Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A
The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
--- Quote from: Xerxes on June 06, 2007, 04:14:10 AM ---Any views on this? Is it just a case of genetics? Or do you think its possible to dramatically increase their size like with other bodyparts? Didnt arnold add 2 inches to his in one year? What do you think?
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Check out this thread. mtwain gained something like 3 inches on his calves in over year after he had failed to gain on them for years and years. The thread gets into great detail on how he did it.
--- Quote from: Stark on June 06, 2007, 04:54:25 AM ---I read somewhere that the Calves are the one bodypart that has the least nerves (apparently the nose has more nerves than the calves) so it is hard to stimulate them correctly.
Like I said it's just another theory.
On the other hand If I think of myself, yes the calves grow slow, but so are my biceps who always need extra attention, if I on the other hand look at my back traps and lats I can nearly see some size change every 3-4 Month.
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its true
use Vince Taylors technique...after each set he messages them for a minute to get the blood flowing
give it a try
the most effective program for me was training calves 2 on 1 off. i did a super heavy low rep (6-10) workout of 10-12 sets and max weight. next day a light workout for 6-8 very high reps (25-30). the pump and contractions on the second day were unreal. one day off and do it again.
--- Quote from: jaejonna on June 06, 2007, 06:10:44 AM ---genetics, its either you got em or you dont..
end of thread
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yep,my dad went to the gym with me once,the next day everybody was asking me what he does for calves and that was his first time to ever step foot into a gym.i also have big calves and i only work them out maybe 2 times a year.
so if you do not already have good calves you never will :-\
--- Quote from: Max_Rep on June 06, 2007, 09:29:43 AM ---Check out this thread. mtwain gained something like 3 inches on his calves in over year after he had failed to gain on them for years and years. The thread gets into great detail on how he did it.
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Can somebody post those pictures here?
I can't register there and i'd like to see them.
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