Author Topic: 911 Conspiracy  (Read 4205 times)

Cy Tolliver

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911 Conspiracy
« on: October 27, 2010, 01:14:25 AM »
I think the conspiracy theory about some guys from a cave in the middle east coming to the united states, becoming extremely skilled pilots in months, getting past airport security, and causing NORAD to stand down, over powering several (much bigger and stronger) american men using their little box cutters is the most likely scenario.

 How about you?


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Re: 911 Conspiracy
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2010, 09:06:08 AM »
I think the conspiracy theory about some guys from a cave in the middle east coming to the united states, becoming extremely skilled pilots in months, getting past airport security, and causing NORAD to stand down, over powering several (much bigger and stronger) american men using their little box cutters is the most likely scenario.

 How about you?

I think that's the biggest most ridiculous conspiracy theory flying!

I'll tell you one that's not so ridiculous though. I admit it's rather speculative, and I don't have all the pieces of the puzzle in place, ...but it involves... YEP.... you guessed it...GOLD or the lack therof.

Sometime during the Clinton White House years, under the watchful eyes of Larry Summers, the US started producing gold plated tungsten. It ended up in the LBMA, and somehow, made it's way to China. The chinese weren't very happy to receive gold-plated tungsten minted by the US government. Now, we do know that underneath the World Trade Centre, lay a gold depository full of Gold bullion. We also know that during the destruction of the WTC on 911, witnesses observed armed American men in US military attire loading up the gold from the depository. Was 911 a diversion to steal gold, in order to repay the Chinese? Was it a diversion to steal gold because Fort Knox was short. Were they hiding the evidence of past crimes? Enquiring minds want to know.... Feel free to expand on this.

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Re: 911 Conspiracy
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2010, 02:42:40 PM »
The U.S. government shot down the plane that landed in the field in Penn


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Re: 911 Conspiracy
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2010, 12:15:24 PM »
I think that's the biggest most ridiculous conspiracy theory flying!

I'll tell you one that's not so ridiculous though. I admit it's rather speculative, and I don't have all the pieces of the puzzle in place, ...but it involves... YEP.... you guessed it...GOLD or the lack therof.

Sometime during the Clinton White House years, under the watchful eyes of Larry Summers, the US started producing gold plated tungsten. It ended up in the LBMA, and somehow, made it's way to China. The chinese weren't very happy to receive gold-plated tungsten minted by the US government. Now, we do know that underneath the World Trade Centre, lay a gold depository full of Gold bullion. We also know that during the destruction of the WTC on 911, witnesses observed armed American men in US military attire loading up the gold from the depository. Was 911 a diversion to steal gold, in order to repay the Chinese? Was it a diversion to steal gold because Fort Knox was short. Were they hiding the evidence of past crimes? Enquiring minds want to know.... Feel free to expand on this.

Funny you should say this ...If you ever watched NATIONAL TREASURE with Nicholas Cage at the very end of the story there was a massive amount of GOLD discovered in what is now the area under and around the WTC. Now all of this gets really creepy when you consider the movie THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT that talked about blowing up the WTC with planes and killing 4000 people all for the sake of making the Defense Department rich. This movie was followed by THE LONE GUNMAN which also talked of destroying the WTC with a remotely controlled airplanes... This was followed by the WTC actually being destroyed on 911 and in the subsequent search for survivors, firemen came upon trains full of gold that had been staged in position BEFORE the WTC came crashing down. Did someone plan and know of this in advance? Was the movie NATIONAL TREASURE a peek ahead into what some nefarious entities were going to do on 911: steal gold, other than the controlled demolition of the buildings?


