Author Topic: One exercise per body part?  (Read 4586 times)


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #100 on: October 14, 2024, 10:38:29 AM »
Yes, but I just think all exercises work better using heavier weights - as long as execution is close to perfect  :D

What do many bodybuilders attribute their good traps to? Deadlifts. And there's almost zero range of motion. But of course there are bodybuilders who claim, for example, that you don't need heavy dumbell curls if done "properly," 20lbs is all you'll ever need. Usually if I did something "heavy" I usually did a perfect slow, squeezing and contracting set too ;D

Deadlifts can build tremendous traps and there is no range of motion to speak of, just contracting and stretching of the traps. The most important variable is the androgens, because there are no "bodybuilding traps" without exogenous androgens. :D Some lifters claim they saw zero additional growth with "proper bodybuilding sets."  :D

Dante Doggcrapp claimed just hard stretching  in itself builds som muscle and I know he's right.  :D I often did a single set of shrugs and then finished with just holding the dumbells in a stretch for as long as I could tolerate it, could be 30 seconds or could be 3 minutes, hurts like a son of a bitch. Sitting in a stretch, then contracting as hard as possible against the weight for 20 seconds or whatever, then stretching again. :D
i sense you overthink things... ;D ;D


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #101 on: October 14, 2024, 11:02:13 AM »
Yes, but I just think all exercises work better using heavier weights - as long as execution is close to perfect  :D

What do many bodybuilders attribute their good traps to? Deadlifts. And there's almost zero range of motion. But of course there are bodybuilders who claim, for example, that you don't need heavy dumbell curls if done "properly," 20lbs is all you'll ever need. Usually if I did something "heavy" I usually did a perfect slow, squeezing and contracting set too ;D

Deadlifts can build tremendous traps and there is no range of motion to speak of, just contracting and stretching of the traps. The most important variable is the androgens, because there are no "bodybuilding traps" without exogenous androgens. :D Some lifters claim they saw zero additional growth with "proper bodybuilding sets."  :D

Dante Doggcrapp claimed just hard stretching  in itself builds som muscle and I know he's right.  :D I often did a single set of shrugs and then finished with just holding the dumbells in a stretch for as long as I could tolerate it, could be 30 seconds or could be 3 minutes, hurts like a son of a bitch. Sitting in a stretch, then contracting as hard as possible against the weight for 20 seconds or whatever, then stretching again. :D

There are a lot of BBs in my observation who do not do deadlifts but still have big traps.


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #102 on: October 14, 2024, 11:25:03 AM »


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #103 on: October 14, 2024, 03:21:49 PM »
i sense you overthink things... ;D ;D

For sure. But I bet you have thought about lifting a fair bit as well. :D

There are a lot of BBs in my observation who do not do deadlifts but still have big traps.

Absolutely. Traps are a function of high testo levels mostly. :D One exercise that hits the traps hard is lateral raises and others. Then you have behind the neck press, even dips  :D

The one exercise that "stresses" the traps the most is IMO  banded deadlifts. It feel almost injurious with the tension, next day you can feel it in the base of the skull, neck and traps. Try it with maybe 150lbs of band tension at the top and go as hard as possible for a few sets and tell me what was sore.


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #104 on: October 14, 2024, 03:44:28 PM »

Once I’ve asked JOJ how to build big  calves and he told me : go F..yourself. Very rude guy.


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #105 on: October 14, 2024, 05:42:32 PM »
Once I’ve asked JOJ how to build big  calves and he told me : go F..yourself. Very rude guy.

Hahahaha that was pretty funny.


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #106 on: October 14, 2024, 05:44:27 PM »
Once I’ve asked JOJ how to build big  calves and he told me : go F..yourself. Very rude guy.



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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #107 on: October 14, 2024, 10:36:54 PM »
What if you could only pick one exercise? Like you can do other non-weighted things like calisthenics but only one exercise you get to use weights.

I am taking the bench press because I can do pullups for back and biceps and ride my bike walk etc for legs


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #108 on: October 14, 2024, 10:37:28 PM »
There are a lot of BBs in my observation who do not do deadlifts but still have big traps.

It's the Weider Iso-tension principle 😄


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #109 on: October 15, 2024, 04:22:40 AM »
There are a lot of BBs in my observation who do not do deadlifts but still have big traps.

FWIW - my traps were never amazing, but the best they ever were was when I got a training partner so could switch from Smith Machine to rack squats.  Just the effort of controlling that free load did wonders for me.  There was something about the pullback and grip that just seemed to activate 'deep fibres' (smh)


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #110 on: October 15, 2024, 06:34:02 AM »
FWIW - my traps were never amazing, but the best they ever were was when I got a training partner so could switch from Smith Machine to rack squats.  Just the effort of controlling that free load did wonders for me.  There was something about the pullback and grip that just seemed to activate 'deep fibres' (smh)



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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #111 on: October 15, 2024, 06:50:17 AM »


Surprised you missed my comment about 'pullback' and 'grip'  ;D



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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #112 on: October 15, 2024, 06:57:15 AM »
What if you could only pick one exercise? Like you can do other non-weighted things like calisthenics but only one exercise you get to use weights.

I am taking the bench press because I can do pullups for back and biceps and ride my bike walk etc for legs
Power Cleans and Pushups.


