Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A
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well, get your self a George Forman grill. so u can grill chicken breast. on my breaks i eat oatmeal. i gets boring and i get ripped from my co-workers. when ever someone brings donuts or something. with the pros these days are using so many supp/drug. its hard tosay if it a GH belly. or its the food the eat or that they build up their abs muscles
if your on a budget you can eat tuna in cans or chicken breast in cans too. for lunch i would say a sandwhich if your bulking up and chicken breast for dieting down. but dont eat crappy food bc you'll look crappy later
I know salads are good for you, but what about when you're trying put on size, but also staying as lean as possible?
yes veggies are always good. you can get some serious help in the next section down for dieting.
--- Quote from: sarcasm on October 14, 2005, 05:17:57 PM ---i guess you say that because you're so HUGE!!!!
--- End quote ---
Do you want to suck my cock, little fag ???
just a question.
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