Author Topic: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries  (Read 381725 times)


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1100 on: April 14, 2011, 04:13:18 PM »
Aloha getbiggers :) I just want to let everyone know that myself and a GREAT ex-girlfriend of my Daddy's have started a non-profit 501(3)c. I am sure as most of you know, my Dad was a larger than life guy. He was ALWAYS up for helping people close to him and loved being involved in his comuunity. He was a big part of Hawaii Special Olympics and in Cali the Hawthorne Special Olympics. My Dad loved being the center of attention :) and thats what made him such a great speaker and role model. When my Dad passed away I found some files that looked as if he wanted to start a non=profit to educate the youth about staying fit and staying clean(off drugs), not giving up on your dream no matter the bumps in the way..... My Dad had a hard past 11 years..but he never really gave up hoipe for a better life for himself or for me and my kids... I hoping with the help of some getbigger I can start this foundation and help out the Hawaii Special Olympic this summer. And maybe able to start doind some motivational speeches at school this upcoming school year 2011-2012.  Please visit www.keithdjonesfoundatio Below is our mission statement.

fire2b12 :)

Mission Statement

The Keith D. Jones foundation’s mission is to provide assistance to numerous programs and individuals located in the United States and not limited to Hawaii and California.  The Keith D. Jones foundation will use its extensive experience and personal resources of the staff to help support selected programs and projects directed towards our youth (of all ages) and mentally and physically challenged individuals.
   We wish to provide education and demonstrate through our programs and projects the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle.  Individuals can pursue their goals regardless of the daily obstacles that they may face, as a result of our continued encouragement.
   A portion of our donation of any kind will be used to support our affiliate charities and organizations to facilitate the use of Keith D. Jones foundation projects and programs.  What makes the Keith D. Jones foundation unique from many other non-profit organizations is the vast quantity of personal and business experience from our support base nationwide which can help support our goals and visions.
   We will be utilizing all manner of promotional and marketing opportunities in the developing media market.  Giving back and paying it forward, are concepts that will generate the financial support we require for the development of future projects and programs.  Keith D. Jones foundation will also produce; sponsor and participate in selected sporting events and other charitable functions.
   Keith D. Jones foundation is dedicated to make available to our program participants, the intellectual resources and financial support needed to fulfill their ultimate DREAMS.  Our best efforts is all that we will accept in the support of our goal of helping individuals to lead a healthy, mental, physical, and spiritual lifestyle which will result in the improvement of the quality of their lives.

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1101 on: April 14, 2011, 04:34:24 PM »
Hard to tell from the photo but I count 8 X 45 plus 45 lb for the bar = 405 pounds. Then add 2 X 35 pounds + 2 X 10 pounds  + 2 X 2 1/2 pounds = 500 pounds all up. Impressive lift. We know he did 550 in the gym and perhaps more.

Nothing for nothing but that picture of Onlyme was taken just as a photo shot. No one maxes out with a camera man taking pictures instead of spotting him.  Onlyme was a funny bastard but lets not get carried away. 

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1102 on: April 15, 2011, 12:10:16 AM »
Keith would have been very proud of you for doing that =)


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1103 on: April 15, 2011, 05:43:13 PM »
Keith would have been very proud of you for doing that =)


You make us all proud.


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1104 on: April 15, 2011, 06:00:18 PM »


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1105 on: June 03, 2011, 04:10:50 PM »
*BUMP* Just so we can keep Keith going.   

Jack T. Cross

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1106 on: June 05, 2011, 06:28:09 PM »
Amen..I think of our Brotherman quite often.

Jack T. Cross

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #1107 on: June 05, 2011, 06:33:49 PM »
I know Vince caught some flak for this thread, but I really enjoyed the hell out of it. :)


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1108 on: January 12, 2012, 10:45:24 AM »
RIP , its been a year!


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1109 on: January 13, 2012, 01:58:09 AM »
wow.  Time flies by.  I miss him on the boards.


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1110 on: January 13, 2012, 07:37:57 AM »
Man... It's already been a year... *sigh*

The world keeps spinning, but we do not forget.


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1111 on: June 21, 2012, 06:15:05 PM »

TODAY IS JUNE 21, 2012 (THURSDAY) AND .......

Three of Keith's very best friends to the end are sitting here in the kitchen right now talking about therm good old days when Keith was ambulatory and with us.

We are laughing a lot because we all recall the great times we had with Keith.

Keith had many more close friends but right at this moment there are only three of us getting loaded and recalling them good old days :

There's CJ .... Who first met Keith on the internet and is currently involved in the movie making busiess. CJ is sitting here working on his computer (he also writes Scripts) while we talk story and laugh a lot.