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Re: 911 Conspiracy
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2010, 05:43:30 PM »
Funny you should say this ...If you ever watched NATIONAL TREASURE with Nicholas Cage at the very end of the story there was a massive amount of GOLD discovered in what is now the area under and around the WTC. Now all of this gets really creepy when you consider the movie THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT that talked about blowing up the WTC with planes and killing 4000 people all for the sake of making the Defense Department rich. This movie was followed by THE LONE GUNMAN which also talked of destroying the WTC with a remotely controlled airplanes... This was followed by the WTC actually being destroyed on 911 and in the subsequent search for survivors, firemen came upon trains full of gold that had been staged in position BEFORE the WTC came crashing down. Did someone plan and know of this in advance? Was the movie NATIONAL TREASURE a peek ahead into what some nefarious entities were going to do on 911: steal gold, other than the controlled demolition of the buildings?

The WTC held a gold depository. I know what you mean about advanced knowledge tho. The X-files used to film in Canada. There are a lot of people associated with that show that got an awful chill up their spines when 911 occured. It was right out of a previous  X-files script.   :-X

The Showstoppa

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Re: 911 Conspiracy
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2010, 06:28:48 PM »
Pose a little question to you guys, I don't expect much of a coherent debate, but oh well...

If 9/11 was and inside job that was used to launch a war on Iraq and Afghanistan, why not just plant some WMD's to complete the whole thing?


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Re: 911 Conspiracy
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2010, 06:38:00 PM »
Pose a little question to you guys, I don't expect much of a coherent debate, but oh well...

If 9/11 was and inside job that was used to launch a war on Iraq and Afghanistan, why not just plant some WMD's to complete the whole thing?

Whose weapons would they plant? Russian... Chinese? I don't think they wanted to get into a pissing match with either nation, east not just yet, ...and certainly not in 2001. There was a pipeline to build and oil leases to secure. Fighting an actual organized army would set those agendas back too far for their liking.

The Showstoppa

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Re: 911 Conspiracy
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2010, 06:43:54 PM »
Whose weapons would they plant? Russian... Chinese? I don't think they wanted to get into a pissing match with either nation, east not just yet, ...and certainly not in 2001. There was a pipeline to build and oil leases to secure. Fighting an actual organized army would set those agendas back too far for their liking.

Not a bad thought, but i don't think they necessarily have to have even said where the weapons originated.....or how about Saddam developed his own right under the UN's nose?  I mean if they would go so far as to kill 5k of their own people, shoot down passenger planes, etc... I don't think they would have a problem telling people Saddam developed them.


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Re: 911 Conspiracy
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2010, 09:17:20 PM »
Not a bad thought, but i don't think they necessarily have to have even said where the weapons originated.....or how about Saddam developed his own right under the UN's nose?  I mean if they would go so far as to kill 5k of their own people, shoot down passenger planes, etc... I don't think they would have a problem telling people Saddam developed them.

Not that easy on such sort notice. Kind of hard to make a case for that if they're importing them.
We're not talking a bunch of guns, we're talking WMD's, & bio weapons, which have traceable signatures... as the boys from Ft. Dedrick quickly discovered.  :P

The only WMD's to be found in Iraq, were the Euros he was hoping to sell his oil in, and the testicles between his legs that empowered him to make such a bold move as to try to reverse the status of the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency.


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Re: 911 Conspiracy
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2010, 08:14:37 AM »
Pose a little question to you guys, I don't expect much of a coherent debate, but oh well...

If 9/11 was and inside job that was used to launch a war on Iraq and Afghanistan, why not just plant some WMD's to complete the whole thing?

Amazing how a person who continuously post INCOHERENT QUESTIONS AND STATEMENTS could turn around and ask a question and complete it with the statement of I don't expect a coherent debate..then why post  the question?

Since this has been addressed half a million times already I will address it again.

Americas goal has always been to commandeer the resources:OIL, of Iraq since it feels it should have oil for FREE (It's WELFARE MIND shows up again). To do this an EXCUSE had to be created to justify attacking the country, so WMD were introduced and a fear and terror campaign was introduced to get the ignorant american masses to go along. So everything from a dead Osama Bin Laden, to Yellow Cake, to Anthrax, to Shoe Bombers, to Underwear Bombers, to the american bombing of London Subway and Spain Railway, to all manner of fear tactics were put on display for the sake of the fake american CIA organization known as Al Qaida, which by the way never existed in Iraq...or anywhere else for that matter.

