Author Topic: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here  (Read 10116 times)


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2023, 10:39:02 AM »


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2023, 12:54:41 PM »

thanks bro, i think i may have been a legit 4% there


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2023, 03:19:59 PM »
 I'm no one to criticize someone else's body but it seems you are happy and excited with how things are progressing. I forgot how old you are? I'm closer to 50 than 40, what horror. My friend who I've posted pictures of before, a dude who isn't a monster yet a very good bb, is a couple of years younger than me. He took like 4 years off competing and now he's thinking of doing one last show. It's unfortunate that he felt at least mentally so burnt out in 2019 because he was just at the cusp of becoming an old man, an age after which you can no longer be your "best ever." Like Shawn Rhoden won the O at 45 and that is really approaching the limit after which you start to get worse. One minor sign that one is past his prime is when you look at the skin on the side of the pec, when it starts to crease and fold - your skin will never be the same. I have some strength goals still as that is something some can increase even when from a bb
perspective someone is past his prime.

Why did you explicitly go "low protein"? I'm not saying you should eat this or that amount but you are now adding leucine to hit the "anabolic treshhold" but from my readings it's questionable how smart it is to supplement singular amino acids as scientists know this can theoretically throw your body off balance, an example is leucine lowering isoleucine and valine. A high dose of one single amino can lower a couple of others. So let's say you now max out protein synthesis how would you know you now have adequate EAAs circulating to actually take advantage of the increase in  protein synthesis? Or how do you know your intake of nonessential aminos is optimal - we know these other aminos assist muscle building, sensitize the body to anabolic signals and essential aminos etc.

I take aminos myself, based on a hunches mostly lol. For example I've now taken to taking up to 30 grams of Jordan Peters' EAAs with 20 grams of PEPTOPRO first thing in the morning and just before working out, usually with some insulin. I add a small dose of creatine, l-carnitine, sodium, arginine, citrulline, glutamine, and whatever else I think might enhance anabolic signaling. I'm probably majorly overshooting the dose of aminos but I speculate it's positive to drive blood aminos as high as possible a couple of times a day, maybe the most "important" time being just before the workout, (so it's available during the workout)  to take advantage of the "hyperemia" during workouts, insulin further increasing blood flow while activating anabolic pathways when combined with the aminos. "Don't send empty blood" as Milos says LOL and there may be something to this. I'm probably at 30 grams of leucine alone lol around the workout window. Anyhow, this is just nerding out, probably mostly unnecessarily, but I tend to start micromanaging things in my mind. Oh yeah, there was a study showing "old" people needed 40 grams of intact protein to get the same elevated protein synthesis that young people get from just 20 grams so my 50 grams of free aminos and peptides might not be so excessive?  But like you said, there's actually no real evidence EAAs as crystalline single aminos have any advantage over intact (food) protein.

Ever tried glycerol loading? It's just a temporary trick but I would be curious if you looked or felt different (pumps) trying the protocol. For me I calculated I needed 100 grams of glycerol with 2 liters of water, which I started drinking 2 hours before a workout. I added a few grams of salt plus some carbs and creatine so as to not piss everything out quickly (that's what the glycerol is for but we need sodium etc too). I only managed to do it once and didn't get the best workout (pump) but I was maybe 5lbs heavier.


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #28 on: December 10, 2023, 05:51:09 AM »
I'm no one to criticize someone else's body but it seems you are happy and excited with how things are progressing. I forgot how old you are? I'm closer to 50 than 40, what horror. My friend who I've posted pictures of before, a dude who isn't a monster yet a very good bb, is a couple of years younger than me. He took like 4 years off competing and now he's thinking of doing one last show. It's unfortunate that he felt at least mentally so burnt out in 2019 because he was just at the cusp of becoming an old man, an age after which you can no longer be your "best ever." Like Shawn Rhoden won the O at 45 and that is really approaching the limit after which you start to get worse. One minor sign that one is past his prime is when you look at the skin on the side of the pec, when it starts to crease and fold - your skin will never be the same. I have some strength goals still as that is something some can increase even when from a bb
perspective someone is past his prime.

Why did you explicitly go "low protein"? I'm not saying you should eat this or that amount but you are now adding leucine to hit the "anabolic treshhold" but from my readings it's questionable how smart it is to supplement singular amino acids as scientists know this can theoretically throw your body off balance, an example is leucine lowering isoleucine and valine. A high dose of one single amino can lower a couple of others. So let's say you now max out protein synthesis how would you know you now have adequate EAAs circulating to actually take advantage of the increase in  protein synthesis? Or how do you know your intake of nonessential aminos is optimal - we know these other aminos assist muscle building, sensitize the body to anabolic signals and essential aminos etc.

