Author Topic: JPM101 current training  (Read 145104 times)


  • Getbig IV
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JPM101 current training
« on: March 24, 2007, 09:52:42 AM »
Currently using the Rest-Pause system. Classic R-P is 10 to 20 seconds break between each rep. I'm doing a 15 second pause between each rep, suits my needs. Anyone trying this method will find themselves using much more weight in a lift than normal. Fourth week on it. Will change workout system after 6 or 8 weeks, don't know yet. Depends on the time factor, gains and mental outlook. I use a stopwatch and do the next rep at 15 seconds on the button. I keep a training log and notes while working out. Tends to get sweat stains on it, but...Oh Well.

Half partial reps chins from the bottom position. Hammer medium grip. 1 set.
Full range chins from bottom stretch position. Hammer medium grip. 1 set
2)Curl grip chins, full ROM. 1 set.
3)HI-Pulls:DB's. Alternate sets between hands. 1 set.
4)UP-Right BB rows:
Close grip, keeping BB close to the body at all times. 1 set.

1)Step up's..alternate legs between sets. (holding two DB's in hands at first, than switch to a BB across the shoulders now) Something new for me. Will usually use squats or BB Hack squats. Seems to be working out fine. 3 sets
2) GoodMornings: 3 sets.
Without a doubt, these two exercises have helped my squat greatly.


1)Incline press:
Half partial rep from the bottom position, dead stop. 1 set.
Full ROM. Bottom position, full stop. 1 rep.
2)PBN (Press Behind Neck)
start from dead stop position. 1 set.
3) Dips (weighted) start from dead stop position at bottom. 1 set.

Reps can tend to get away from me. If I advance the weight in a movement, thinking I can get 8 or so reps, I might wind up getting 12 to 15 reps. Strength can go up fairly fast in this R-P system. Just goes to  shows people (including me) just do not know how strong they really are until their tested with different training systems..

My next training cycle will be GVT. Easier on the joints, with still increasing size and power. Approaching 35 years old very soon, so no more 2 or 3 rep max sets. Really do not need them. My two uncles are in their 60's, strong and as big as the side of a wall. They are doing more moderate weights now a days.

Side Bar: I do not do any direct arm exercises or calf exercises. Have not for years. Tend to grow very well on their own. Actually, to me, bicep and triceps direct exercise are the most boring exercises in the world. Could not stand to do them, even when I first started to workout. Football took care of my calves. Good Luck.


natural al

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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2007, 10:42:07 AM »
just scanned it, very intresting.  I tried this type of training for a short while, ever do Negative only?
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2007, 11:40:23 AM »
Have done negatives in the past but always with a positive (contraction) ROM with it, never doing a negative as the only exercise for a muscle group.  Negatives are good for some who may have a problem with building up strength for bwt chins or dips, for example.  The (TUT) Time Under Tension can be very important, as how many seconds it takes to lower a weight (under complete control) with negative reps. Negatives can have their place in any workout scheme. Good for breaking a sticking point. A mental factor here, as giving the confidence of handling much more weight than one is accustomed to doing. One reason that negatives could work very well with a Rest-Pause type of system. Good Luck.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2008, 08:06:58 AM »
Hows it going mate? Gains comeing along?

It isn't the mountains ah

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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2008, 08:13:32 AM »
good stuff JPM, got any pictures of yourself posted?


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2008, 09:20:16 AM »
Yeh id be interested in hearing results/seeing pics to.

Iv used rest/pause before (as many reps then fail, then 15 breathes, then as many reps etc).

But never this one rep then pause method.


It isn't the mountains ah


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2008, 09:30:35 AM »
ALSO meant to ask JPM, i know ur a big fan of high pulls/cleans etc.

Do u think something like clean and press could be used in a program like this??
U sparked my interest so i googled it, and randomly picked a site that said bench/squat etc r fine,but deadlifts bb rows/t-bar rows shouldnt b done?!

I personally have been enjoying DC's widow maker 20 rep squats (like the breathing squats uv recommended in the past), do u work these into a program like this??

It isn't the mountains ah


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2008, 07:57:43 PM »
Have not been to this section for quite a while. A Davie PM alerted me. Some day before the second coming I may update current training.

OH...and clumsy try SF. Though in the distance past years my picture has been in the SD Union, Oceanside local, L.A. Daily news, Long Beach press telegram and a few selected high school journals. Name usually  spelled wrong. Also have been on TV (live and video tape ). Can not miss my original family name, mostly vowels but the family does not use that one anymore since coming to the mainland. Have a more easily pronounced  name now. Sorry, but Fa'afetai.

The clean and press/jerk could easily be the only movement used on a workout day, if you wish, with a Rest-Pause type of training. Mostly if you want a short and to the point workout. Actually any good compound exercise can be adapted as a single, and only movement for a given body part.  Caution, the clean and press/jerk can be a man killer and really make demands on stamina when first starting the program. As for compound movements, check out the post at the start of this thread. And remember to do very deep breaths between pauses. Not shallow, but try to fill the lunges. Good Luck.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2008, 05:15:11 PM »
Interesting - good luck.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2008, 04:44:01 AM »
Stopwatch, training log entries in between sets..those must be tough sessions ::)... Everyone seems to want to see pics after so much expert advice from our 35 year old sage-if there's TV footage, let's see it, or pics.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2008, 09:07:20 AM »
As of 9-8-08

Workout A

1) Bench ... 6-9 reps
Have not done benches (BB or DB) for a year, at least. Working back into them. Semi wide grip.
     SS'ed 3 sets with
2) Chins...medium hammer grip. Trying to touch upper chest to the bar each rep...6-9 reps

3) DB press   6-9 reps
    DB press is one arm at a time, bracing the free arm. Keeping the upper arm near as possible to my head at the top position. More affect on my delts...personal view.
     SS'ed 3 sets with
4) Semi Hi-Pull to the lower cheat...wider grip.

