Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A
Dorian Yates - chest, back, delts, arms, and legs.
Dorian's beginner routine 1983 to 1985
Rotate every other day / 1 on 1 off split
Workout A
Bench press
Incline press
Incline flys
Chin ups or pulldowns
Bent rows
Cable rows
Press behind neck
Side raises
Rear raises or shrugs
Reverse crunches
Workout B
Leg extensions warm up 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps light to moderate weight
Leg press
Leg curls
Calf raises
Calf press
Barbell curls
Preacher curls
Lying extensions
Reverse curls
Do 1 to 2 warm up sets
3 main sets per exercise
1 set being the top set to postive failure
Rest 30 seconds
2nd set drop weight down by 10 to 20% to positive failure
Rest 30 seconds
3rd set drop weight again by 10 to 20% to postive failure
Reps 6 to 10 except for abs and calves which would be 10 to 15
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