I take aminos myself, based on a hunches mostly lol. For example I've now taken to taking up to 30 grams of Jordan Peters' EAAs with 20 grams of PEPTOPRO first thing in the morning and just before working out, usually with some insulin. I add a small dose of creatine, l-carnitine, sodium, arginine, citrulline, glutamine, and whatever else I think might enhance anabolic signaling. I'm probably majorly overshooting the dose of aminos but I speculate it's positive to drive blood aminos as high as possible a couple of times a day, maybe the most "important" time being just before the workout, (so it's available during the workout)  to take advantage of the "hyperemia" during workouts, insulin further increasing blood flow while activating anabolic pathways when combined with the aminos. "Don't send empty blood" as Milos says LOL and there may be something to this. I'm probably at 30 grams of leucine alone lol around the workout window. Anyhow, this is just nerding out, probably mostly unnecessarily, but I tend to start micromanaging things in my mind. Oh yeah, there was a study showing "old" people needed 40 grams of intact protein to get the same elevated protein synthesis that young people get from just 20 grams so my 50 grams of free aminos and peptides might not be so excessive?  But like you said, there's actually no real evidence EAAs as crystalline single aminos have any advantage over intact (food) protein.

Ever tried glycerol loading? It's just a temporary trick but I would be curious if you looked or felt different (pumps) trying the protocol. For me I calculated I needed 100 grams of glycerol with 2 liters of water, which I started drinking 2 hours before a workout. I added a few grams of salt plus some carbs and creatine so as to not piss everything out quickly (that's what the glycerol is for but we need sodium etc too). I only managed to do it once and didn't get the best workout (pump) but I was maybe 5lbs heavier.

i've never tried glycerol but now i'ma gonna look into it, probably ready 20 articles and watch 15 youtube vids on it :D :D :D

with my eea's supp in need 6 scoops to get 3 grams of leucine so that comes out to 17 grams of pro and 16 grams of carbs, i mix it in water with 5 grams of creatine and half a teaspoon of salt, not sure how much slin i could add to that without going hypo maybe 2 or 3 ius max

for breakfast i add 2 sccops of eea's into the milk which give me another gram of leucine, i either do 2 whole large eggs and 300 ml of milk or one whole large egg and 500 ml of milk which gives me 3 grams total

another meal i eat 125 grams of chicken breast which again gives 3 grams of leucine and half a sausage for some added fat and white rice and some kinda sause for the paper plate tasting chicken fucking breast :D :D :D

once i'm 5% with a 29 inch waist i'll throw in a-bombs and slin and keep the wasit @ 29 inches and add size to the delts, arms, pecs and upper lats ONLY 8)

first transformation i ate 80-100 grams pro a day not worrying about leucine and went from 13% to 5% and only lost 2-3 scale pounds so therefore i GAINED 9-10 of pure lean dry muscle over the course or 7-8 weeks which is pretty amazing :D :D :D

i came from an untrained state though as i hadn't trained for bout 4 months prior although i was injecting something like 150 mgs test weekly trt, those studies that say you gain lean dry tissue without training are.... TOTAL HORSE BULLSHIT!!!!

this time around i'm in a trained state but i'm using THE ACE and will add slin and a-bombs once i'm sitting @ 5%


  • Getbig V
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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #29 on: December 10, 2023, 05:52:47 AM »
waist is down 1 full inch in 7 days was 31.5 now 30.5 in peak photo was 29.5

i should be in my previous condition in 2 weeks MAX


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2023, 07:54:30 AM »
the rage nowadays is test with mast or primo or both, as i said mast is such a shit drug for me and now these guy are saying the truth that mast is a shit lean muscle builder as i always thought but they say primo does add size like a drier deca

both mast and primo lower estro but mast does this more than primo probably why it's such a fucking shitty drug :D :D :D

they say run primo at half test and i'll rather always run test from 250-500 so that means 125-250 primo

i respond best to test, deca, ACE, var, drol and dbol, i'll never run mast or winny ever again


  • Getbig IV
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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2023, 10:10:33 AM »
the rage nowadays is test with mast or primo or both, as i said mast is such a shit drug for me and now these guy are saying the truth that mast is a shit lean muscle builder as i always thought but they say primo does add size like a drier deca

both mast and primo lower estro but mast does this more than primo probably why it's such a fucking shitty drug :D :D :D

they say run primo at half test and i'll rather always run test from 250-500 so that means 125-250 primo

i respond best to test, deca, ACE, var, drol and dbol, i'll never run mast or winny ever again

looking good bro.. you know YOU operate for sure... ever eat a ton n fill out(LOL cheat) along the way? you seem like a robot w your diet is why i ask.


