Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 495349 times)


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2075 on: June 15, 2023, 02:21:44 PM »
Ran two miles today on my cardio day. I wanted to push it to see where I was cardio wise. Thought I was going fast and was surprised it was a recent personal best.  Of course I wrecked it with guests by the pool drinking beer. Even though it was Corona Premier at 95 calories a bottle and 2.6 carbohydrates I had six. Fuck! It was only 80 degrees today in Jersey but during the night it was cold leaving the pool cold. I think I was in the pool for three hours and started shivering like I was in Alaska. Had three weeks of a perfect diet and today I fucked it up. Tomorrow is another day.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2076 on: June 16, 2023, 10:05:49 AM »
Delt and arms: No warm ups shown. I feel a little weak from all the cardio but I'm getting lean.

Military press 2 x 8
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12
Rear delt laterals 2 x 10
Face pulls 2 x 12
Barbell Shrugs 2 x 11

Tricep pushdowns 2 x 10
One arm with one dumbbell behind the head standing dumbbell tricep extensions 2 x 12
dips 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8
drag dumbbell curls 2 x 12
concentration curls 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 25
wrist extensions 2 x 15
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20 (one upside down with the gripper)

ab crunches with an ab pad 1 x 40
pulley ab crunches 1 x 60

Dumbbell pullover  1 x 12 (done just for mobility of my stiff joints. Used a light weight and tried to go really far back for the stretch.  It really helps with my bad shoulder.

Trying to motivate myself now for a run but I'm really exhausted from drinking in the sun yesterday. I hear thunder in the distance. Not running.  Tomorrow is another day. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2077 on: June 17, 2023, 02:03:57 PM »
Cardio day: Ran 4.9 miles on the boardwalk. It was crowded this morning but not bad until I ran on the boardwalk in the next town Seaside Heights where the Jersey Shore was filmed. I was running at a good clip until I hit the crowds. I was weaving like crazy and even had to walk at one point because of the congestion. I decided to hit the side walk off the board walk at the most congested part. I really wished I wasn't slowed down. I would have run a good time. So many good sights on the boardwalk with the women with their ass hanging out of their suits.

Now in the back yard in the pools chillin.  Two of my kids and my granddaughter came by for an early father's day.  My Italian wife made a feast. My oldest daughter gave me a gift certificate to my local butcher that I love for $150 of T Bone steaks. T Bone steaks are another level from the butcher by me from the crap from the super market. The wife got me an over night at a casino with certificate to a Cuban Restaurant. One of my sons is coming over next weekend for my birthday. So three of my four kids will be there. My youngest moved to Colorado after the Army and he can't make it. His back is messed up from being in the Army Airborne with all his jumps but he still deadlifts which I told him to give up but youth is on his side.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2078 on: June 18, 2023, 10:40:44 AM »
Ran 2.0 miles today then hit the heavy bag. Nobody was on the trail today.

 Had a nice father's day pool thing with the family yesterday. Today is quiet except for my kids blowing up my phone with happy father's  day stuff.  Happy father's day to all the fathers out there.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2079 on: June 19, 2023, 05:38:19 AM »
Back to one set to failure split. Did Chest and biceps today.  I like doing 45 minute weight workouts so I can get a short run in on lifting day. Ran a slug 2 miles after lifting. Lightest I have been in a long time.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2080 on: June 20, 2023, 05:25:41 AM »
Leg day blows: One set to failure after warm up.

Leg press 1 x 13
Machine squat 1 x 11
Stiff dead 2 x 6 (did two sets because I'm having trouble getting depth. First set was shallow.)
leg extension 1 x 26
Standing leg curl 1 x 12 (accidently used too much weight. I was wondering what was going on and why were the reps so hard, lol)
Free hand no weight squats 1 x 51 reps (I go deep and I use the negative. I don't flop down like cross fitters going for time. These are great. Good leg pump. Serge Nubret used them as well as Wilf Sylvester the light weight 1975 Universe winner. Wilf Sylvester use to use the traditional squats, hacks, leg extension and curls. For the Universe he used free hand squats, leg extensions and leg curls only.  He said he used 400 reps but never clarified if it was one set or sets. Regarding Serge Nubret I don't believe the amount of reps he claimed but I do take his word he used them. Excellent if you have some pains from doing traditional weight room leg exercises.  Try it. After doing your usual leg routine do one set of deep no weight squats using the negative. I think you will find what a gem they are. Remember go deep and go slow on the negative.)

Hanging leg raise 1 x 30
Hip ups 1 x 33

Standing calf 1 x 20
Seated calf 1 x 20
tibalis work 1 x 20

Four way neck machine 1 x 30 for each side ( I like high reps for neck. The neck pumps amazingly well and I think heavy weights for neck work is a big mistake concerning the injury factor. My wife has so much metal in her spine from her spine operation and I saw first hand how horrific damage to your spine can be. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2081 on: June 20, 2023, 10:58:20 AM »
Nice journal,lots of hard work.......keep pumping!!!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2082 on: June 20, 2023, 04:18:20 PM »
Nice journal,lots of hard work.......keep pumping!!!

