Author Topic: Robin Cook, the Mujahideen and the CIA  (Read 4105 times)


  • Getbig V
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Robin Cook, the Mujahideen and the CIA
« on: November 07, 2010, 11:37:58 PM »
Speaking out in a so called FREE SOCIETY entitles you to a DEATH SENTENCE from your very government. Mr Cook exposed the fraud that is the Mujahideen, Al Qaida, Osama and the rest of the boogie men america has used to justify its actions.

Robin Cook – The Convenient Heart Attack
Oct 18th, 2010 | By T Stokes | Category: Breaking News, Editorials, Politics, War On Terror

Former servicemen are usually more patriotic than the politicians they guard. One such patriot is former Minister for Defence (1964-70) Dennis Healey, who once said; ‘world events do not occur by accident, they are made to happen, staged by those who hold the purse strings’.

Among the opponents of these staged events was the late Labour politician Robin Cook, one of the brightest political stars in modern times, who was elected in February 1974 to the House of Commons as a member for Edinburgh Central. He was a left wing member of the Tribune group, and opposed renewing Trident. “Replacing Trident is against both our national interests and our international obligations”.[1]

Cook also wanted to stop the export of aerospace jet fighters to General Suharto’s repressive regime in Indonesia. As he told the Guardian:
“we will not permit the sale of arms to regimes that might use them for internal repression or international aggression. We shall spread the values of human rights, civil liberties and democracy which we demand for ourselves”.

Tony Blair’s revenge for this opposition, was to engineer a cabinet defeat for Cook in the most humiliating and confrontational manner possible.

War criminal Jack Straw accomplished a secret deal whereby Lord Taylor donated 50% of his election expenses.
Jack Straw under pressure to return donations from Lord Taylor:

Jack Straw, the Justice Secretary, is under pressure to return donations he received from Lord Taylor of Blackburn, the peer at the centre of the “cash-for-laws” scandal.

Lord Taylor was a director of Aerospace.

In March 1998 a diplomatic row blew up with Israel when prime minister Bejamin Netanyahu cancelled a dinner meeting with Robin Cook while Cook was in Israel. He was opposing the Israeli expansion plans in Palestine and Iraq. As reported in the NYTimes:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu angrily canceled a dinner today with the British Foreign Secretary, charging that the visiting official had violated an agreement by meeting with Palestinians at the planned site of a disputed Jewish settlement.

Netanyahu was said to have caused problems for Cook behind the scenes and wanted him removed from office.

Cook was known to disagree with the aggressive Blairite foreign policies of New Labour, and finally quit his cabinet position in March 2003 over the second war on Iraq, his statement electrified the house, ‘I cannot support a war without international agreement or domestic support’.[2]

His enemies blurted to the press that Cook had being seeing another woman, and the newspaper hatchets were soon out to try to discredit him.

Why wouldn’t they? Robin Cook as Foreign secretary had direct access to intelligence operations and policy abroad, and 9 months before his death Cook was said to be breaking the official secrets act and discussing policy and future proposals. He famously exposed the contrived war on terror, revealing the history of America’s involvement with supporting Muslim extremists, claiming Al Qaeda simply meant database:

“Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. Al-Qaida, literally “the database”, was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians. Inexplicably, and with disastrous consequences, it never appears to have occurred to Washington that once Russia was out of the way, Bin Laden’s organisation would turn its attention to the west.” [3]

WideShut expanded on this in the 7/7 The Big Picture documentary:

Annie Machon the M.I.5 whistleblower has said she briefed Robin Cook weeks before he died and he was angry at Foreign office funding and support for Al Qaeda:

Cook died a couple of months after my partner Annie Machon — also a former MI5 officer — had buttonholed him at an election hustings last year and convinced him that MI6 at least had a case to answer. It was a couple of weeks after he had admitted in his Guardian newspaper column that the CIA at least worked closely with Islamic terrorists. [4] – David Shayler.

