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Prayer and Religion in Public Life

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Dos Equis:

--- Quote from: Agnostic007 on April 09, 2024, 08:37:15 PM ---Love most of his movies but Equalizer 3 was an embarrassment

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The sequels are rarely as good as the first installment, but all three movies were pretty much the same.  And his performance was good in all three. 

Dos Equis:
An arrogant attitude held by a number of atheists.  It's not enough to have a non-belief in God or religion, which is fine, but everyone who disagrees has to be stupid. 

"Human beings are so f—d,  basically… because they're so stupid," he said.

'Succession' actor bashes the Bible, calls religion a bad influence on humanity: 'People are so stupid'
The Scottish actor, who is an atheist, tied religion's harmful impact to the war in Gaza
By Kristine Parks Fox News
Published April 30, 2024

Humble Narcissist:

--- Quote from: Dos Equis on April 30, 2024, 04:21:31 PM ---An arrogant attitude held by a number of atheists.  It's not enough to have a non-belief in God or religion, which is fine, but everyone who disagrees has to be stupid. 

"Human beings are so f—d,  basically… because they're so stupid," he said.

'Succession' actor bashes the Bible, calls religion a bad influence on humanity: 'People are so stupid'
The Scottish actor, who is an atheist, tied religion's harmful impact to the war in Gaza
By Kristine Parks Fox News
Published April 30, 2024

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To be fare, it is a religious war.

Dos Equis:

--- Quote from: Humble Narcissist on May 01, 2024, 12:45:12 AM ---To be fare, it is a religious war.

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Who is at war?


--- Quote from: Dos Equis on April 30, 2024, 04:21:31 PM ---An arrogant attitude held by a number of atheists.  It's not enough to have a non-belief in God or religion, which is fine, but everyone who disagrees has to be stupid. 

"Human beings are so f—d,  basically… because they're so stupid," he said.

'Succession' actor bashes the Bible, calls religion a bad influence on humanity: 'People are so stupid'
The Scottish actor, who is an atheist, tied religion's harmful impact to the war in Gaza
By Kristine Parks Fox News
Published April 30, 2024

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I don't see what the fuss is about. He isn't calling (or actively trying) to behead those who don't believe like him or to throw them off buildings or imprison them or not let them have and practice their religious beliefs. He might think some groups of people are stupid for what they believe because he thinks it makes no sense, and likewise, other people might think that about him. I wonder though if he would say the same things about the other abrahamic religions, their books, beliefs and practices.


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