Thanks, I think I'm trying shake up the training next week. I got a week off of work. Good time to experiment.  Think I'm doing a bro 5 way split with some super sets and even giant sets. Famous last words. I rarely try something new but I think next week will be the perfect opportunity.  I'm really light but I think I can go another ten pounds but afraid of losing muscle. I'm already a little weak from diet and cardio.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2083 on: June 20, 2023, 04:45:47 PM »
Hey, I just noticed you are posting on Getbig again today. Welcome back! Glad you decided to give your friends and Getbig another chance. You have been missed by many of us. Please do not leave again and without saying goodbye to those of us who were worried about you.

Life around my house has been more hectic than usual, which isn't saying much except that I've spent less time posting on Getbig. Also, there isn't much to say about my training routine. Haven't been to the gym in eons. Using the Elite bands, I bought during COVID. Because of my inconsistency, I am not just holding my own and not progressing in terms of getting stronger. My weight is constant at around 175 lbs. which is fine. Not ever going to be big. My elaborate scale showed my body fat at a little over 10% including the visceral fat level. My metabolism continues to be incredibly fast which is probably why I don't worry about what I eat.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2084 on: June 21, 2023, 11:02:53 AM »
For around 3 weeks I've done some kind of physical training just about 7 days a week. I got on the treadmill today and turned it on. Then I turned it off. Going to an Jersey shore Italian restaurant that I have never been to before. Looking at their web site many celebrities have eaten there. Going to stuff my face like a 300lbs slob and top it off with wine. Felt guilt for not doing the workout considering how lean I am getting. Then I came to the realization that rest is important.  Normally people skip a workout because they are lazy. I wrestled with myself if I was being lazy or needed a break? Looking back at my training journal I decided it was well deserved. Tomorrow is another day. Back day a matter of fact.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2085 on: June 22, 2023, 11:52:50 AM »
Back day:  Another day without  cardio. I'm slipping. No fucking up tomorrow. I will get the lifting session in and the cardio.
I know these workouts are broken record. I hope to change up next week. Again, no warm ups shown. Just one work set to failure. Rep counts are sometimes estimates.

Wide MAG grip pulldowns 1 x 12 (Felt strong on these. Last week I felt weak. I guess two days of no cardio let me recuperate)
Seated cable lat pulls using a V handle 1 x 14 (Last rep was a little ugly)
Dumbbell row with knee on bench 1 x 12
Narrow MAG grip pulldowns 1 x 12

Deadlift 1 x 6 (Last time I tweaked my calf and felt weak. Felt stronger today. Still using a light weight but going slow on the negative. Used a light weight of 285lbs. The last commercial gym I trained at had a bunch of powerlifters. Little rant here. I noticed for their sport they don't utilize the negative at all.  Some almost drop it. Use the negative with a slow put down. Don't jerk the bar off the floor to start the lift like powerlifters. You won't be able to use as much weight but everyone should be training the body and not the ego.

Weighted back hyper extensions 1 x 20 (No, I don't hyper extend but they have been called that for so long I keep using it. Maybe I will just called them back extensions.)

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30 (I think I go pretty far down and extent but I think I have to video it. Filming yourself is a good tool. Sometimes you think you're getting a good range of motion but the video says otherwise.)

Ab pulley crunches 1 x 50 (I sit in a lat pulldown machine facing the wrong way. I grab an ordinary V handle and crunch down. I hold the handle to the top rear of my head and hold it there. Hard to describe but a great way to crunch.)

I was going to run after but I'm too shot. No way will I miss it tomorrow after delt and triceps. Going to rise early about 530A or so to get the workout in. I don't know if I can do it at my age but another 9lbs down in bodyweight would be great if I can do it. One thing I noticed with my weight loss is that I facially look younger. Am I delusional? Could be, lol.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2086 on: June 23, 2023, 09:13:13 AM »
Delt and triceps: I don't list warm ups when doing one set to failure. They are not real sets. For example for military presses I first do 8 reps with the bar. My shoulder is a little shot. Then a do some dynamic stretching.  Load the bar with 95lbs for 6 reps as another warm up. Then I load the bar to my working set and do one rep. Then it's a set to failure.

Military press 1 x 8
Dumbbell lateral raise 1 x 19
Rear dumbbell lateral raise 1 x 14
face pull 1 x 19
barbell shrug 1 x 14

Tricep push downs 1 x13
close grip bench 1 x 10 ( I use an ez bar and I leave the collars off in case I get stuck.)
Single dumbbell, single arm tricep extension behind the head 1 x 14 (Really strict with these)
dips 1 x 15 (really deep and controlled negative)

Ran two slow miles after in the 9 minute something pace range.   

