Author Topic: Trump = Winning  (Read 852487 times)


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4200 on: December 03, 2022, 04:16:22 PM »
Never confuse appearance with reality
All the time much of America has been dazzled at Mr Trumps owning of the libz  few seem to have realised how he owns the GOP even more as they trash wildly and helplessly telling the wider Republican membership & supporters who to voter for (with little evidence of compliance)

When Republican elites suggest the party  move on from Trump they are only illustrating the extent of Mr Trumps ownership of them

Trump can really pick them. Herschel Walker, the Republican Senate candidate listed his Atlanta residence on public records as a rental property in 2021, while receiving a homestead exemption in Texas.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4201 on: December 04, 2022, 03:07:12 PM »

It is no surprise that Trump is suggesting we disavow parts of the United States Constitution to accommodate his desires. He attempted this on January 6th when he tried to overthrow the U.S. government by directing his personal army to storm the Capitol and disrupt the certification of the newly elected President and Vice President.

The very basis of his current campaign is that the 2020 election was stolen from him. The big question is whether Trump, the wannabe despot, can garner enough support/voters to win the 2022 election.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4202 on: December 04, 2022, 05:00:37 PM »
It is no surprise that Trump is suggesting we disavow parts of the United States Constitution to accommodate his desires. He attempted this on January 6th when he tried to overthrow the U.S. government by directing his personal army to storm the Capitol and disrupt the certification of the newly elected President and Vice President.

The very basis of his current campaign is that the 2020 election was stolen from him. The big question is whether Trump, the wannabe despot, can garner enough support/voters to win the 2022 election.

Ahh Hello Prime ,  What has You're Learned Knowledgeable Governor Allowed you to do Today   ??
Any Executive orders ??


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4203 on: December 04, 2022, 05:50:39 PM »
He can suck a dick before we start tearing down the Constitution.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4204 on: December 04, 2022, 07:29:06 PM »
He can suck a dick before we start tearing down the Constitution.
I think we agree on that, and thank you for saying it.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4205 on: December 05, 2022, 06:46:35 AM »
All this #winning is contagious.   :D

Slammed by the very judges Trumpy appointed.  (well 2 of them)  It's really no surprise that a Trump appointed judge, rated unqualified by the American Bar Association, would rule in this manner and then be rebuked by other judges.

Florida federal Judge Aileen Cannon ‘slammed’ by appeals court in Trump case.

Three months ago, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon made the controversial call to appoint an independent expert to examine documents — including classified government materials — seized by FBI agents from former President Donald Trump’s Palm Beach residence.

She did so despite expressing initial doubts in her own ruling about intervening in the politically charged case.

In a scathing ruling issued Thursday night, a federal appellate court in Atlanta found she should have heeded her first legal concerns. A three-judge panel, all Republican-appointees like Cannon, reversed her decision to name a “special master” because she had no authority to do so and effectively killed the case as legal experts consider a potential appeal unlikely to succeed.

The ruling from the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, several South Florida and other legal experts said, left little room for argument.

“The key point is that Judge Cannon had no jurisdiction to do anything here,” said Mark Schnapp, a former federal prosecutor and longtime Miami criminal defense attorney. “She tried to assert equitable jurisdiction [to appoint the special master], but her own opinion showed why her analysis was defective.

“Her opinion got ripped to shreds by the Eleventh Circuit Court,” he said.

In her Sept. 5 order, Cannon noted that she agreed with Justice Department lawyers that FBI agents carrying a search warrant for Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate had not shown a “callous disregard for [his] constitutional rights,” concluding that “this factor cuts against the exercise of equitable jurisdiction.”

But rather than follow her own analysis, Cannon extended Trump protections not provided to ordinary citizens by appointing a special master to review the FBI’s evidence, citing the “unprecedented circumstances” of the U.S. government raiding a former president’s home.

Cannon, who was nominated by Trump and joined the federal bench in South Florida at the end of his term in 2020, assumed jurisdiction in the Justice Department’s investigation of his alleged mishandling of classified documents and possible national security violations. She appointed a New York special master to view about 100 classified records and thousands of other personal and presidential records taken from Trump’s home on Aug. 8 to determine if any contained privileged correspondence with lawyers. Cannon refused to let a Justice Department “filter team” of agents and prosecutors do the job.

Her decision, in response to a civil lawsuit seeking to have certain privileged documents returned to Trump, slowed down the FBI’s criminal probe of the former president. The Justice Department appealed her ruling and has now scored a major legal victory, allowing its investigation of the classified documents case to move forward at full throttle.

