Author Topic: Galeniko i'm calling you out!  (Read 15549 times)


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Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« on: February 14, 2014, 08:59:07 AM »
I am a 25 year old obese women. I came here to learn how to train properly and how to eat better so I can lose weight. My goal is to be like the bikini competitors.

Could you please help me with a weight training program? I would like to loose my fat and then gain a little bit of muscles but not too much. I don't want to get big like a man.

I was told you were the person to speak to about this.I weigh about 250 pounds right now and need to lose at least 125.


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2014, 03:06:44 AM »
He knows what he is doing. Check out his transformation:




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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2014, 03:09:58 AM »
I am a 25 year old obese women. I came here to learn how to train properly and how to eat better so I can lose weight. My goal is to be like the bikini competitors.

Could you please help me with a weight training program? I would like to loose my fat and then gain a little bit of muscles but not too much. I don't want to get big like a man.

I was told you were the person to speak to about this.I weigh about 250 pounds right now and need to lose at least 125.

Contact devon97 trust me.


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2014, 08:07:46 AM »
Yes yes yes...

This is our new project:

He wins 5000 dollars if he can get chiselled in 3 months!

Please someone stop me


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2014, 08:16:30 AM »
What do you mean by getting chisseld? Is that muscular? That is a lot of money! I wish I could make money by loosing weight!

The gentleman in the pic if a getbig trademark, a specimen of excelence.
Due to his humanitarian traits he was rewarded with that prize/challenge: 5000 dollars if he gets slim, shredded, ripped to the bone, chisseled, whatever you call it.

Please someone stop me


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2014, 08:24:35 AM »
Getbig community has high hopes for Shitso, we all believe he is going to make it. He has proven his value in the past, he is going to do it again in the future. :-X

Please someone stop me


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2014, 08:43:52 AM »
I am a 25 year old obese women. I came here to learn how to train properly and how to eat better so I can lose weight. My goal is to be like the bikini competitors.

Could you please help me with a weight training program? I would like to loose my fat and then gain a little bit of muscles but not too much. I don't want to get big like a man.

I was told you were the person to speak to about this.I weigh about 250 pounds right now and need to lose at least 125.

great new gimmick....soon to have Junior pining for you.


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2014, 08:48:37 AM »
I am a 25 year old obese women. I came here to learn how to train properly and how to eat better so I can lose weight. My goal is to be like the bikini competitors.

Could you please help me with a weight training program? I would like to loose my fat and then gain a little bit of muscles but not too much. I don't want to get big like a man.

I was told you were the person to speak to about this.I weigh about 250 pounds right now and need to lose at least 125.
hi fatso-lady ;D

lets list the good things:

youre realistic, you know you been bulking for too long

youre 25, its not too late you didnt throw your life into the gutter yet and seemingly willing to get in shape.

one thing upfront, first things first,as some rapper always says:

itll come down to the follwoing: either the love for food or the love for looking good will win, theres no inbetween, make this very clear to yourself.
don even attempt to be delusional about a piece of cake here and there, whats to come must be new lifestyle, not some temporary diet.

you got 100lbs of weight to lose, sounds like much but is doable, infact, i know one girl who was 210lbs and is now 130, she went from borderline obese to a straigh 9 out of 10 on the look scale.the skin didnt take any damage.

you are where she was.its not too late.

i know i know, you too want to be had by all the good looking guys, being admired by men, being hated by women who will mentaly meltdown in jealousy from looking at you.
you want walk around in sexy heels(now not possible, they have kinda weight limit) with shape calves,thin ankles, thick fatfree legs and a tight ass, in a dress that basicaly consists of nothing, with abs outlined a bit and shapely arms.
it can be done dont worry.

you and many women say you dont want to get big like men, thats not going to happen unless you go on long you stay away from these do not worry about too much size,its not happening for women.
women often confuse their "size" with bloat and water,just like male permabulkers.

now a training programme, well your 100lbs of extra lard are indirectly a good training tool itself.makes the muscles work somewhat just to carry that around, im not joking.

your trainign routine must involve lifting weights, train like a bodybuilder with the weights, roughly each bodypart once a week.
and lots of cardio will be necesary.
can you do cardio yet?or does it feel like heart attack after 2 minutes?
thats no big deal marathon runners, after a marathon have the blood panel values of a hearht attack patient.
so if you cant run yet, also considering the joints, just do extended walks.or stationary bycycle.this will build up cardio stamina.

do cardio every single day in the morning straight after waking up, before any food comes anywhere near yout mouth.
drink a coffe, get up ,get out or on stationary bike and do 30minutes of cardio, to about the intensity where you can barely talk.

this is the most effective way to lose fat, you can believe me on this, spare me pointing out the science behind this.

after cardio, the hunger attacks and feeling can be fierce, dont let them mislead you.30minutes walking doesnt justify eating a pizza doesnt even justify that litlle bit of chocolate.

and forget that you can have something you like to eat anytime, just do forget that.dont listen to ppl who say you can eat anything you want when dieting.thats not how it can also eat your own shit but is that any good?

ok, next is the weight training, i dont knwo, go as often as you can, go 4-5times weekly, if you did the cardio in the morning or not, do some again after the weight lifting.20-30minutes will do.

dont have no post workout shake, they will want to sell that to you in the gym, dont have a tupperware full of rice post workout, thats for the fatties, a tupperware full of rice will be your whole day rice portion,not 1 meal.

you never ever eat if not hungry,just dont do it, wh would you do that.
this means dont eat by the clock, eat when relay starving.

i dont know what your diet is like now, but take out all alcohol immediately, take out all sugary drinks imediately and permanently.

your food will be veggies, rice, maybe a fruit a day, lean meat and the occasional maybe 1-2 times weekly slice of piza and 1 small icecream or chocolate.

if you want to use drugs, use efedrine maybe some gh, but nothing ever else.

you can be daylight presentable by the end of summer if you are consistent.

list your current honest, dont "forget" the bad foods.

and fuck hell no no snakc in between are allowe.youre not a freaking cow who needs to eat a little bit throughout whole day.

if anythings unclear, feel free to ask.

can also post or send pm a pic.

even if a womans face is ugly, the body can make up for alot.

basicaly if you want to look like a fitness competitor or physique woman competitor, you must eat and train like them.the results come with time.



