Getbig Misc Discussion Boards > Conspiracy Theories Board
Visual Mind Control
This is a great light show that makes on believe they are seeing something that really is not happening. While this display is incredible, it shows how people even in massive numbers can be FOOLED to think something is going on that really isn't. Can we say 911? Take a look at the video and then comment back
That's some bad ass. Cgi and projection work.
Hugo Chavez:
that was kickass :o
--- Quote from: Hugo Chavez on November 01, 2010, 09:18:51 AM ---that was kickass :o
--- End quote ---
I am trying to make this Conspiracy Board KICKASS... ;D
--- Quote from: SAMSON123 on October 30, 2010, 09:53:46 PM ---This is a great light show that makes on believe they are seeing something that really is not happening. While this display is incredible, it shows how people even in massive numbers can be FOOLED to think something is going on that really isn't. Can we say 911? Take a look at the video and then comment back
--- End quote ---
very cool
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