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Protein based diet


Had 7 month layoff due to injury, breakup with ex, being a depressed girl. Went from 105 down to 92. Started back again on the 10th of july 2013. Layout is simple, about 1.5-2kgs of meat a day, less then 100grams of carbs a day, don't count fat.

500mgs test prop
300mgs tren ace
this week started 50mg dbol/day

So far went from 92kg to 103kg at bedtime.

Training.: Dorian Yates HIT template

Today was the 30th, tuesday. Ate 1.5kgs of chicken, 2 packs of steamfresh microwave veggies, 1 bowl of nutrigrain with milk, 1 600ml coke zero.

Trained chest and delts, took 1hour 10 minutes.

extremely bloofy photo of my fav bber of all time

It’s a good diet. Hope it proves good for you.


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