The impact is immediate: Cannon’s decision will not only be thrown out based on her lack of jurisdiction but the special master’s still-unfinished review will be shut down, bringing Trump’s lawsuit to dead end.

While the former president’s lawyers are expected to pursue a counter appeal experts say it will likely fall on deaf ears given the blunt appellate decision: “This appeal requires us to consider whether the district court had jurisdiction to block the United States from using lawfully seized records in a criminal investigation. The answer is no.”

Legal experts in South Florida agreed, saying Cannon should have rejected Trump’s lawsuit seeking to thwart the Justice Department’s investigation after the FBI obtained a search warrant from a magistrate judge who found probable cause of a crime over his storing of classified and other presidential documents at the Mar-a-Lago club and residence after he left the White House in January 2021.

“The bottom line is, he didn’t have presidential privilege anymore because he was no longer president,” said retired career federal prosecutor Dick Gregorie. “She had no business sticking her nose in it, and they slammed her for it.”

Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor, echoed that view, saying the Atlanta appellate judges “ripped her [decision] apart” during oral arguments and so the outcome “was not surprising.”

Tobias said that Cannon never “justified” her decision to invoke jurisdiction in Trump’s case, saying her conclusion to appoint a special master was “wrong.” But he added: “I don’t think she’s acting in bad faith. She’s a junior judge acting in isolation” in Fort Pierce.” That’s where Cannon was assigned when she joined the federal bench in the Southern District of Florida.

The appellate panel’s ruling came from three Republican-appointed judges, including two by Trump. It also marks the second time that the Atlanta court has dealt a major blow to Cannon in her handling of the high-profile case. After her initial decision to appoint the special master, the appellate court ruled that the outside expert, New York U.S. District Judge Raymond Dearie, could not review the classified documents taken from Mar-a-Lago, and that they should be returned immediately to U.S. investigators.

In a 21-page ruling issued late Thursday, the judges — Chief Judge William H. Pryor, Britt Grant and Andrew L. Brasher — described the Trump legal team’s arguments as a “sideshow,” highlighting that his lawyers never made the fundamental point that FBI agents showed a “callous disregard” for the former president’s constitutional rights. The appellate panel found that the “callous disregard standard has not been met here, and no one argues otherwise” — including the presiding judge, Cannon.

“There is no record evidence that the government exceeded the scope of the warrant — which, it bears repeating, was authorized by a [West Palm Beach] magistrate judge’s finding of probable cause [of a crime],” the panel wrote. “And yet again, [Trump’s] argument would apply universally; presumably any subject of a search warrant would like all of his property back before the government has a chance to use it.”

The panel said that the proper time for Trump or any other suspect in a criminal investigation to challenge the government’s seizure of property would be after an indictment has been returned by a grand jury. The grand jury in Washington, D.C., is currently reviewing evidence and hearing witness testimony in the Mar-a-Lago documents probe, according to published reports. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland recently appointed a special prosecutor, Jack Smith, to oversee the investigation., which followed Trump’s announcement that he is running for president in 2024.

The Atlanta appellate judges noted that it is “indeed extraordinary for a warrant to be executed at the home of a former president — but not in a way that affects our legal analysis or otherwise gives the judiciary license to interfere in an ongoing investigation.”

Citing a legal test on jurisdiction that has been in place for nearly 50 years, the three-judge panel wrote that “its limits apply no matter who the government is investigating.”

“The law is clear,” the panel concluded. “We cannot write a rule that allows any subject of a search warrant to block government investigations after the execution of a warrant. Nor can we write a rule that allows only former presidents to do so.“

Jon Sale, a prominent white-collar defense lawyer in Miami who had been asked by Trump to represent him in the Mar-a-Lago documents case, said the appellate court’s message is unambiguous.

“The court’s ruling makes it clear that no person who is the subject of a search warrant, including a former president, is above the law,” said Sale, who served as a Watergate federal prosecutor during the Nixon administration scandal.

But he added: “At the same time, under our Constitution, all people who are the subjects of search warrants, including former presidents, are presumed innocent during the course of the investigation.”

Grape Ape

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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4206 on: December 05, 2022, 08:21:42 AM »

He had a completely incorrect takeaway from this.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4207 on: December 06, 2022, 01:00:39 PM »
So much #winning

Trump companies indicted on all felony counts.

