Watched a humorous saga unfold at the gym this week. Two kids who are too young to be using are in fact using gear. They humbly
talk rather loudly about their experiences as they've both grown like weeds steadily over the past 6 or 7 months. I Have no idea what they run, how much they take, how long their cycle etc... but their attitudes and personalities have grown with their physiques.
Anyway both were curiously deflated this week, in terms of confidence, not very boisterous at all this week.
From what I gathered they believe they wete sold bunk gear recently. In the locker room they were talking about the injections left very large, painful "mushy" lumps, and it was much harder to push/inject into the muscle than anything else theyve used. Checking each others 'lumps' out. LOL. One guy said his went away after 4 or 5 days.
Then an older guy, carries himself like an ex-con and apparently sells gear too, tells the kids that it would cost just as much to bottle and label "bunk" gear plus you would then lose money once word got out that you're selling garbage. Says he's never encountered fake gear in 35 years of steroid use.
1. What do you suppose the kids were sold? They said they thought they were buy testosterone- i didn't hear what ester.
2. Is bunk gear a myth like the convict said?