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Personal Trainers Talk

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240 is Back:
Are you a Personal Trainer?  Are you interesting in becoming one, either part-time or full-time?

This is the palce to talk about rates, certifications, competing, and all the other issues that go into working this complex and ever-changing job!  Chat away!

michael arvilla:
is it ok to wear "posing trunks" while training clients?

240 is Back:
Mike, you're perfect for this place!  How many clients do you take on? What kinda rates do you charge?  I do a few websites for trainers.  Most charge 40 to 50 per hour, and require a 4 week signup/contract.  Seems like it's be a great way to pick up a few bucks, and if you're going to drive to the gym anyway, mighta s well knock out a few clients!


--- Quote from: michael arvilla on April 19, 2006, 12:18:12 PM ---is it ok to wear "posing trunks" while training clients?

--- End quote ---

if you want to keep your client...NO

michael arvilla:

--- Quote from: 240 is Back on April 19, 2006, 12:22:07 PM ---Mike, you're perfect for this place!  How many clients do you take on? What kinda rates do you charge?  I do a few websites for trainers.  Most charge 40 to 50 per hour, and require a 4 week signup/contract.  Seems like it's be a great way to pick up a few bucks, and if you're going to drive to the gym anyway, mighta s well knock out a few clients!

--- End quote ---
hmmm, where to begin.  Well I take on as many clients as come into World Gym looking for a personal trainer, so it varies.  The gym charges rates based on the size of the PT package (ie: the more sessions you purchase the less per hour).  You have to bust your ass to get clients as not everyone who goes to the gym thinks they need a trainer...but I have to say, the majority that do go to the gym...should have a PT.  Clients are offered 4 VIP sessions (free personal training sessions).  It is my job to help them understand that they need more training.  Most don't go for it, they think they know all and can handle their training themselves (some can, some are an accident waiting to happen).  PT sessions aren't cheap and that's how most members look at it.  It can sometimes be a cut throat job.  Those who do buy packages expect results (even when they are chowing down pizza on the side) and if they don't see it ... they don't resign.  It can be a lot of pressure and a lot of work.  I spend most nights receiving food logs from my clients and going over what they can and can't eat with them, so my job doesn't end when I walk out of the gym.  It's a face to face job and you always have to put on a smile even when in a bad mood.  Believe me, I love what I do, but it isn't glamorous by any means.


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