The walls of Mara-Lardo will run red with Heinz tonight.   Impotent rage posts incoming!!!


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4208 on: December 06, 2022, 02:53:50 PM »
He can suck a dick before we start tearing down the Constitution.

Good news, you are finally seeing this person's true colors.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4209 on: December 06, 2022, 02:56:40 PM »
So much #winning

Trump companies indicted on all felony counts.

The walls of Mara-Lardo will run red with Heinz tonight.   Impotent rage posts incoming!!!

Time to buy stock in Heinz.  ;)


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4210 on: December 06, 2022, 03:05:03 PM »
So much #winning

Trump companies indicted on all felony counts.

The walls of Mara-Lardo will run red with Heinz tonight.   Impotent rage posts incoming!!!


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4211 on: December 06, 2022, 05:49:15 PM »
So much #winning

Trump companies indicted on all felony counts.

The walls of Mara-Lardo will run red with Heinz tonight.   Impotent rage posts incoming!!!

Indicted?  ::)

Guilty?  OK, sentence away.

All businesses give top-level employees illegal perks.  Heck, I wasn’t even top level at one of the top ten largest insurance companies in the world but received lots of undocumented perks.

But the jurisdiction wouldn’t get any press from going after big pharma, big tech, big oil, or financial corps doing business in NYC for illegal perks.  They believe that they landed a whale, but it’s actually a trout.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4212 on: December 06, 2022, 06:14:51 PM »
This dose not do anything to the man Trump.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4213 on: December 06, 2022, 08:28:06 PM »
This dose not do anything to the man Trump.

Not sure where you've been for the last 6 years, but this has the potential to do a LOT to the man Trump. Trump is a man who needs validation, needs worship, has proven he will not condone anything less than absolute adulation. That he is being torn apart little by little as the wheels of justice slowly grind, it'a absolutely affecting him.  The man called for ignoring the constitution when he didn't get his way... literally called for it. IF there are still people supporting this man after that and the other outrageous gaffs, then it is true, we get the government we deserve. No offense Coach... I understand you are exempt from these allegations as you seem to struggle with recognizing reality and propaganda when it comes to Trump so I will give you a pass.

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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4214 on: December 06, 2022, 08:52:23 PM »

Prosecutor: Donald Trump knew about exec's tax fraud scheme.

Donald Trump “knew exactly what was going on" with top Trump Organization executives who schemed for years to dodge taxes on company-paid perks, a prosecutor said Thursday, challenging defense claims that the former president was unaware of the plot at the heart of the company's tax fraud case.

Manhattan prosecutor Joshua Steinglass lobbed the bombshell allegation during closing arguments. He promised to share more details when he resumes on Friday, buoyed by the judge’s decision to grant prosecutors permission to veer into territory that had been considered off limits because Trump is not on trial.

Judge Juan Manuel Merchan, overruling a defense objection after the jury had left court, said the company's lawyers opened the door by asserting in their closing arguments that Trump was ignoring of the scheme, hatched by his longtime finance chief just steps from his Trump Tower office.

“It was the defense who invoked the name Donald Trump numerous times," Merchan said, setting up a potentially explosive final day of arguments before jurors deliberate next week.

Seems legit 🙄

And in more relevant news, Hunter Biden is still a free pedo, crime rate is still amongst the highest in the country, rapes, stabbings muggings are up, it’s “illegal” for law abiding citizens to arm themselves for protection, etc etc etc #NYC

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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4215 on: December 06, 2022, 09:04:41 PM »

Prosecutor: Donald Trump knew about exec's tax fraud scheme.

Donald Trump “knew exactly what was going on" with top Trump Organization executives who schemed for years to dodge taxes on company-paid perks, a prosecutor said Thursday, challenging defense claims that the former president was unaware of the plot at the heart of the company's tax fraud case.

Manhattan prosecutor Joshua Steinglass lobbed the bombshell allegation during closing arguments. He promised to share more details when he resumes on Friday, buoyed by the judge’s decision to grant prosecutors permission to veer into territory that had been considered off limits because Trump is not on trial.

Judge Juan Manuel Merchan, overruling a defense objection after the jury had left court, said the company's lawyers opened the door by asserting in their closing arguments that Trump was ignoring of the scheme, hatched by his longtime finance chief just steps from his Trump Tower office.

“It was the defense who invoked the name Donald Trump numerous times," Merchan said, setting up a potentially explosive final day of arguments before jurors deliberate next week.