Tomorrow the plan is to run for five miles.

I want to change up training for a week or two. Thinking about doing a whole body routine for the week or a bro split. I know, two polar opposites of methodology.    Just for a break from the same old. I will return to my old tried and true.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2087 on: June 24, 2023, 08:46:48 AM »
Cardio day: Plans were to run 5 miles at a decent clip. 5 miles running is a long way for me.  I started at an easy pace on the trail.  About a half mile in two guys blow by me like I'm standing still. They were muscular about 6 foot and around 25. Prime of their lives.  It got me mad. Maybe showed me I was dogging the pace so I could get that 5 miles in. I picked up my pace and stayed behind them for a half a mile then I could feel my gas tank emptying as they pulled away. My five miler turned into a 2 miler.  If it wasn't for the slow half mile start I would have in no doubt run a great time for myself. At least they gave me the motivation to pick up the pace at least for a little while.

Came home drenched in sweat. Maybe tomorrow I will get that 5 miler in. Now to do boxing drills and hit the heavy bag.  That is always a great way to end a run.

 Tomorrow is church, run and family coming over. Wife is getting 6 T bone steaks from the butcher. Always amazing and in no comparison to supermarket meat. If you're counting calories and carbs something like whiskey or tequila on the rocks is a great drink. Plan on sitting on my floating chair in the pool with drink in hand watching the granddaughter smile and laugh in the pool.  Eventually she will campaign for pop to do a cannon ball and of course I will comply.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2088 on: June 25, 2023, 05:59:04 PM »
Another cardio day:  Ran 3.25 miles. Only 83 but humid. The original plan was 5 miles but it was so humid I thought at my age I could drop dead if I wasn't careful. Family came over for a pool and dinner thing. Pastries/deserts from an amazing Italian place did me in. I've been good with the diet for almost 4 weeks. This is my second failure. About 7 different desert things. We split them all up and I sampled everything. Everyone that came bought food. It's an Italian thing from my wife's side.  Tomorrow I'm back on the wagon. One daughter gave me a gift certificate to a fancy restaurant and the other daughter did the same to another restaurant. At this rate I should 400lbs in a month.



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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2089 on: June 26, 2023, 12:30:13 PM »
Humidity has been bad the past few days.

I think you are doing really well.  Stay smart.

You have a super family, OT. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2090 on: June 27, 2023, 08:37:45 AM »
Taking a week off of lifting. My work ethic often has me lifting without a break for 6 months or more. I got some nagging relatively minor injuries to my knee, hip, back and shoulder. Think my body is telling me to cut it out for week to let the inflammation  go down.  Walking down the stairs in the morning like an 80 year old till I warm up. Monday I started a work out with power cleans then went to squats. Just felt a black cloud of minor injuries and just not wanting to continue.  I will keep ups with some cardio. Heading to the beach in awhile so I can run the boards if this rain will stops. 

Monday I will come back to lifting.  Also stopped strict monitoring of my diet for the week. I find when I use the diet app for awhile when I stop using it I still stay pretty good but it's better with it.

Heading to Atlantic city for a stay over tomorrow and using a gift certificate to a nice restaurant near our casino my daughter gave us.  Their web site says proper dress required so I guess I'm bringing a jacket. I like to dress casually in a casino with something like a tee shirt, jeans and casual dress shoes. Now I have to pack dress clothes, fuck.  Staying at the Golden Nugget. They seem to have an impressive outdoor pool. Hope it's open.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2091 on: June 27, 2023, 12:26:50 PM »
Since this is cardio week I ran 4.93 miles on the boardwalk. 5 miles is a long way for me. I really have to pace myself when I run this far to complete the distance.  Not to many sights. I did see one stop traffic red head. Came home and did my boxing drills/conditioning. My app says I burned about 800 calories. I live close to the boardwalk but there is no direct route for me. The 20 minutes or so drive made my joints so stiff I was old man walking when I got out of my car in my driveway. 

 Moderately crowded for a Tuesday afternoon.  Cops were out in force. Saw about 6 of them on foot patrol.  Seaside Heights, NJ isn't San Francisco.  They will lock you up quick for drunken buffoonery.  The local judge has a low tolerance for stupid behavior too.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2092 on: June 29, 2023, 11:24:42 AM »
Really can't wait to get back to lifting. I think the week off is doing me good. My lower back feels great. My knee is good.

Ran 3.11 miles in a park that has a paved one mile loop. It was 84 and hot on the asphalt. Ran with my shirt off getting a tan.  Saw a guy walking from my former gym.  Still wonder if he is natural. He's a big kid. He always drank two energy drinks before he trained. He must have been wired to the max prior to training.