Cook’s long term friend, the flamboyant TV personality John McCririck, was a strong supporter of Cook’s political position. He lambasted Blair for snubbing Cook’s funeral, telling BBC News:

…the prime minister’s non-attendance at the funeral, saying it was a “moral failure” and showed vindictiveness.

Yet John McCririck seemed to go silent, and was soon after seen on the Big Brother reality show, which we can speculate was a thank-you for staying silent.

Robin’s death on 6th August 2005 occurred while out walking in the Scottish hills he loved. It was said to be the result of a late onset complication from his high blood pressure, that over a long period makes the heart muscles thicken. Yet we are reminded that heart attack weapons exist:

Robin Cook had become anti-establishment, so the establishment needed him gone. Do you think the discredited Tony Blair who had many thousands of people murdered in Iraq, and possibly Dr David Kelly too, would hesitate for one moment to kill Robin Cook?

Benjamin Franklin said, ‘only lies need the protection of the state, the truth can stand alone’.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Robin Cook, the Mujahideen and the CIA
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2010, 12:29:15 PM »

WideShut expanded on this in the 7/7 The Big Picture documentary:

Why is it that whenever western powers see to discredit people, they always insert an element of sexual deviancy?

How sick are the minds that come up with this? ...and what must THEY be into, to even consider this angle to begin with?

As an aside, doesn't Robin Cook look like he could have been the original model for 'The Brain' from Pinky & the Brain? I loved that cartoon.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Robin Cook, the Mujahideen and the CIA
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2010, 01:04:58 PM »
 author=24KT link=topic=354859.msg5007048#msg5007048 date=1289248155]
Why is it that whenever western powers see to discredit people, they always insert an element of sexual deviancy?

I have a dvd on the illuminati that exposes their means of keeping a person in check. There is a long line of techniques they employ to make sure a person stays in line or they will use to unseat them from office, use it to break up marriages or expose sexual preferences. In the dvd they speak of these things and the one used the most and tends to be the most successful is to say a person like prostitutes, or was caught in an extramarital affair, is into S&M or some similar fetish etc etc. These tabloid like tactics produce lots of gasps and calls for removal or discrediting. These techniques have been employed literally for hundreds of years and people still fall for them.

How sick are the minds that come up with this? ...and what must THEY be into, to even consider this angle to begin with?

The illuminati are some sick fucks

As an aside, doesn't Robin Cook look like he could have been the original model for 'The Brain' from Pinky & the Brain? I loved that cartoon.

Ha Ha you're right!!!



  • Getbig V
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Re: Robin Cook, the Mujahideen and the CIA
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2010, 01:47:27 PM »

I have a dvd on the illuminati that exposes their means of keeping a person in check. There is a long line of techniques they employ to make sure a person stays in line or they will use to unseat them from office, use it to break up marriages or expose sexual preferences. In the dvd they speak of these things and the one used the most and tends to be the most successful is to say a person like prostitutes, or was caught in an extramarital affair, is into S&M or some similar fetish etc etc. These tabloid like tactics produce lots of gasps and calls for removal or discrediting. These techniques have been employed literally for hundreds of years and people still fall for them.

Why are people so hypocritical & self-righteous? ...and what do they use in France?
Surely a rumour of an extra-marital affair or a mistress would receive a giant yawn?



  • Getbig V
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Re: Robin Cook, the Mujahideen and the CIA
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2010, 02:23:18 PM »
 author=24KT link=topic=354859.msg5007200#msg5007200 date=1289252847]
Why are people so hypocritical & self-righteous? ...and what do they use in France?
Surely a rumour of an extra-marital affair or a mistress would receive a giant yawn?

If something sexual can not unseat or destroy a person then a corruption scandal or stealing of money for personal use/waste tactic will stir even the most stoic of groups into action...There is no end to the things they will do to destroy a person and nothing is OFF LIMITS!!!
