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Fresh Start at the Gym....Once Again

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Glad to hear you are still at it, Prime.

One day at a time.  Enjoy the ride.


--- Quote from: IroNat on October 03, 2021, 03:41:28 AM ---Glad to hear you are still at it, Prime.

One day at a time.  Enjoy the ride.

--- End quote ---

Thanks. Sunday is a day of rest on this routine. I exercise on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Friday and Saturday repeat the exercise routine that was done earlier in the week. -Could not be any simpler.

Last night when I was done with the bands, I added 3 core exercises because my belly is looking soft.....can't have that!  ;)

Didn't feel like working out last Monday so I started my routine a day later in the week than usual. If I take one day off instead of two consecutive days, I'll be caught up for this week. 

Still waiting to make a fresh start at the gym.  :-[

Just to break up the monotony of my lame training routine and because my quads are ridiculously skinny, I've been doing a daily bodyweight leg routine. I'm doing 40 deep squats, 40 leg raises, 40 calf raises and 40 standing toe touches. It's too soon to know what the results might be (not even a week).

My thinking is that my leg muscles have gradually atrophied since I retired 11 years ago. My guess is that one reason being is when I worked, I was on my feet moving around most of the day. I probably logged a lot of miles each day. There is no way I am walking anywhere close to what I was then. Winters are the worst because I hate being cold and wet and one can only walk around the house so far in any given day.

I have not abandoned the bands, but I have taken a short break from them these past couple of weeks. If I don't get back to them soon, I will add some other upper body stuff to maintain a balance. For now, I'm just concentrating on the lower half of me.


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-Considered it and decided the tread topic was apropos.

-Enjoyed my ‘thousandth’ fresh start at the gym about two weeks ago. -Worked arms on Monday, hams, and calves on Tuesday, and back on Wednesday. And didn't dial the workout back even though it had been almost two years since I'd done these exercises using that resistance. Could hardly move on Thursday, so I took the day off. Bad move. My muscles froze up.

So, picking up where I left off had yet another ‘fresh start’ yesterday. I worked delts and abs. Wisely, this time I lightened the resistance and stuck to the routine number of sets and reps. -Feel fine today so I will work my scrawny pecs. Tomorrow I will work my twig-like quads and calves.

The damn stupid attendant at 24 Hour Fitness told me at check-in that my membership was cancelled. “Impossible, because it is provided by Silver and Fit,” I replied. Then, he said something about signing up again on my next visit. Whew!

When I got home, I checked the Silver and Fit membership which of course is still good. Then I checked the 24-Hour fitness membership which is also fine. I used the touchless check-in with my cell instead of my fingerprint which supposedly caused the problem. I'd set it up on my cell, but apparently, I must initiate it at the club too. Wow, is this stupid.

So, I printed out and am armed with my membership numbers for both Silver and Fit and 24-Hour Fitness. -Anxious to find out what asinine excuse the idiot attendant gives me today. -Might have to reach across the counter with my long arms and slap him a couple of times. LOL!


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