At the end of the run a girl pulled up to me in her car as I walking in the parking lot cooling down. She said, "Did I motivate you every time you passed me?, said with a smile."  Truth be told the girl was 50 years old but at my age that's a young hottie, lol. I chatted a little bit with her and went on my way. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2093 on: June 30, 2023, 03:45:55 PM »
Ran two miles in the heat. Saw the woman that was flirting with me the previous day. Waved at her never talking to her and went on my run. She looked a lot better sitting in her car than standing outside it is all I can say, lol.

Floated in my pool chair after the run.  I usually listen to the big band crooners like Sinatra, Prima, Martin and Etta James in the pool. Today I played Spanish hip hop.  I was jamming to it with a bit of alcohol.

Too much going on. I have a pool party down the block tomorrow. Next week I have another pool party on Saturday at another host's house. Tomorrow is my wife's side of the family. Never felt included by these people. I will go but the minute I catch a negative vibe I'll walk the one block down to my pool and enjoy the sun in peace. Years ago I went to the annual pool party and host's aunt told me off about going in the  big inground pool because that's for the children.  Just for the record. My pool is open to adults and children.

Really can't wait to get back to lifting. I think the week off has done me good though.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2094 on: July 01, 2023, 09:03:45 AM »
Monday is back to lifting. This Saturday I ran 3.09 miles. Thought I was going great but the watch tells another story. I think I need some intervals on the treadmill to get some quick turn over spring back in my legs. Try it sometime if you logging the miles but getting slower.  Once a week do something like 8 x 400 meters or 6 x 800 meters. It will get the spring (power) back in the legs so the next time you log miles you will glide at a faster pace per mile. Lightest I have been in about 15 years. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2095 on: July 03, 2023, 05:30:40 AM »
Woke up nice and early this Monday to work out before work.  Completed lats and I was going onto chest. On my last rep on my last set of incline presses my goal was 8 reps and at 7 reps I was running out of gas.  I think I did the 8th rep concentric positive rep so slow but I refused to give up. That blew my workout.  When went to do declines I was completely shot trying to get reps.

 I think all the cardio I'm doing  combined with my light bodyweight made me weak. The thing is I haven't look this good in a long time even if my low rep strength is suffering. At least my gas tank from the cardio keeps rising. I think I have to give up the training to failure low set training methodology while I'm cutting weight. Where's the pink dumbbells?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2096 on: July 04, 2023, 09:26:20 AM »
Keeping with the one set to failure for this week. Yesterday's workout was really terrible with me quitting through the half way point.

Incline dumbbell 1 x 10
Decline dumbbell press 1x 8 (I've been getting 10 reps with this so I'm getting a bit weaker with the running)
flat flies 1 x 15
push ups 1 x max

EZ bar curl 1 x 15
alternate dumbbell curl 1 x 10
drag dumbbell curls 1 x 13 (back against a wall)
concentration curl 1 x 14

wrist curls 1 x 30
wrist extensions 1 x 20
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Incline situps 1 x 27
Incline leg raises 1 x 15

Ran 3.4 miles in the heat at a slug pace. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2097 on: July 04, 2023, 07:16:39 PM »
Humidity has been bad the past few days.

I think you are doing really well.  Stay smart.

You have a super family, OT.

Thank you


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2098 on: July 05, 2023, 09:27:41 AM »
Broken record leg day.  Actually had a decent workout feeling strong especially in the leg press a movement I was having trouble with. The week off did me good. Knee feels good and only very slight hip pain.  Yates type workout with no warm ups listed. I use them if I need them. Leg Presses gets two warm up sets. Stiff dead one. Leg extension and leg curl none.

Leg press 1 x 12
Machine squat 1 x 10 ( I know real squats are better but at my age these are a safe effective alternative.)
stiff dead 1 x 8
leg extension 1 x 25
seated leg curl 1 x 17
Free hand body weight squats 1 x 53 ( I don't flop down.  I try to go deep.)

Hanging semi straight leg raise 1 x 27
Hip ups 1 x 33

Standing calf raise 1 x 20
seated calf raise 1 x 20
tib work 1 x 20
calf hops 1 x 50 (Sprinters use these. Forgot the name for them. Standing with semi stiff knees jumping using calf power alone. Try to minimize any knee action. You want to spring up with your calves alone. Go as high as you can doing these hops. The next time you go for a run you will feel the bounce in your strides from this.)

Four way neck machine: 1 set per side for around 35 reps.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2099 on: July 06, 2023, 09:37:39 AM »
Ran 3.2 miles on the boardwalk. Surprisingly it wasn't packed. It was about 85 sunny and humid. Feel like I'm 100 years old and I'm slug running. Legs are sore from yesterday's leg day. Maybe spent too much time in the sun yesterday and it drained me.  Tomorrow is back day.