Author Topic: 240 is Vince G, wake up people  (Read 17000 times)

Army of One

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240 is Vince G, wake up people
« on: August 30, 2006, 04:30:48 PM »
He's even mistakenly posted as 240 from the vince G account and vice versa, and ive ponted it out and noone has noticed, good gimmick account though, ill give him that.

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2006, 04:36:41 PM »
He's even mistakenly posted as 240 from the vince G account and vice versa, and ive ponted it out and noone has noticed, good gimmick account though, ill give him that.

sorry boss.  I'd be happy to make a wager with you on this one if you feel like it. 

You'd be smarter putting your $ on a top 6 kamali finish at the O.

Army of One

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2006, 04:37:48 PM »
sorry boss.  I'd be happy to make a wager with you on this one if you feel like it. 

You'd be smarter putting your $ on a top 6 kamali finish at the O.

Your Proxies dont fool me.

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2006, 04:42:17 PM »
Your Proxies dont fool me.

seeing as you cannot see IPs, i don't know how any proxy would be able to fool you.

Are you making this up as you go, or is there some kind of retart [sic] script you follow?

Army of One

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2006, 04:43:34 PM »
No its just extremely obvious, why the anger?Sad that your little game is ending?Melt.down

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2006, 04:45:09 PM »
No its just extremely obvious, why the anger?Sad that your little game is ending?Melt.down

I'm not sure a meltdown would involve my challenging you to put money on it.

I do feel that a self-owning would include running from a perfectly good chance to take my money.


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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2006, 04:46:31 PM »
I'm not sure a meltdown would involve my challenging you to put money on it.

I do feel that a self-owning would include running from a perfectly good chance to take my money.

Watching The Haters

Army of One

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2006, 04:47:10 PM »
How exactly would this proof be shown?That your ips dont match?Please.....

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2006, 04:49:31 PM »
How exactly would this proof be shown?That your ips dont match?Please.....

Hey man, you could get us both on a webcam, on the phone, you name it.  You could fly us both out to your hometown of Locash, CA and let us run train your sister for all I care. 

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2006, 04:50:31 PM »


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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2006, 04:50:54 PM »
Hey man, you could get us both on a webcame, on the phone, you name it.  You coudl fly us both out to your hometown of Locash, CA and let us run train your sister for all I care. 

Hi Vince ;D

On a serious note 240 ISN'T VINCE G ::)

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2006, 04:51:29 PM »
Hi Vince ;D

On a serious note 240 ISN'T VINCE G ::)

Hi 240

Army of One

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2006, 04:52:47 PM »
Hi Vince ;D

On a serious note 240 ISN'T VINCE G ::)
I disagree, is it any wilder than 240's 911 "conspiracies"?

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2006, 04:54:22 PM »
I disagree, is it any wilder than 240's 911 "conspiracies"?

I have some friends who are conspiracy nuts.

They believe, for example, that on 9/11 some clown named Osama bin Laden picked up his cell phone in a cave in Afghanistan and directed 19 Muslims, none of them professional pilots, to hijack four airliners and fly them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, thereby bringing down three steel-skeleton skyscrapers, the only time in world history that has ever happened.

A humdinger of a conspiracy, that one. My conspiracy nut friends know it's true because they have it on good authority -- George Bush told them so.

These conspiracy nuts also believe Osama is part of some mysterious worldwide "terrorist" organization of "Islamic fascists" that hates us because of our freedoms and democracy, and have enough power to destroy us -- despite our thousands of nuclear warheads, ships, warplanes, tanks, and countless men under arms. A fearsome enemy, to be sure, as President Bush frequently tells us.

For once, I agree with George Bush; 9/11 was a conspiracy. We just disagree on who was involved in that conspiracy. That is, we MAY disagree -- if he really believes what he told us. In other words, whether or not he was in or out of the loop.

9/11 was an inside job. The facts are indisputable. There was no way that Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda could have pulled it off, or at least pulled it off without help.

Official story -- AKA Alternative Reality

Let's examine some of the absurdities that official government story on 9/11 would have us believe:

Nineteen hijackers were sent to the U.S., some of them taking flying lessons, apparently because Al Qaeda couldn't find any trained pilots. They didn't bother with aliases. One of them leaves his copy of the Koran at a bar, some of the others leave flight manuals in Arabic in parked cars.