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #32 on: December 10, 2023, 10:31:08 AM »
looking good bro.. you know YOU operate for sure... ever eat a ton n fill out(LOL cheat) along the way? you seem like a robot w your diet is why i ask.

i cheated slightly by eating some carmel popcorn with my chicken and sausage instead of rice like 3 days ago lol

last 2 days i only had 2 feedings the breakkie of milk egg and energy drink both days and yesterday 2nd meal was 6 scoops of intra workout eeas, today second meal was chicken, sausage and rice

i got 12,000 legit cals at mcdonalds some years back just to see if i could eat and honestly it wasn't that hard in fact could have eaten 15,000 or more in one sitting


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #33 on: December 12, 2023, 05:55:15 AM »
The Masteron or Primo as main anabolic idea of course come from Victor Black and Broderick Chavez. "Take as much test as you you can handle without estrogenic sides or DHT sides... without having to take AIs or finsteride or whatever. Then titrate up either Primo or Masteron until desired effect." I never did any AIs really, so what's my test limit? I'm sure I could take 5 grams of test without problems. Why Mast or Primo? Well they are "human approved" drugs. But there are other drugs one could take with this type of plan in mind. I never did Mast in high doses and I don't remember if I ever did Primo so can't say much about them.

That Chase Irons fella said he took like 2.5 grams of test with 2 grams of Mast no problem, good bloodwork. Said he was going to do 5 grams of test with 1 gram Primo next I think.


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #34 on: December 12, 2023, 06:15:13 AM »
The Masteron or Primo as main anabolic idea of course come from Victor Black and Broderick Chavez. "Take as much test as you you can handle without estrogenic sides or DHT sides... without having to take AIs or finsteride or whatever. Then titrate up either Primo or Masteron until desired effect." I never did any AIs really, so what's my test limit? I'm sure I could take 5 grams of test without problems. Why Mast or Primo? Well they are "human approved" drugs. But there are other drugs one could take with this type of plan in mind. I never did Mast in high doses and I don't remember if I ever did Primo so can't say much about them.

That Chase Irons fella said he took like 2.5 grams of test with 2 grams of Mast no problem, good bloodwork. Said he was going to do 5 grams of test with 1 gram Primo next I think.

they both lower estro mast more than primo

i hate mast and winny never use them again those drugs suckass for me

primo supposedly is like deca i don't buy it but i never ran it so just specualtion

the only dht that doesnt make me flat and stringy is var, therefore i have no need for a dht (except drol is one which makes ZERO fucking sense as i get fuller on that one)

i was dry on sust dbol only dryness it not my issue :D :D :D


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #35 on: December 12, 2023, 07:19:18 AM »
seems the only reason to use mast or primo is too be able to use more test without an ai

mast anabolism fucking sucks


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #36 on: December 12, 2023, 06:22:50 PM »

they both lower estro mast more than primo

i hate mast and winny never use them again those drugs suckass for me

primo supposedly is like deca i don't buy it but i never ran it so just specualtion

the only dht that doesnt make me flat and stringy is var, therefore i have no need for a dht (except drol is one which makes ZERO fucking sense as i get fuller on that one)

i was dry on sust dbol only dryness it not my issue :D :D :D

Primo is too expensive for me but the main problem is how it's so often faked.

And since most everyone will say test is more effective why not just take more test?  Other than the unbearable test sides they talk about... I'm oversimplyfying but plenty of bodybuilders use mostly just test, in the off season.

I don't know how useful those "steroid tree" charts are. Like DHT derivative is supposed to be generally more psychoactive - it's not always the case, a DHT derivative doesn't equal actual DHT.


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #37 on: December 13, 2023, 07:26:43 AM »
Primo is too expensive for me but the main problem is how it's so often faked.

And since most everyone will say test is more effective why not just take more test?  Other than the unbearable test sides they talk about... I'm oversimplyfying but plenty of bodybuilders use mostly just test, in the off season.

