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Were There Cell Phones In 1928?
Now this is a bit troubling, because for all intents and purposes it does appear that this person is engaged in some type of conversation on a device, BUT IS IT A PHONE? If it is a phone, then where are the cell phone towers that should have existed since 1928? And if the person was a TIME TRAVELER, there would still need to be cell towers or something to carry on a conversation. Now I am wondering if this is some sort of HOAX....why? because this was revealed on 20th October 2010 or 20/10/2010...2010/2010...Hmmmmm? Also the footage looks extremely clear considering it was 1928...almost looks like a new movie filmed in Black and White. Is someone looking for another distraction to keep peoples mind off of the economies of the particular america?
BTW If cell phones were around in 1928 then why the hell did phones go from cellular to ring ups, to rotary, to push button and back to cellular?
Could this be an answer
Mystery Solved? Here Are Some Compelling Comments
A Cinematic Mystery
Time Traveler With A
Cell Phone In 1928 Film? - Vid
This may be the answer...
Sent in by Greg Boone. Look at the German-built device in this ad:
1. However, the person seems to be Talking, not just LISTENING and is clearly engaged in a 'conversation'.
2. When he/she turns toward the camera, I don't see any large box hanging where the necktie would be (see the ad in the url above). The device was 'worn' outside and had and earphone cord.
3. How do we explain the 18" long feet?
From Name Withheld
Look at the shoes. Either that was the style, or her feet are about 18 inches long.
Possible applications of Achem's Razor...
A woman covering her ear from loud street noise, or perhaps protecting a sensitive ear from an ear ache or the wind; perhaps holding a bandage on? The evidence of her actually talking is highly debatable - she could be chewing something
Hugo Chavez:
That's crazy! It does look like she's talking, not chewing anything. Those are verbal motions, not chewing motions. She is holding something to her ear which means she's listening to something. wow, cool stuff. perhaps some kind of a portable wax cylinder recording device. But that wouldn't explain the need to hold something to the ear. I'm stumped. Maybe she's using a radio transmitter and receiver. She'd have to be lugging around a good sized battery and a good sized box but the technology for that was there then. Looking closer at the video she is carrying a rather large box shaped package on her right shoulder which is hanging by her side. You could build a radio transmitter and reciever using technology available from that period that would fit in that sized package. It's the only thing I could guess would be possible. either that or it's a cell phone and she's from the future.
I do think it's a male time traveler in disguise :o
--- Quote from: w8m8 on November 01, 2010, 10:43:12 AM ---
I do think it's a male time traveler in disguise :o
--- End quote ---
They keep saying it is a WOMAN... Does that mean that HE is a CROSS DRESSER!!!!...(gasp)
Really freaky.
On the link to the thread posted by w8m8
It could have been this
Or it could have been some crazy cross dressing man talking to himself pretending to be talking on the phone but instead hold a cigarette case to his ear.
I think its very extremely unlikely but it could have been a time traveler talking on a communication device which isn't as likely because if some one brought technology from the future to the past they would be very irresponsible using it out in the open. I would assume if they were smart enough to travel back in time they would be responsible enough not to make a mistake like that.
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