And then there's Andy who was involved in a few  businesses with Keith and others who you often mention on this GetBig Boartd during those days when the economy was far more productive.

And then there's me who has most likely known Keith longer than his high school principal who I've met but who isn't here with us tonite.

I don't know if I metioned this earlier because I never give myself a pat ont he back but since this is more a pat on Keith's back, I will say it once and never again.

I used to drive Keith wherever he wanted to go .... and most of those drives was to one or two of the local casinos where he liked to play Craps and then  sit at one or two of his favorite slot machines for about a 6 hour stretch.

His favorite slot machine was the Dean Martin one which he usually won while playing and keith would sing along whenever Deno popped up and sang a song when a big winning occured.

Keith would sing along with Dean and everyone in the proximity would  hear Keith and  join in with him.

It was like our own private entertainment area singing this Dean Martin song.

Keith never drank so when the cocktail waitress came by (and it was often because they loved him and his vamboyant character) Keith would always offer his cocktail to anyone who was near him and then continue singing this Dean Martin song.

(How Lucky Can Some Guy Be!!) . I just recalled that song because I haven't sung it since Keith passed away,

SO I spent a lot of time with Keith and usually enjoyed every minute. Even when we argued, it ended with a load of laughs.

Then towards the end (and I had no idea that the end was ending at that time), he started asking me what I needed and what I'd really like to have.

ANd since I had an eye operation around that time, I told him that I was thinkiing about getting an electronic reader so I could read the words without wearing glasses.

As some of you know (thanks!!) I am an avid reader.

So in a couple of days a pakage arrived at the front door and it was an Amazon "reader" .

And it was from Keith but I had no idea what the hell it was so I simply said, "THanks, but whathte hell is this thing!!?"

SO he took it and set it up for me and I've been reading ever since even because I can now increase the font size of any book I want to read. (latest read is "World War Z" thanks to Keith and his generosity).

And then he kept on asking what I wanted or what I needed and I would say I had all I ever wanted but the next day I'd find some damn expensive stuff at my front door all from Amazon,Keith's favorite method because he didn't have to walk too far.

It was only after his demise that I realized that this was his very own way of saying, "Thanks!" and if I was smarter I should have realized that this was Keith's own way of saying. "Thank you and   ......   good-bye!".

And no one's ever said it better, but I wish I had known.

Each of us in this kitchen tonight can tell you Keith stories that are funny and heart warming , but they're all drunk and melanncholy and  have memories that are somewhat private and not for the likes of you GetBig critters.

So I will henceforth apologise on their behalf .

But I can guarantee that each of us who knew him well still miss him a hell of a lot.

And that's a tribute that cannot be denied.

God Bless ya,Keith... Wherever you ended up


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1112 on: June 22, 2012, 12:25:02 PM »
TODAY IS JUNE 21, 2012 (THURSDAY) AND .......

Three of Keith's very best friends to the end are sitting here in the kitchen right now talking about therm good old days when Keith was ambulatory and with us.

We are laughing a lot because we all recall the great times we had with Keith.

Keith had many more close friends but right at this moment there are only three of us getting loaded and recalling them good old days :

There's CJ .... Who first met Keith on the internet and is currently involved in the movie making busiess. CJ is sitting here working on his computer (he also writes Scripts) while we talk story and laugh a lot.

And then there's Andy who was involved in a few  businesses with Keith and others who you often mention on this GetBig Boartd during those days when the economy was far more productive.

And then there's me who has most likely known Keith longer than his high school principal who I've met but who isn't here with us tonite.

I don't know if I metioned this earlier because I never give myself a pat ont he back but since this is more a pat on Keith's back, I will say it once and never again.

I used to drive Keith wherever he wanted to go .... and most of those drives was to one or two of the local casinos where he liked to play Craps and then  sit at one or two of his favorite slot machines for about a 6 hour stretch.

His favorite slot machine was the Dean Martin one which he usually won while playing and keith would sing along whenever Deno popped up and sang a song when a big winning occured.

Keith would sing along with Dean and everyone in the proximity would  hear Keith and  join in with him.

It was like our own private entertainment area singing this Dean Martin song.

Keith never drank so when the cocktail waitress came by (and it was often because they loved him and his vamboyant character) Keith would always offer his cocktail to anyone who was near him and then continue singing this Dean Martin song.

(How Lucky Can Some Guy Be!!) . I just recalled that song because I haven't sung it since Keith passed away,

SO I spent a lot of time with Keith and usually enjoyed every minute. Even when we argued, it ended with a load of laughs.