To make the need to attack Iraq imperative an impressive act was committed on 911 and that was the CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of the WTC...I was more impressed with the idiots who had seen Controlled Demolition done in documentaries and in real life a hundred times and yet somehow could not recognize it on 911... For further reason for america's attack on Iraq... with the faltering US dollar pegged to Middle East oil sales, america really had to do something as other nations began to peg the sale of oil to the Euro as Saddam did first, then Syria, then Iran and recently other nations such as Venezuela have done so as well. Cuba detached itself from the american dollar a couple of years ago and other nations are following suit. Without the worthless american dollar in circulation its collapse would be/could be immediate.

So the concocting of scenarios of america being in danger by terrorist, WMD and cities under MUSHROOM clouds, the end of life as it knew it, was was broadcast over the news, press and internet for justification. And the war began... Was WMD really needed...NO! Just the justification for war, which by the way was never JUSTIFIED. Now that america has destroyed Iraq and killed two million people in the process, it has commandeered the oil it always wanted, given itself the Green Zone, set up a constitution for Iraq in its favor, as well as built the worlds largest embassy. Had weapons of mass destruction been found they would have been destroyed and then there would not have been the need for war or to stay in Iraq as it is doing.

The Showstoppa

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Re: 911 Conspiracy
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2010, 01:47:47 PM »
Amazing how a person who continuously post INCOHERENT QUESTIONS AND STATEMENTS could turn around and ask a question and complete it with the statement of I don't expect a coherent debate..then why post  the question?

Since this has been addressed half a million times already I will address it again.

Americas goal has always been to commandeer the resources:OIL, of Iraq since it feels it should have oil for FREE (It's WELFARE MIND shows up again). To do this an EXCUSE had to be created to justify attacking the country, so WMD were introduced and a fear and terror campaign was introduced to get the ignorant american masses to go along. So everything from a dead Osama Bin Laden, to Yellow Cake, to Anthrax, to Shoe Bombers, to Underwear Bombers, to the american bombing of London Subway and Spain Railway, to all manner of fear tactics were put on display for the sake of the fake american CIA organization known as Al Qaida, which by the way never existed in Iraq...or anywhere else for that matter.

To make the need to attack Iraq imperative an impressive act was committed on 911 and that was the CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of the WTC...I was more impressed with the idiots who had seen Controlled Demolition done in documentaries and in real life a hundred times and yet somehow could not recognize it on 911... For further reason for america's attack on Iraq... with the faltering US dollar pegged to Middle East oil sales, america really had to do something as other nations began to peg the sale of oil to the Euro as Saddam did first, then Syria, then Iran and recently other nations such as Venezuela have done so as well. Cuba detached itself from the american dollar a couple of years ago and other nations are following suit. Without the worthless american dollar in circulation its collapse would be/could be immediate.

So the concocting of scenarios of america being in danger by terrorist, WMD and cities under MUSHROOM clouds, the end of life as it knew it, was was broadcast over the news, press and internet for justification. And the war began... Was WMD really needed...NO! Just the justification for war, which by the way was never JUSTIFIED. Now that america has destroyed Iraq and killed two million people in the process, it has commandeered the oil it always wanted, given itself the Green Zone, set up a constitution for Iraq in its favor, as well as built the worlds largest embassy. Had weapons of mass destruction been found they would have been destroyed and then there would not have been the need for war or to stay in Iraq as it is doing.

Whate are you on about hootowl, or is your wwonky eye acting up again, I rarely post any questioins on here. 

And your "answer" is pathetic. again I'll ask simply if the US was so cold and calculating to use 9/11, etc.. to get into a war, why not just plant WMD's and say Saddam developed them?  Very simple and clean and would have gotten everybody off their backs. Instead you ramble  on with just more conspiracy talk.  Big shock.....  ::)


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Re: 911 Conspiracy
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2010, 02:15:21 PM »
{sigh} ...some people just don't listen.
Talk about Deaf, Dumb AND Blind!
I suppose that's probably why many who could, instead choose not to answer questions from certain posters.

