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Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by bhank on Today at 05:15:28 AM »
Why would you put stupid specific shit like this out there about where you live?  Is there a Home Depot close by also?  How about fajitas?

I just described every major city in the World but yeah they have fajitas at the tex mex place on my street and the corner of Main 3 blocks from my house. Come find me bitch
             This male ( i wont call him a man because he isn't one)  constantly talks about gay stuff and how the 80 olympia was fixed and how great meth menzter was etc. I know he does it to get people to argue. But enough is enough. This is a bodybuilding website NOT a homo fag website. Yes there are some gay activity in bodybuilding but that is not what this site should be about. So many on here always have to bring cock cum gay homo stuff into EVERY post . Whatever this royalty thin is it does NOT bring anything positive to this site.  Please ban him and several others who only talk gay stuff and lies about the 80 olympia being rigged. 
i somehow injured one my rear delts...and let me tell you, its fuckin debilitating! in the gym and in everyday life. it fucks with every upper body exercise that i do.. i never knew the rear delts were involved so much as compared to others that ive tweaked over the years. its been fuckin impossible to train around.
bhanks I thought you always did five sets.  Why six sets suddenly?

Just felt right it was actually 8 sets if you count the warmups

I am not trying to kill the chest as I am planning a surgery within 3 months on it so just trying to maintain
bhanks I thought you always did five sets.  Why six sets suddenly?

Because he forgets his lies and will now claim he is experimenting in the hope you forget! 
bhanks I thought you always did five sets.  Why six sets suddenly?
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Last post by NarcissisticDeity on Today at 04:50:44 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Donald Von Shitzhizpantz the legend continues.
« Last post by funk51 on Today at 04:39:59 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Trump Found Guilty On All 34 Counts!
« Last post by funk51 on Today at 04:15:29 AM »
Yes, I agree. Trump can only get away with not "getting anything done" for so long. I need to see success. If he keeps surrounding himself with losers then he is a loser. What prevented him from directing the US military on day 1 to take out the globalist elites as a matter of national security? No more talk Trump! Action or go to jail mudderducker!
  he has a history of success
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Trump Found Guilty On All 34 Counts!
« Last post by IroNat on Today at 03:22:15 AM »
He's basically a lightening rod for culture war shit and an avatar for dissatisfaction with the establishment.

I'm baffled how haters say he's a dictator when he was one of the weakest and most ineffectual presidents ever in terms of policy implementation. He couldnt dictate jack shit. He got blocked and stymied constantly. And I can't understand how his supporters aren't deeply disappointed by zero campaign promises fulfilled. Stuff they were passionate about like the wall. Where's the acknowledgment and the plan so it doesn't happen again?

The retarded polarization over Trump is proof the media still controls most people's minds. Imo he ought to pass the torch to Ramaswamy. Everyone else in the GOP is a neocon war junkie who wants to bankrupt the country while sending your children to die for unnecessary bullshit.

Good post.
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