Then towards the end (and I had no idea that the end was ending at that time), he started asking me what I needed and what I'd really like to have.

ANd since I had an eye operation around that time, I told him that I was thinkiing about getting an electronic reader so I could read the words without wearing glasses.

As some of you know (thanks!!) I am an avid reader.

So in a couple of days a pakage arrived at the front door and it was an Amazon "reader" .

And it was from Keith but I had no idea what the hell it was so I simply said, "THanks, but whathte hell is this thing!!?"

SO he took it and set it up for me and I've been reading ever since even because I can now increase the font size of any book I want to read. (latest read is "World War Z" thanks to Keith and his generosity).

And then he kept on asking what I wanted or what I needed and I would say I had all I ever wanted but the next day I'd find some damn expensive stuff at my front door all from Amazon,Keith's favorite method because he didn't have to walk too far.

It was only after his demise that I realized that this was his very own way of saying, "Thanks!" and if I was smarter I should have realized that this was Keith's own way of saying. "Thank you and   ......   good-bye!".

And no one's ever said it better, but I wish I had known.

Each of us in this kitchen tonight can tell you Keith stories that are funny and heart warming , but they're all drunk and melanncholy and  have memories that are somewhat private and not for the likes of you GetBig critters.

So I will henceforth apologise on their behalf .

But I can guarantee that each of us who knew him well still miss him a hell of a lot.

And that's a tribute that cannot be denied.

God Bless ya,Keith... Wherever you ended up
Thanks for sharing stunt, he was a very unique guy.


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1113 on: June 23, 2012, 01:43:14 AM »
Thanks, RJ!

Some of you GetBiggers  have  been asking me about Keith's final moments and I'll be glad to address that subject  as soon as I have the time to do it properly.

If any GetBig wise-asses decide to offer verbose comments I'll drop the subject entirely.
The time to do that has passed.


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1114 on: June 23, 2012, 03:49:11 AM »
Thanks, RJ!

Some of you GetBiggers  have  been asking me about Keith's final moments and I'll be glad to address that subject  as soon as I have the time to do it properly.

If any GetBig wise-asses decide to offer verbose comments I'll drop the subject entirely.
The time to do that has passed.

Have you heard from Keith's daughter?
How is the family doing these days?


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1115 on: June 23, 2012, 10:27:15 AM »
MONTY, Read above.

Jaime, Keith's daughter, posts under the name of "Fire2b12".

Hi, Jaime!


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1116 on: June 23, 2012, 06:01:25 PM »
MONTY, Read above.

Jaime, Keith's daughter, posts under the name of "Fire2b12".

Hi, Jaime!

Yeah, I noticed that.
I saw she hasn't logged on here in over a year, though. I was just wondering if you'd heard anything from her.

Jack T. Cross

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1117 on: June 23, 2012, 08:01:19 PM »
Stunt, what a great post.

Here's to good friendship.


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #1118 on: June 24, 2012, 12:40:22 PM »
As stated earlier, I've been asked a number of times about  Keith's last day and I think I wrote about this sad occasion earlier, but here are the facts once again to the best of my recollection.

But first ... some background. (Jaime, some of this may be new even to you!)

I'm definitely not a big time gambler but these Las Vegas casinos send us locals 'free stuff' every month in the form of free play at the slots or at the tables and free buffets and lots of other free stuff.

Enough free stuff that makes it somewhat profitable to visit one of more casinos each day to round that free stuff up. (Just yesterday I won about $54 using my free-stuff slot play stuff!)

So on most every occasion, I'd get Keith to come along so he could play Craps and then play his favorite slot machines and then hit the buffet for our free-stuff-meal.

And while were on this "buffet" subject, I will tell you that I never did see Keith pig-out at any meal. His real problem appeared to be a result of that damn spider bite.

But to be perfectly honest..... He did love Key Lime Pie. Not a slice of key Lime Pie ,,,,, but the whole damn Key Lime Pie!

But that Key Lime Pie frenzy was only evident about two times over all the years I knew Keith and I  was usually the one who took him to the grocery store.

One time I caught him in front of the Key Lime Pie freezer and he looked like a puppy waiting to be adopted, but it didn't happen that day.

And since I'n doing my best to be honest here, I gotta say that he also liked those red licorice stick things and occasional cookies. But never in the Pig-Out mode.

So my uneducated diagnosis was that his eating habit was not the main cause of his over-weight-ness.

And since his big weight increase was only apparent shortly after he got bit by that damn spider, I came to the uneducated conclusion that that bite was the main reason for Keith's BIG change.

