Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Logs and Info
Yamcha's Log: Go on, suck on it
26 yrs. old
Current Weight: 193 lbs. (Fat; 15% bf)
Lifetime Natural
Current goal is to get my strength back; I competed in a bodybuilding show last month
Running Candito 6 week strength plan. Bare bones basic strength program focusing on big 3
Todays Workout (Currently on 4th week of 6 week program):
~Foam Roll with Rumble Roller 3" studs - Agile 11 warm-up
~Barbell Back Squats: Warm up to 3 working sets (360 x 3; 365 x 3; 370 x 3)
~Deadlift Variation (This week is Rack Deadlifts): 2 working sets (405 x 6; 425 x 6)
~Front Squat (Hypertrophy) 3 x 15-20 @ 135
~ Lunges w/ DB's @ 45's for approx. 25 yards
~Suitcase Carries w/ Trap Bar: See Video of Pete Rubish
I'm glad u began a log
The rumble roller is great
--- Quote from: NaturalWonder83 on November 12, 2015, 06:24:34 AM ---I'm glad u began a log
The rumble roller is great
--- End quote ---
I agree. keeps me from having to go see chiropractor
Attached Picture of when I dieted down for show last month.
I weighed in at 171. I overdieted terribly. Was practically keto the last month of prep.
But this is what a life time natty looks like with shitty genetics :D
So I clearly need to put on size everywhere!
I read something about a log for me to suck on here, where is it?
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