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #113 on: October 15, 2024, 11:07:29 AM »
I would pick the deadlift mostly because I really cared about getting better at it. There were a couple of years where I almost exclusively trained the deadlift. And the total number of reps of the workout, warm-ups included was sometimes under 10 teps! Lol. I didn't lose any muscle at all, maybe a few millimeters here and there, too little to notice. I remember looking for a job and the interviewer asked how much I trained and I said, "just a little," because 10 reps a week of one exercise would be "very little" by most peoples' estimation. The interviewer, "the fuck you 'train a little', I can clearly see you lift alot." Deadlifts do activate most of the body at least a little. No one does deadlifts as a quad exercise but they are activated for sure. I don't know about pecs and arms, although more than a few times even my pec contracted so hard I thought I tore it. ;D
It's also why I think you need very very little to keep whatever muscle mass you have, say 2 workouts a week. Deads, squats, curl grip pullups, dips or presses. Maybe a set for both the bicep and tricep, abs, calves although they are actually stimulates by deads and just walking out of the rack when squatting. With 3 fairly brief workouts a week you can for sure even grow, perhaps even optimally.( as long as the hormones are there lol)]


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #114 on: October 16, 2024, 06:13:59 PM »
1 exercise only I would prob curl, cause I just love curling. I think chin ups are better but since only one weighted exercise I choose curls.dips,pull ups,chin ups, push ups, many other bodyweight moves so I could work everything and I would just curl cause I find it amusing.

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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #115 on: October 17, 2024, 12:30:52 AM »
1 exercise only I would prob curl, cause I just love curling. I think chin ups are better but since only one weighted exercise I choose curls.dips,pull ups,chin ups, push ups, many other bodyweight moves so I could work everything and I would just curl cause I find it amusing.
Most people who lift at all only curl.


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #116 on: October 17, 2024, 12:38:27 AM »
Most people who lift at all only curl.
It's all chest & Biceps in the Gym...especially the pump on a Saturday before they hit the bars.

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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #117 on: October 17, 2024, 12:39:22 AM »
It's all chest & Biceps in the Gym...especially the pump on a Saturday before they hit the bars.


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #118 on: October 17, 2024, 03:22:07 AM »
What if you could only pick one exercise? Like you can do other non-weighted things like calisthenics but only one exercise you get to use weights.

I am taking the bench press because I can do pullups for back and biceps and ride my bike walk etc for legs

Zercher squat but with a shrug like how that grizzly guy does.

It's a more natural movement to do in repetitions than deadlifts IMO (your body is made to pick heavy things up and carry them for distance, not to keep lifting things up) and it keeps constant tension.


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #119 on: October 17, 2024, 03:28:52 AM »
Power Cleans and Pushups.

That’s all I did with different variations as a kid ,regular push ups, between 2 chairs and feet on the bed ,narrow /wide  hands  spread .I saw great progress in the upper body.


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #120 on: October 17, 2024, 04:26:21 AM »
1 exercise only I would prob curl, cause I just love curling. I think chin ups are better but since only one weighted exercise I choose curls.dips,pull ups,chin ups, push ups, many other bodyweight moves so I could work everything and I would just curl cause I find it amusing.

Be careful, robc.


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #121 on: October 17, 2024, 10:50:46 AM »
1 exercise only I would prob curl, cause I just love curling. I think chin ups are better but since only one weighted exercise I choose curls.dips,pull ups,chin ups, push ups, many other bodyweight moves so I could work everything and I would just curl cause I find it amusing.

So much thought put into biceps when it's such a small muscle, my biceps are like a chicken breast after a lifetime of lifting  :-\
My friend has some of the best biceps in the world and when people ask for arm advice he just says "curls, nothing different from anyone else" That"s all the advice you need. There's very little difference in results between different curls and some biomechanics  experts say you can't even a different part of the triceps so all types of extensions are the same. Although I agree a bit with Vince B in that overhead extensions with a good stretch feel more anabolic lol.


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #122 on: October 17, 2024, 10:54:16 AM »
So much thought put into biceps when it's such a small muscle, my biceps are like a chicken breast after a lifetime of lifting  :-\
My friend has some of the best biceps in the world and when people ask for arm advice he just says "curls, nothing different from anyone else" That"s all the advice you need.

all muscles work exactly the same, they pull in a straight line from the insertion points
Stress the muscle through a full range of motion and it will expand and grow


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #123 on: October 17, 2024, 11:07:25 AM »
It's generally accepted that to develop the tricep long head best have the upper arm extended overhead, away from the torso like for example, a overhead tricep extension, overhead press, or lying tricep extension. This is because the long head attaches to the shoulder blade and not the upper arm.

The medial and short head are best developed by exercises like a bench press, close grip bench, or tricep pushdown.

However, all pushing and pressing exercises develop the tricep to some degree.


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Re: One exercise per body part?
« Reply #124 on: October 17, 2024, 08:03:51 PM »
It's generally accepted that to develop the tricep long head best have the upper arm extended overhead, away from the torso like for example, a overhead tricep extension, overhead press, or lying tricep extension. This is because the long head attaches to the shoulder blade and not the upper arm.

The medial and short head are best developed by exercises like a bench press, close grip bench, or tricep pushdown.

However, all pushing and pressing exercises develop the tricep to some degree.

And make sure each exercise is done at at a 5.56655 angle.