haider, did you ever have the BP meet? If so, how did you do?
it never happened, thanks for asking though
It seems that every "contest" i enter goes to shit, first the 225 for reps deadlift competition on getbig then this benchpress one
apparently enough people didn't sign up..
While I'm at it-
Update: I stopped training for 2 weeks about a month ago cuz of school. Been doing a bb'ing split as of late (almost 2 weeks) and its kicking my nervous system's ass! Haven't woken up fresh this whole week.
My current plan is to gain back some muscle, i.e. lean bulk for a month or so, then try to cut up for the rest of the summer.
The split I'm using right now is:
Saturday: Upper body (strength movements)
Sunday: OFF (for cricket games)
Monday: Legs (focusing on squat)
Tuesday: Chest + Shoulders
Wednesday: Back + biceps
Thursday: OFF (cricket practice)
Friday: Legs (deadlift day)