I don't know how useful those "steroid tree" charts are. Like DHT derivative is supposed to be generally more psychoactive - it's not always the case, a DHT derivative doesn't equal actual DHT.

i want a certain look, ie dry and scuplted but i think i become dry and scuplted no matter what i'm on once i'm 5-6% :D :D :D

there turd bb's say test dbol makes you wet and bloofy does this look wet and bloofy to you :D :D :D


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #38 on: December 13, 2023, 05:28:51 PM »
waist is looking small and narrow now and i've only lost one inch from it ???

from 31.5 to 30.5 in my peak pic it was 29.5

i think i could shrink it to 28 but that's bout limit me thinks


  • Getbig II
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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #39 on: December 14, 2023, 02:27:22 AM »
Unfortunatilly you want to do is something that many have tried and no one has achieved since it is impossible to increase size selectively, when we gain weight in our body insulin is being stimulated among other anabolic hormones and these hormones are contrary to a fat burn... My advice is not aimed at discouraging you but at not wasting your time, if you want a size you have to forget about the current size of your waist, you can increase with a minimum of fat but your waist will increase, first increase and then get shreded but the two things at the same time is impossible

cheers ;)

i'll keep going the course til i'm in the same condition as i was last summer and then i'll be able to see just how much actual lean muscle tissue i have accumulated

hopefully it will be 5-7 pounds and most importantly the waist must be the same size at that condition or even less and if it's bigger then it's a failure

if i end up 5-7 pounds bigger at the same condition with the same size waist or even less then i can be certain all that weight went to my arms, delts, pecs and upper lats

5-7 pounds added only to those pasts is pretty significant i think but i'll know for sure once i get there


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #40 on: December 14, 2023, 09:30:14 AM »
Think I can just stick with test and tren and not mess with the a-bombs

Once I put cals back at maintenance I can even lower the dose from 75 mg test 30 mg ACE to 50 and 20

I'm never gonna over feed again it ain't necessary and it doesn't speed up gains in my experience

I'm about 10 pounds heavier than my peak weight and I'm thinking I'll end up 5-7 pounds heavier at the same condition

Big Paul and Doc Mike said a 5 pound gain of pure lean dry muscle is enormous so I guess we'll see

Thing is all this 5-7 pounds will be located above my nipple's ♠️♠️♠️


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #41 on: December 16, 2023, 08:41:51 AM »
last 2 days i increased cals a bit with chocolate chip cookies and carmel popcorn and eating 3 meals per day instead of 2 and added a full .5 inches back on my waist >:( >:( >:(

gonna check my weight and if it went down and if it did then that's some shitty news


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #42 on: December 16, 2023, 09:24:19 AM »
Gained 2 pounds so at least my weight didn't go down while my waist went up :D


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #43 on: December 21, 2023, 11:15:58 AM »
here's an update, i'll post these pics here and have a look on the big screen and then give my thoughts


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #44 on: December 21, 2023, 11:20:17 AM »
so that fatty/water pocket on my low back above my hip is lesser and have improved meaning i'm leaner and drier

i'm pretty flat of course but that's to be expected on such low cals


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #45 on: December 22, 2023, 01:06:29 AM »
decided to lower the test to 250 and up the ACE to 350

was running bout 575 test before


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #46 on: December 22, 2023, 01:35:35 PM »
Impressive, dj.

You are very dedicated.


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #47 on: December 22, 2023, 02:50:15 PM »
Impressive, dj.

You are very dedicated.

Thank you 8)

You must be your own scientist and discover what world best for you through trail and error

As far as gear goes I have to keep test at no more than 250 mgs a week otherwise I lose "lines/shape"

I don't respond at all to mast and winny but I do respond to deca, tren, dbol, drol and var, I don't know bout primo but honestly I don't want to fork out that cash to test it coz if it is like winny and mast for me I will waste my money and time

Next I'll go with var or drol and 250 test

As far as diet goes I need some shit fast food otherwise I get too flat

Training I have to train at least every other day but not more than 3 days in a row, and I need to train a muscle every 48-96 hrs


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #48 on: December 25, 2023, 04:43:21 AM »
I've only lost 4 pounds so far on 1200 cals so it seems like I'm recomping


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Re: will be getting the ACE tomorrow and will post results here
« Reply #49 on: December 26, 2023, 02:57:14 AM »
Guess I'm pretty conditioned now...