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204 lbs.

back squat 3x12
db pullovers 3x20
leg curls 3x12
seated calf raises 3x12
behind neck press 3x12
lat pulldown 3x12
barbell curls narrow grip 3x12 superset tricep pushdowns 3x15
plank  1 min

next workout...

back squat 3x12
db pullovers 3x20
leg curls 3x12
standing calf raises 3x12
dips 3x12
lat pulldown 3x12
barbell curls wide grip 3x12 superset tricep pushdowns 3x15
plank  1 min

back squat 3x12
db pullovers 3x20
leg curls 3x12
seated calf raises 3x12
incline press 3x12
lat pulldown 3x12
barbell curls narrow grip 3x12 superset tricep pushdowns 3x15
plank  1 min

These workouts take about 40 minutes.

Rest between sets about 45 sec.

back squat 6x12
leg curls 6x12
standing calf raises 6x12
behind neck press 6x12
plank  1 min

I've got bursitis in my left elbow so I skipped any pulling.
Had the bursitis for awhile and can't shake it so got to rest it.
Upped the sets to 6 per ex. to get the workout to 43 minutes.

back squat 3x12
leg curls 3x12
seated calf raises 3x12
chest dips 3x12
lat pulldown 3x12
barbell curls wide 3x12 superset tricep pushdowns 3x12
plank  1 min

back squat 3x12
leg curls 3x12
standing calf raises 3x12
Plank - 1 min


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