Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A
Letting fate determine your rep scheme
240 or bust:
There was a guy training today at my gym with a deck of cards. At the start of each set, he'd flip a card, and do that many reps. I think face cards were worth 10 reps.
Was it a paki by any chance?
Oh. I thought you met Toxic Avenger without knowing it.
--- Quote from: 240 or bust on May 23, 2005, 05:44:23 PM ---There was a guy training today at my gym with a deck of cards. At the start of each set, he'd flip a card, and do that many reps. I think face cards were worth 10 reps.
--- End quote ---
Flex 215:
I remember in high school hearing of wrestlers going through a deck, and black cards were push-ups and red cards were sit-ups. Jacks were 11, queens 12, kings 13 and aces 14, all the rest were face value. This sounds ok just to help stay in shape, but seems very stupid for bodybuilding.
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