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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2014, 08:50:01 AM »
this thread should also be moved to gossipopionion :D


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2014, 08:59:42 AM »
I think that is great!

What do you mean by someone please stop me?

Galeniko listened to your request.
You have been truly blessed.
You along with Shitso are going to be part of the getbig all of fame.

Please someone stop me


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2014, 09:08:23 AM »
If not a gimmick this could get good!  Obese woman do yourself a favor and LISTEN TO GALENIKO. I even heard a rumor he wrote a book with his boyfriend   ;)


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2014, 09:25:41 AM »
He sounds like a great person even if he is fat. I see why you are awarding him money then. He will look great when he thins out!

Fat? What do you mean?

He is as ripped and shredded as humanly possible, even beats Flex Wheeler at 0 % bodyfat having to stave off Ninjas while honin' the Lactic Acids of peace.


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2014, 10:04:18 AM »
Yes yes yes...

This is our new project:

He wins 5000 dollars if he can get chiselled in 3 months!

Please someone stop me

 3 months?

Must be a big fucking chisel

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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2014, 10:31:46 AM »
another shizzo gimmick oozing estrogen


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2014, 06:36:28 AM »
Lol.  ;D why is everyone calling me gimmick.

Only want to lose 50lbs. Um so a woman want to be 200lbs.  ???

Brilliant, I'm loving this.


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2014, 06:44:12 AM »
Thank you so much Geleniko!! I can tell English is not your first language. Where are you from?

Right now I am just going to start running for exercise. I was walking and I lost 20 pounds but now I am no t losing anymore. So this weekend I am going to buy special running shoes and start running. But only at a slow pace because I don't think I could handle much more.

I would rather not do a diet right now and just focus on exercise. Taking out alcohol is no problem but I like sugary drinks.

I don't want to do steroids if that's what you mean by drugs. Ive heard of ephedrine but what is GH stand for?

I was thinking I should exercise first and see how much weight I can los that way and if it's not enough then start to diet. What do you think about that.

I also don't know if I need to lose 100 pounds but I would definitely like to lose another 50.

Also why is everyone calling me gimmkc?

you lack discipline.
sugar drinks is like taking poison.
DIET is a must, you don't need to go crazy right now but you already need to avoid several kinds of food.

About the gimmick stuff... getbig has been hijaked lately by The Organization. Some of our overzealous members just thought you were another douchebag cocksucking muthafuckas.


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2014, 06:55:08 AM »
I am going to start running on sunday and I have cut down my pop. Why is sugar drinks like poison??

I thought exercise first and if I don't lose enough weight then diet. I have already cut down on my pop and I am eating more fruits.

I am not here to hijack anyone lol. I just need to lose some weight.

Pero estoy hablando mandarin?

And you are not going to start running on sunday you are going to start today! forget being lazy forget you're previous life!
galeniko is not going to like this, no no no.

I knew you were not a gimmick all along.


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2014, 08:41:48 AM »
Lol I never drank poop before.  :) Is pop really that bad for losin gweight? Is it okay if I replace it with juice?  The most I drink in one day is three cans now. Before I used to drink six cans so I cut it in half.

I can't start running today because I don't have running shoes. On Saturday I am going to go buy them though. Should I start the running Saturday instead then?

I don't want Galeniko to be mad and hes really helpful. Will the pop make him mad?

You are not going to join Shizztorm in the board of honor.
galeniko's words are to be folowed like gospel.
all you have are excuses. "only 3 cans a day" mega lol.
Godspeed lazylardlady.


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2014, 06:16:11 PM »
Thank you so much Geleniko!! I can tell English is not your first language. Where are you from?

Right now I am just going to start running for exercise. I was walking and I lost 20 pounds but now I am no t losing anymore. So this weekend I am going to buy special running shoes and start running. But only at a slow pace because I don't think I could handle much more.

I would rather not do a diet right now and just focus on exercise. Taking out alcohol is no problem but I like sugary drinks.

I don't want to do steroids if that's what you mean by drugs. Ive heard of ephedrine but what is GH stand for?

I was thinking I should exercise first and see how much weight I can los that way and if it's not enough then start to diet. What do you think about that.

I also don't know if I need to lose 100 pounds but I would definitely like to lose another 50.

Also why is everyone calling me gimmkc?
make sure the shoes have a weight limit :)

what you mean,you dont want to diet
?is this a joke? ???

like sugary drinks?

well,id like to have a house at the beach, too.

you need to diet, oh well, atleast while walking, try to not eat.

cut out the fizzy sugar drinks.and eat leass everything was outlined to you in my mega essay.



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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2014, 06:18:21 PM »
If I was so lazy I wouldn't be trying to lose weight in the first place! A person should start off slowly though. It's dangerous to do many changes all at once.
no its not, when you fall asleep theres also changes at once.

who told you such crap dangerous to change things fast.

youre pouring liquid sugar into while being diabetic.

thats my guess, go have blood sugar levels checked.

its doomed to fail if you gonna drink sugary drinks.


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2020, 07:17:21 AM »
Where is he ? :-\


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Re: Galeniko i'm calling you out!
« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2020, 08:28:25 AM »
Business trip in jail.