It's not "whoa is me" just is... Christians are hated and that hate will increase.
Whereas Muslims are, what? Loved? Come on, let's be real. Christians are much less hated than several other groups and aren't really hated on account of being Christians.
Some Christians are hated on account of being hypocritical, sanctimonious, holier-than-thou douchebags who cry foul anytime someone says "Happy Holidays", complain that AC/DC means "Anti-Christ / Death-to-Christ" and seek to dictate how people can use their own genitals and, more broadly, live their own life. And yes, they basically paint every other Christian in a horrible and disgusting light; who's really to blame for that?
From a political perspective, Christian values should not be forced upon you.
Christian values should not be forced upon
anyone under
any perspective. And yet, that's what many Christians actually try to do and quite successfully, without a trace of shame.
Religious perspective, there is only Christ and a world led by King Jesus always has my vote.
Why does "King Jesus" need your vote? He's never asked for your vote; he only demanded your blind, unquestioned faith. If you
really believe that God has a plan, isn't it presumptious to do anything other than let God's plan come to pass according to God's own schedule and without interfering?
After all, if "King Jesus" actually wanted the world to be different than it is, all he had to do was close his eyes, click his heels three times and... lo! it would be, with no voting of any kind necessary.
But the world isn't that way, which is a problem for you, because it strikes at the core of your childish beliefs: in the story arc that will, sometime in the future but really at any moment now, culminate in the second coming and bring about the millennium kingdom, followed by a brief skirmish and the final defeat of evil before everyone goes on to live happily ever after. THE END.