Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A
Training protocols: HIT/HST/Max-OT/DC/GVT/Volume links inside + Excersise
--- Quote from: jrbsn159 on April 21, 2004, 01:45:36 PM ---Which program is the best for hardgainers (natural) looking to gain strength and mass?
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Try HST. I use a combination of Westside principles and Max-OT principles in my training regime.
They seem similar in thought so I don't see how can you combo them, unless you are speaking in terms of the exercise methodology. Please explain.
--- Quote from: what. on June 04, 2004, 07:49:23 AM ---I like the 1-6 principal:
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Also known as GEO's Principal
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--- Quote from: jrbsn159 on April 21, 2004, 01:45:36 PM ---Which program is the best for hardgainers (natural) looking to gain strength and mass?
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im not the guy to anser this question, but remember the program is only part of, nutrition and proper supplementation are also a good part of it
Here is a link to a site that list many diffrent movements for each body part if your looking to add a new movement to your routine and/or if your a newbie. Just click on the body part and it will give all the info you need.
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