Plus the damage to his leg was enough to prevent him from exercising as he used to before that spider bite.

So Keith was never again as active as he used to be.

Hence, the weight started adding up by leaps and pounds!

That spider bite was so damn serious that one afternoon he asked me to go with him to a hospital so that he could get his leg amputated.

And he was DAMN SERIOUS!

But I persuaded him otherwise and did manage to located a spider bite specialist over the internet who Keith eventually communicated with. (That part of this story has been forgotten or most likely a part of this story I was not privy to.)

The two facts I want to stress here are:

Keith was not a pig-out-eater. He ate average sized portions of two meals a day, but with rare  occasions of Key Lime Pie, licorice sticks (those red ones), and cookies.

I firmly believe that  that spider bite was the main cause of his massive weight gain. That bite prevented him from being as active as he used to be.

So the above few paragraphs lay the foundation of what will shortly follow ... the final few hours of Keith's life here on this big blue marble.


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1119 on: June 24, 2012, 01:03:55 PM »
Thanks, JACK, I'll drink to that!

(Repeated post as I mistakenly posted it in another Keiith spot.)

As stated earlier, I've been asked a number of times about  Keith's last day and I think I wrote about this sad occasion earlier, but here are the facts once again to the best of my recollection.

But first ... some background. (Jaime, some of this may be new even to you!)

I'm definitely not a big time gambler but these Las Vegas casinos send us locals 'free stuff' every month in the form of free play at the slots or at the tables and free buffets and lots of other free stuff.

Enough free stuff that makes it somewhat profitable to visit one of more casinos each day to round that free stuff up. (Just yesterday I won about $54 using my free-stuff slot play stuff!)

So on most every occasion, I'd get Keith to come along so he could play Craps and then play his favorite slot machines and then hit the buffet for our free-stuff-meal.

And while were on this "buffet" subject, I will tell you that I never did see Keith pig-out at any meal. His real problem appeared to be a result of that damn spider bite.

But to be perfectly honest..... He did love Key Lime Pie. Not a slice of key Lime Pie ,,,,, but the whole damn Key Lime Pie!

But that Key Lime Pie frenzy was only evident about two times over all the years I knew Keith and I  was usually the one who took him to the grocery store.

One time I caught him in front of the Key Lime Pie freezer and he looked like a puppy waiting to be adopted, but it didn't happen that day.

And since I'n doing my best to be honest here, I gotta say that he also liked those red licorice stick things and occasional cookies. But never in the Pig-Out mode.

So my uneducated diagnosis was that his eating habit was not the main cause of his over-weight-ness.

And since his big weight increase was only apparent shortly after he got bit by that damn spider, I came to the uneducated conclusion that that bite was the main reason for Keith's BIG change.

Plus the damage to his leg was enough to prevent him from exercising as he used to before that spider bite.

So Keith was never again as active as he used to be.

Hence, the weight started adding up by leaps and pounds!

That spider bite was so damn serious that one afternoon he asked me to go with him to a hospital so that he could get his leg amputated.

And he was DAMN SERIOUS!

But I persuaded him otherwise and did manage to located a spider bite specialist over the internet who Keith eventually communicated with. (That part of this story has been forgotten or most likely a part of this story I was not privy to.)

The two facts I want to stress here are:

Keith was not a pig-out-eater. He ate average sized portions of two meals a day, but with rare  occasions of Key Lime Pie, licorice sticks (those red ones), and cookies.

I firmly believe that  that spider bite was the main cause of his massive weight gain. That bite prevented him from being as active as he used to be.

So the above few paragraphs lay the foundation of what will shortly follow ... the final few hours of Keith's life here on this big blue marble.

Jack T. Cross

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1120 on: June 30, 2012, 08:08:37 PM »
Read the memories thread again, recently.  Absolutely priceless material there.

Jack T. Cross

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1121 on: July 06, 2012, 12:50:49 PM »
I hope you aren't too sad to continue, Stunt.


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1122 on: October 21, 2012, 01:49:43 AM »

I LOVE YOU STUNT :) reading this is made me cry. MY DADDY LOVED you so much. YOU were 1 of his HERO's :) I too think and day dream often of my Daddy, I even talk to him like he is with me. Sometimes I yell at him for leaving me to soon, and not being able to play with his grandkids. But everyday I see him in my son Chance and Ainu <3

And yes my Dad was never a huge eater!!! He loved cooking healthy meals and he loved have a cheat day, my Daddy was amazing at helping me plan out meals and he helped soooo many young boys at the local gym over in Kona!! With tips on eatting and weight training. I myself plan on entering into the Sting Ray Classic next year in April 2013 :)

EVERYONE else I have been good. I am just working and I havent been on this site in a long time. But this whole week I have had a itch to come on here and look :) I know my Dad loved chatting with all of you. He loved this site. I am going to be on here a lot cause I am gonna beed some help with my training and on how to diet good, since I dont have my Daddy know. So I will keep you all posted. XOXO


TODAY IS JUNE 21, 2012 (THURSDAY) AND .......

