep my pic up in his sig line!
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