Getbig Main Boards > Politics and Political Issues Board




Rosie is the Alpha Male on that gossip show. With even a passing knowledge of body language, you can see how she dominates the others. Not to mention the main feature of her overbearing vocal browbeating.The repeated half truths and disinformation will only show her total disregard for anyone who is not in lock step with her views. Her reasoning abilities are completely gone, just bias. Another factor being, she is just stupid (or has not studied) about any geo-political workings of the world. Or political history for that matter.That second from the right women is leaning so far away from Rosie's direction, you would think someone was pulling her with ropes. The other women, next to Rosie, is trying to stay neutral, but she gives herself away with hand gestures.   The blonde ,who tries to establish a line of debate, only to be over talked by Butch, is the token moderate on that board.


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