Author Topic: Trying to lose fat without losing much muscle  (Read 6117 times)


  • Getbig I
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Trying to lose fat without losing much muscle
« on: September 02, 2006, 05:27:26 PM »
I am 6"3 200lbs and im 20years old, i was a little too lazy lately and gained some weight around my stomache over the summer.  I need a good cardio ruitine to lose this fat around my stomache without losing too much muscle. 

I have read quite a few things on this forum about it and there are alot of different ideas about it.  Has anyone done a ruitine that worked well to lose fat and not costing much muscle.  I have been lifting on and off for probaly 2 years now and just got serious again at the beginning of summer.  Im also trying to find some good supplements to help this out, im planning on getting Optimum 100% Whey Protein, NO-XPLODE and fish oil.  I know the protein is a good idea im just not sure about the no-xplode and fish oil though so any comments would be great.  Also im considering trying hydroxy cut or lipo 6 to help with the fat burning has anyone had good results from either of these products?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Trying to lose fat without losing much muscle
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2006, 05:34:30 PM »
I am 6"3 200lbs and im 20years old, i was a little too lazy lately and gained some weight around my stomache over the summer.  Im cleaning up though and quitting drinking and eating crappy food, but i need a good cardio ruitine to lose this fat around my stomache without losing too much muscle.  I have read quite a few things on this forum about it and there are alot of different ideas about it.  Has anyone done a ruitine that worked well to lose fat and not costing much muscle.  I have been lifting on and off for probaly 2 years now and just got serious again at the beginning of summer.  Im also trying to find some good supplements to help this out, im planning on getting Optimum 100% Whey Protein, NO-XPLODE and fish oil.  I know the protein is a good idea im just not sure about the no-xplode and fish oil though so any comments would be great.  Also im considering trying hydroxy cut or lipo 6 to help with the fat burning has anyone had good results from either of these products?

You should fax this letter to santa claus.
just push some weight!


  • Getbig I
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Re: Trying to lose fat without losing much muscle
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2006, 05:37:13 PM »
Ill get right on that thanks for being so clever about it.

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: Trying to lose fat without losing much muscle
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2006, 06:29:33 PM »
*Gradually decrease your daily calorie intake, what ever is your base level drop a few hundred calories.

*Eat smart and eat clean, eat every 2-3 hrs 40g or so of protein per meal.

*Keep carbs to a miniman and eat them only when necessary, pre and post training and first thing in the morning. You might also try cycling your carbs...I really like this, it works very well.

*Don't snack on crap.

*Bust your butt on the cardio...first thing in the morning is the best.

*Eat plenty of healthy fats, so yes, fish oil is a very good idea.

*Don't waste your money on hydroxy or other junk, if you want just get your own basic ECA stack...far more effective and a whole lot cheaper.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Trying to lose fat without losing much muscle
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2006, 07:48:48 PM »
You should fax this letter to santa claus.

Dooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :o


  • Getbig V
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Re: Trying to lose fat without losing much muscle
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2006, 08:06:45 PM »
*Gradually decrease your daily calorie intake, what ever is your base level drop a few hundred calories.

*Eat smart and eat clean, eat every 2-3 hrs 40g or so of protein per meal.

*Keep carbs to a miniman and eat them only when necessary, pre and post training and first thing in the morning. You might also try cycling your carbs...I really like this, it works very well.

*Don't snack on crap.

*Bust your butt on the cardio...first thing in the morning is the best.

*Eat plenty of healthy fats, so yes, fish oil is a very good idea.

*Don't waste your money on hydroxy or other junk, if you want just get your own basic ECA stack...far more effective and a whole lot cheaper.

AWESOME! That should be a sticky.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Trying to lose fat without losing much muscle
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2022, 07:51:55 PM »
Welcome to, well, everyone’s world! Most people who have excess fat have a higher concentration in the love handles. Try carb cycling with special steroid formula or just drop your calories to a reasonable deficit to where you’re dropping about a lb. to a lb. and a half a week, and you’ll drop the fat without losing much–if any–muscle.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Trying to lose fat without losing much muscle
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2022, 07:08:04 AM »
Welcome to, well, everyone’s world! Most people who have excess fat have a higher concentration in the love handles. Try carb cycling or just drop your calories to a reasonable deficit to where you’re dropping about a lb. to a lb. and a half a week, and you’ll drop the fat without losing much–if any–muscle.

Good response to 16 year old thread.

The OP died.