They use undetected box cutters to overwhelm the crew and passengers of four different airliners and then engage in some miraculous precision flying to crash two of them into the WTC and one into the Pentagon. The fourth crashes into a field.

President Bush, meanwhile, is reading to some school kids when he is told about the hijackings. With the United States apparently under attack, he seems unconcerned and stays with the kids for quite some time.

Though the whole sequence of events takes more than an hour, none of the hijacked planes are intercepted, or even seen, by the Air Force.

The WTC South Tower collapses less than an hour after it was struck by one lone airplane; the North Tower falls in less than two hours. A third building, unhit by planes, falls later.

If you believe all of this, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Back in the Real World

The official story is so absurd on the surface that we have to consider some more realistic possibilities.

There are really only three others, although they have hundreds of variations.

1) Incompetence: Everybody just goofed -- from intelligence agencies to the Air Force.

2) They knew but ... Various people in power knew about the plot, the conspiracy, but they let it happen.

3) It was an inside job.

Number one is a nonstarter. It is impossible to believe in such massive incompetence. If our intelligence agencies and military and political establishments were that incompetent, the country would have fallen years ago.

Number two is a bit more plausible. If the neocons currently in power knew about the Al Qaeda plot, they might have decided to let it go ahead in order to serve their own purposes; a war on Iraq, for example. A bit more plausible, but not very persuasive. It still assumes some of the most absurd aspects of the official story.

Number three is the scenario of choice.

Let's briefly examine just a couple of the problems with the official fantasy.

Our Missing Air Force

The Air Force is protecting the United States with the most advanced fighter planes in the world. But on 9/11, planes that routinely fly at close to 2000 miles an hour, somehow couldn't catch up with airliners that fly at one quarter the speed.

The official fairy tale talks of war games, communications mix-up between the FAA and NORAD, fighters out of position in training exercises, etc. No matter how you slice it, it's still baloney.

While planes were flying into the WTC towers, F-15s from Otis Air Force Base were sent off Long Island and ordered to remain in a holding pattern. Why weren't they ordered to protect New York?

For the hour that the plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon was under the control of hijackers, military officials in a command center on the east side of the building were urgently talking to law enforcement and air traffic control officials about what to do. In the end, they did nothing. Why? If we can't protect the Pentagon from attack, no place in the country is safe.

You Canna' Change the Laws of Physics!

We are told that both the North and South World Trade Center towers collapsed because of the plane impacts and fires. The "pancake" theory explains this -- i.e., each floor fell on the one below until the building is totally destroyed.

The trouble with this, it's physically impossible. The burning kerosene from the plane's fuel tanks does not create a hot enough fire to melt the steel skeletons of a modern skyscraper. No skyscraper in the world has ever collapsed from a fire, not even buildings that burned for days.

You can get tangled up in conflicting expert opinion. But the opinions that allow for this kind of collapse are so tortured that they defy reason, logic, and common sense.

And even then, they are defeated by the simple fact that all three buildings -- the two hit by planes and the one that wasn't -- fell at near freefall speed, impossible for a pancaking building. Each floor would be slowed as it hit the one below, appreciably lengthening the building collapse.

Then you have the minor but vexing problem, of course, that each building fell so perfectly within its own footprint.

The only way the buildings could have fallen the way they did was through controlled demolition. In short, they were blown up.

Who Did It?

The fact that it was an inside job is evident. There was enormous expertise involved.

Beyond that, is impossible to know. We don't have the facts to point to anybody. And we'll never have those facts, if there is not a real serious investigation. That yet isn't in the cards. While there is a great deal of skepticism about the official story, the corporate media flatly refuses to examine it. And that isn't likely to change soon.

But, as Fox Mulder said, the truth is out there. We have to look for it.

Read some books about 9/11. The corporate media refuses to review books that challenge the official line, but you can find them in bookstores. Try Towers of Deception; The Media Cover up of 9/11 by Barrie Zwicker.

There are a dozen major websites that are seeking the truth about 9/11. Look at them, study the evidence, and demand that your congressman and senators do something. They won't, of course, but we have to start somewhere.

Unless, of course, you prefer living in the Land of Oz.

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2006, 04:55:03 PM »
He's even mistakenly posted as 240 from the vince G account and vice versa, and ive ponted it out and noone has noticed, good gimmick account though, ill give him that.

Sorry but we are not even the same race.  And why would 240 do business with himself.

BTW, I've actually been around since the late 90's when this place was American Bodybuilding.  However I was actually the infamous, Hefty Smurf.