Three of Keith's very best friends to the end are sitting here in the kitchen right now talking about therm good old days when Keith was ambulatory and with us.

We are laughing a lot because we all recall the great times we had with Keith.

Keith had many more close friends but right at this moment there are only three of us getting loaded and recalling them good old days :

There's CJ .... Who first met Keith on the internet and is currently involved in the movie making busiess. CJ is sitting here working on his computer (he also writes Scripts) while we talk story and laugh a lot.

And then there's Andy who was involved in a few  businesses with Keith and others who you often mention on this GetBig Boartd during those days when the economy was far more productive.

And then there's me who has most likely known Keith longer than his high school principal who I've met but who isn't here with us tonite.

I don't know if I metioned this earlier because I never give myself a pat ont he back but since this is more a pat on Keith's back, I will say it once and never again.

I used to drive Keith wherever he wanted to go .... and most of those drives was to one or two of the local casinos where he liked to play Craps and then  sit at one or two of his favorite slot machines for about a 6 hour stretch.

His favorite slot machine was the Dean Martin one which he usually won while playing and keith would sing along whenever Deno popped up and sang a song when a big winning occured.

Keith would sing along with Dean and everyone in the proximity would  hear Keith and  join in with him.

It was like our own private entertainment area singing this Dean Martin song.

Keith never drank so when the cocktail waitress came by (and it was often because they loved him and his vamboyant character) Keith would always offer his cocktail to anyone who was near him and then continue singing this Dean Martin song.

(How Lucky Can Some Guy Be!!) . I just recalled that song because I haven't sung it since Keith passed away,

SO I spent a lot of time with Keith and usually enjoyed every minute. Even when we argued, it ended with a load of laughs.

Then towards the end (and I had no idea that the end was ending at that time), he started asking me what I needed and what I'd really like to have.

ANd since I had an eye operation around that time, I told him that I was thinkiing about getting an electronic reader so I could read the words without wearing glasses.

As some of you know (thanks!!) I am an avid reader.

So in a couple of days a pakage arrived at the front door and it was an Amazon "reader" .

And it was from Keith but I had no idea what the hell it was so I simply said, "THanks, but whathte hell is this thing!!?"

SO he took it and set it up for me and I've been reading ever since even because I can now increase the font size of any book I want to read. (latest read is "World War Z" thanks to Keith and his generosity).

And then he kept on asking what I wanted or what I needed and I would say I had all I ever wanted but the next day I'd find some damn expensive stuff at my front door all from Amazon,Keith's favorite method because he didn't have to walk too far.

It was only after his demise that I realized that this was his very own way of saying, "Thanks!" and if I was smarter I should have realized that this was Keith's own way of saying. "Thank you and   ......   good-bye!".

And no one's ever said it better, but I wish I had known.

Each of us in this kitchen tonight can tell you Keith stories that are funny and heart warming , but they're all drunk and melanncholy and  have memories that are somewhat private and not for the likes of you GetBig critters.

So I will henceforth apologise on their behalf .

But I can guarantee that each of us who knew him well still miss him a hell of a lot.

And that's a tribute that cannot be denied.

God Bless ya,Keith... Wherever you ended up



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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1123 on: October 21, 2012, 04:20:10 AM »
Nice post fire2b12....hope you stay with us.. ;)


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #1124 on: October 21, 2012, 04:38:24 AM »

Nice to hear from you again.
My interaction with your Dad was limited to this board. And, although I never met him in person, he was always very nice and cool to me here, and it seemed genuine enough that I could tell he was like that "in real life," too.

Good luck with you contests. Yes: you can find some valuable information on here, and some sections you may wish to explore include the Training, Nutrition, and Women's training boards.

While free to do as you'd like, I offer the friendly suggestion of avoiding the Gossip & Opinion board at the top of the main page. It's more of a battleground for anonymous trolls and gimmicks with not much practical input to gain.
Of course, if you inherited your Dad's propensity to stomp mud holes into hacks and phonies, you may enjoy spending some time there!

Good luck!!