“Trump himself was not a target of the investigation or proseuction”


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4216 on: December 07, 2022, 03:18:53 AM »

This dose not do anything to the man Trump.

Not sure where you've been for the last 6 years, but this has the potential to do a LOT to the man Trump. Trump is a man who needs validation, needs worship, has proven he will not condone anything less than absolute adulation. That he is being torn apart little by little as the wheels of justice slowly grind, it'a absolutely affecting him.  The man called for ignoring the constitution when he didn't get his way... literally called for it. IF there are still people supporting this man after that and the other outrageous gaffs, then it is true, we get the government we deserve. No offense Coach... I understand you are exempt from these allegations as you seem to struggle with recognizing reality and propaganda when it comes to Trump so I will give you a pass.



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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4217 on: December 07, 2022, 03:22:41 AM »

“Trump himself was not a target of the investigation or proseuction”

"The organization could face up to a maximum of $1.62 million."


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4218 on: December 07, 2022, 04:37:45 AM »

“Trump himself was not a target of the investigation or proseuction”

Where was it ever stated that Trumpy himself was on trial?  <-- that is what a trial is/was since you don't know the difference.

No one said Trumpy was indicted.  Obviously, you didn't get mommy to read that article and posting out for you.  It shows.  Try again.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4219 on: December 07, 2022, 04:40:11 AM »

"The organization could face up to a maximum of $1.62 million."

And closure, dissolution, and liquidation... you know... like the Trump Foundation did.  Just another failure for the Trumpy resume.

Grape Ape

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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4220 on: December 07, 2022, 04:40:23 AM »
Adam Schiff taking a victory lap on this is nauseating.

I didn't read any of the case in detail, but how much taxes were the American people screwed out of for not taxing fringe benefits, vs what Schiff wasted on the Russian hoax?


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4221 on: December 07, 2022, 04:50:29 AM »
Too much #winning.  Judges are consistently ruling against him.  Even the ones he appointed.    ;D

With no Barr to bury these things or McConnell to protect him....  it is not getting any better.

Donald Trump’s legal woes are going from bad to worse, as he’s just been hit with another bombshell; this time as a spate of court rulings have rejected claims by the former president and some of his allies for executive privilege preventing them from testifying in court.

The US Justice Department and a special Georgia grand jury have been investigating whether the 76-year-old twice-impeached former president broke the law as he desperately tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election; and now several key Trump backers as well as ex-administration lawyers, such as ex-chief of staff Mark Meadows and legal adviser John Eastman, will no longer be able to avoid testifying before grand juries in Washington DC and Georgia. Specifically they are wanted regarding their knowledge of – or roles in – Trump’s mission to block Biden’s route to the White House with false claims of fraud.

Following these court decisions, Meadows, Eastman, Lindsey Graham and others will be forced to testify before the Georgia grand jury working with the Fulton County district attorney, who are focussing on the efforts of Trump and his allies to put pressure on the Georgia Secretary of State, amongst other officials, to deny Biden his crucial win there.

"Trump’s multipronged efforts to keep former advisers from testifying or providing documents to federal and state grand juries, as well as the January 6 committee, has met with repeated failure as judge after judge has rejected his legal arguments," said ex-justice department prosecutor Michael Zeldin. "Obtaining this testimony is a critical step, perhaps the last step, before state and federal prosecutors determine whether the former president should be indicted. It allows prosecutors for the first time to question these witnesses about their direct conversations with the former president."

Other former lawyers have also weighed in on Trump’s recent court rulings, agreeing that his situation is getting worse with the latest decisions. "Favorable rulings by judges on issues like executive privilege and the crime-fraud exception to the attorney-client privilege bode well for agencies investigating Trump," said Barbara McQuade, a former US attorney for eastern Michigan. "Legal challenges may create delay, but on the merits, with rare exception, judges are consistently ruling against him."


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4222 on: December 07, 2022, 04:55:56 AM »
And closure, dissolution, and liquidation... you know... like the Trump Foundation did.  Just another failure for the Trumpy resume.

Now that's really gonna make Trump quit and give up his candidacy.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4223 on: December 07, 2022, 05:51:46 AM »
Now that's really gonna make Trump quit and give up his candidacy.

No, DeSantis poll numbers and popularity is going to do that.   :)


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #4224 on: December 07, 2022, 05:55:46 AM »
No, DeSantis poll numbers and popularity is going to do that.   :)