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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2006, 04:55:48 PM »

Army of One

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2006, 05:00:19 PM »

Sorry but we are not even the same race.  And why would 240 do business with himself.

BTW, I've actually been around since the late 90's when this place was American Bodybuilding.  However I was actually the infamous, Hefty Smurf.
Wow well done, you switched on a proxy and signed in under a different account, you convinced me.The flames didnt have to melt the steel beams btw, only have to slightly weaken them , would i have to melt you to make you fall over?

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2006, 05:00:42 PM »
Sorry but we are not even the same race.  And why would 240 do business with himself.

BTW, I've actually been around since the late 90's when this place was American Bodybuilding.  However I was actually the infamous, Hefty Smurf.


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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2006, 05:04:34 PM »
Wow well done, you switched on a proxy and signed in under a different account, you convinced me.The flames didnt have to melt the steel beams btw, only have to slightly weaken them , would i have to melt you to make you fall over?

If my spine was 47 steel reinforced columns and you melted my head, the remnants of my head would run down the side of my body, as the law of physics require.  They certainly wouldn't choose to reverse the course of intertia and move though an intact, cold entity (my body) when their original direction had them running down the sides.

Of course, if a team of engineers has spent the weekend before this, wiring my spine with explosives, then my head would fall straight down.

You have been owned by a small group of neo-cons.  99% of your govt are good people.  1% allowed 911 to happen.  Do your research.  And if you're as sure about your 911 facts as you are about your "Vince is 240" facts, then I believe you may be a lost cause...


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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2006, 05:04:58 PM »
Nah - it's virtually impossible to fake being as 'new' as 240 is relative to Melvin.  


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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2006, 05:08:23 PM »
No- def not the same- I thought vince G tried to sue 240- is that true?

Army of One

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2006, 05:13:29 PM »
If my spine was 47 steel reinforced columns and you melted my head, the remnants of my head would run down the side of my body, as the law of physics require.  They certainly wouldn't choose to reverse the course of intertia and move though an intact, cold entity (my body) when their original direction had them running down the sides.

Of course, if a team of engineers has spent the weekend before this, wiring my spine with explosives, then my head would fall straight down.

You have been owned by a small group of neo-cons.  99% of your govt are good people.  1% allowed 911 to happen.  Do your research.  And if you're as sure about your 911 facts as you are about your "Vince is 240" facts, then I believe you may be a lost cause...
The initial lean by the tower(s) was deceptive as it didnt show the pancaking which was the floors heading striaght DOWN in the inner shell.


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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2006, 05:26:43 PM »
No way that they are one and the same.
Vince was around at least 2-3 years before 240 or Bust came onto the scene. Then, he was still around when 240 or Bust becamse 240 Is Back.
Your approaching Vince G. stupid here, and that's pretty hard to do unless your a byproduct of incest.

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2006, 05:27:01 PM »
The initial lean by the tower(s) was deceptive as it didnt show the pancaking which was the floors heading striaght DOWN in the inner shell.

If you subscribe to the pancake theory, then you must agree that the buildings couldn't have fallen at freefall speed- which they did.  You see, the pancake theory requires the falling payload to slow a bit as it collapses upon each floor, the floor gives, and the new payload falls to the next floor.  Also, you're ignoring the fact that the load bearing , fireproofed, concrete reinforced steel central columns would have stood longer than the floors.  On the video, they both fall at freefall speed.  

Also, if you watch the videotape, you'll see steel beams being launched sideways and upwards, 200 yards into the air.  Typically, when you see heavy steel being launched 2 football fields into the air, you attribute that to explosions, not falling.  Have you ever dropped a brick which caused whatever it landed on to be launched 200 yards into the air?

Finally, the pancaking effct surely wouldn't have caused the concrete to pulverize, ESPECIALLY on the initial floors.  I mean, debris had falled 10 feet, and the first floor below it turned into powder immediately.  Again, when i drop a brick 10 feet, it doesn't turn into powder.

I implore you to read more about this topic.  You're regurgitating info put out in 2001 that has been debunked since.

Vince B

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Re: 240 is Vince G, wake up people
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2006, 05:29:29 PM »
I thought what was obvious on Getbig is that no one could be foolish enough to admit he is the bloke depicted in those photos. The black guy has good shape and decent size but for some unknown reason looks smooth. I mean, no one with half a brain would post those photos of himself on Getbig.