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fighting fatigue while training?!

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here lately i'm having to work really really hard to get 10 reps out of each set on my usual heavy routines...

so i'm gonna alternate...this week i'm doing 15-25 rep ranges in all my here's what the routine looks like..and i'm doing it with little rest between sets...2 mins instead of 5

bench 3 sets of 15 with 200lbs
dumbbell rows-3x20x90lbs
upright rows-3x15x140lbs
dumb bell curls (i wish my arms would grow :( ) 2x45x12
french press 2x120x15
squats 4x25x150 (no rack so i'm having to power clean and press to get it over my shoulders before and after each's why it's so low a number)

now thsi first time around i'm gonna do it every other day instead of see how my body reacts...but next week it's back to the usual daily and then the week after more high reps

look good? or add or remove some things?

what are you training for? bodybuilding? football?

i'd suggest using a 3-4 day split but i'm not sure what your goals are...

we did a similar training style in high school baseball training 3 days a week.


i'm a fire fighter...

so i'm training to benefit me both at the station and to get big in general. if i dont work out daily usually i feel drained or overloaded with energy...i'ts just become a habit now. i never feel any soreness or anything anymore cept that few days with my fore strength keeps going up..but my size has stopped for the most part. 

Dude you CANNOT hit the same muscles everyday-that explains your impasse and lack of size gains immediately!

Try every other day training-you can do cardio on in-between days if you like. ALSO eventually try 2 or 3 day splits, hitting different muscles each day. You can add more exercises if desired, to fill out each day's schedule.

Keep rest periods to 1-1.5 minutes max. between sets.

Try different rep ranges, as you're doing, and also try using partials, cheats and rest-pause reps to get through the barrier.

If none of this helps, take a week off to restore nervous energy. A week off's a good idea every 3-4 months anyway, if training hard.

before you bash my training methods...have you actually tried training like this? or have are you going based off what you've read and heard and not from actual experience?   try just might surprise yourself.


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