Let's disregard the whole conspiracy thing for a minute, pretend it is not an issue what he did or knew during 9/11.
Seems like Giuliani needs to address those who thinks he's in on some conspiracy. Because otherwise he has no chance in hell.
Doesn't matter how moderate republican he is.
IMO, 9/11 had a HUGE impact on this past election. The media won't touch it, and people are mocked when they suggest it. But anyone who's watched 2 or 3 documentaries on 9/11 will, at the very least, no longer trust the Bush Administration.
This affects perception on the iraqi War. If you suspect, even slightly, that Bush let 911 happen, you look at the WMD debacle with a more open mind. You're not scared, because you don't fear the boogeyman (OBL or Sadaam).
You will never hear the media discuss it. But seriously, if you visit the 911 conspiracy boards, 90% of the people there are jilted repubs who voted for Bush. And none of them are voting for his ass again. And Rudy sure as fuck will not get their votes, or mine. Rudy ordered the 911 crime scene shipped to China for 1/10 the market price of scrap metal, in direct violation of federal law. Why? Because he knew Spitzer (look up his connections!) would never do anything about it.
Rudy made hundreds of millions on 9/11. He will not get my vote too.