The Showstoppa

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Re: 911 Conspiracy
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2010, 02:21:52 PM »
{sigh} ...some people just don't listen.
Talk about Deaf, Dumb AND Blind!
I suppose that's probably why many who could, instead choose not to answer questions from certain posters.

This boards estrogen level is thru the roof.... if your comment was directed at me....great another "debate....."

I saw your post and you make valid points, however if the US govt was so brilliant as to have this massive cover-up of WTC I just find it comical to think that by comparison they would have a difficult time "faking" WMD.... whether they have tags or not, which is sketchy in many instances, it would have been simple to explain that perhaps Saddam during this "good times' with the US during the Iran/Iraq wars received partial WMD's bu then he further developed them.  It's easy to think of a 100 simple ways to explain it vs. the complicated scenario that too many lay out.


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Re: 911 Conspiracy
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2010, 09:14:44 PM »
Whate are you on about hootowl, or is your wwonky eye acting up again, I rarely post any questioins on here.  

And your "answer" is pathetic. again I'll ask simply if the US was so cold and calculating to use 9/11, etc.. to get into a war, why not just plant WMD's and say Saddam developed them?  Very simple and clean and would have gotten everybody off their backs. Instead you ramble  on with just more conspiracy talk.  Big shock.....  ::)

If after 17,000+ post you are still asking these questions, that means you have not learned a single thing despite all of the discussions, documentaries, videos, news articles, researchers, professors lectures that have been posted on this site about this topic.

First question anyone should ask is " who the hell is america to say who can and can't arm themselves with weapons of their choice"?

Second Question..Where was the supposed threat to america from Iraq?

Third Question..Why did america keep changing its excuse for why it attacked Iraq?

Fourth Question...If america was concerned for its supposed safety why not attack China or Russia..Oops I forgot they both have REAL MILITARIES AND NUCLEAR BOMBS?

Fifth Question..If there were terrorist in Iraq (which there were not) why did america build an embassy there and give itself the Green Zone? Wouldn't it be targeted continually in Iraq from these supposed terrorist?

Sixth Question..How come america built a oil pipeline from Iraq to Israel of which Israel announced just a week or two ago that it discovered oil in Israel? Is this telling you who is really behind all of this war making in the Middle East?

BTW you say you hardly ever post here...what do you consider hardly ever when you have over 17,000 posts? I'd hate to see if you really liked posting here.

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Re: 911 Conspiracy
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2010, 07:51:38 AM »
If after 17,000+ post you are still asking these questions, that means you have not learned a single thing despite all of the discussions, documentaries, videos, news articles, researchers, professors lectures that have been posted on this site about this topic.

First question anyone should ask is " who the hell is america to say who can and can't arm themselves with weapons of their choice"?

Second Question..Where was the supposed threat to america from Iraq?

Third Question..Why did america keep changing its excuse for why it attacked Iraq?

Fourth Question...If america was concerned for its supposed safety why not attack China or Russia..Oops I forgot they both have REAL MILITARIES AND NUCLEAR BOMBS?

Fifth Question..If there were terrorist in Iraq (which there were not) why did america build an embassy there and give itself the Green Zone? Wouldn't it be targeted continually in Iraq from these supposed terrorist?

Sixth Question..How come america built a oil pipeline from Iraq to Israel of which Israel announced just a week or two ago that it discovered oil in Israel? Is this telling you who is really behind all of this war making in the Middle East?

BTW you say you hardly ever post here...what do you consider hardly ever when you have over 17,000 posts? I'd hate to see if you really liked posting here.

What is your reading comprehension grade level?  I know a lot of people mention how dumb you are on the political board, but wow.....I said, if you can get someone to help you read it.....that I don't often post questions.....and most of my posts are not on this board  anyway slick.

And for the third time, you still can't answer my question.....I'll try again....why would the US not just plant WMD's in Iraq to justify the war if they went thru all that trouble to go to war?  IE: 9/11, etc...