5) Straight arm pullover. Use shorter Olympic EZ bar for better balance. First bend in the bar is where my grip is. Some may have trouble with any type pullover (straight/bent arm) because of too wide a grip...shoulder joint problems encountered. 2X10-12 reps.

I do not do any curling. If I did (or anyone one else for that matter) they would be SS'ed with the pullover in this style program. Prefer BB curls.

Workout B

1) Step-up's (not to be confused with one legged squats). Have used DB's. Now use a BB when working into heavier work.  2X8-12

2) BB Hack Squats. brief 1 or 2 second pause from a dead stop off the floor.... keeping the head up and back straight. 8-12 reps
SS'ed 3 sets with
3) GoodMornings ..medium stance & bend the legs a bit to counter balance the BB.... keeping the  neck straight, in line with the upper body .... back straight, bending down a little below the 90 degree mark. 8-12 reps

Do not do any calf or direct ab work. Same for the arms. Workout, usually, twice to three times a week. Depending on work needs.



Zach Trowbridge

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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2008, 10:22:59 AM »
Interesting stuff, pretty unorthodox.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2008, 01:56:19 PM »
Orthodox basic workouts.  Getting to the point workouts. I am not, or ever have claimed to be, a serious BB'er or PL'er. Just having fun and enjoying  lifting weights and trying for PB's.  Probably one of my better strong training periods at this time. Except when I weighted 270 to 280 (about) in college. Presently at 240lbs. That's as high as I want to go. I do not need any more muscle size at 37 years of age.....pointless really, in my view.

I think most workouts are too overly involved and complex for their own good. Too many exercises, sets and training day workouts  a week can be self-defeating rather than helpful.  Just my views, that's all. Got to get real here and.....K.I.S.S.  Good Luck.



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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2008, 10:25:48 AM »
Ended this training cycle started 9-8-08. May take a couple of weeks off training. Busy time of year for me, always. Have to travel up to Riverside, L.A. and Orange county's for a lot for high school games. Last year I watched 3 playoff games, on a long Saturday, in Carson. In between the 3 games, tail gating (and a cooler) help a lot. And we got to use the university van and gas card.

Progress report:

Workout A: started weight (9-8-08) to final weight this week (10-16-08)
1) mid 3's to final week of mid to upper 4's
2) 70's to final week of 150's
3) 105 to final week of 175's
4) The semi hi-pull is with DB's (one arm) which I did not mention before.
    120's to final week of 190's
5) 135 to final week of 170's. More of a stretching exercise after the workout. Higher rep scheme of 10-12 or more.

Workout B:

1) 135 to final week of 220's.... box about 20" high (I am guessing)
2) low 4's to final week of low 5's
3) 220 to final week of week of 330's.

No rep to near a point of complete muscular failure. Keep 1 or 2 reps in the tank, so to speak. Find I can advance more in strength that way. Steady progress from workout to workout, never any sticking points. Recovery is given a fair chance.

I always break in slowly to any new workout plan. Workout out at least twice a week. Sometimes 3 if I had the time. Weighted 242 this week. Started at 240 on 9-8-08. Next workout cycle may be power rack favorite. After football season I can return to a more normal (for me) training plan. Good Luck.

Side Bar: I am giving the weight I use against my better judgment.



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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2008, 12:32:29 PM »
hahahahahahahaaaaaa, boooooooolshiiiiiiiiiit.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2008, 07:46:09 AM »
where you at "jpm"? ;D


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2008, 11:19:41 AM »
It is hard to believe but i have seen a VERY large man do one arm DB snatches with a 140 pound DB for 3 reps. the guy was build like an offensive lineman and weighed about 320 or so.

I believe Magoo has done them with a 90 pound DB at about 230 BW.


Zach Trowbridge

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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2008, 12:16:12 PM »
It is hard to believe but i have seen a VERY large man do one arm DB snatches with a 140 pound DB for 3 reps. the guy was build like an offensive lineman and weighed about 320 or so.

I believe Magoo has done them with a 90 pound DB at about 230 BW.


Isn't JPM Polynesian?  Those fuckers come out of the womb benching 2 plates, I swear.  The hi-pulls are pretty fucking heavy, but I think JPM is about twice my size and I can do 1-arm db snatches with 70's for sets of 5-6 at 178ish.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2008, 12:56:01 PM »
Isn't JPM Polynesian?  Those fuckers come out of the womb benching 2 plates, I swear.  The hi-pulls are pretty fucking heavy, but I think JPM is about twice my size and I can do 1-arm db snatches with 70's for sets of 5-6 at 178ish.

I believe he is.

I've been reading his posts on here for over 5 years and his style has never changed. the weights he has mentioned using over 4 years ago are very similar to what he claims today.

I have no reason to doubt the man, as i have seen some very impressive lifts in my day by people i did not think were capable of such.



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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #19 on: October 23, 2008, 12:57:37 PM »
hahahahahaa, 175 pound dumbbell one arm presses, this guy must blow Coleman out of the water sizewise. ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2008, 03:10:14 PM »
I knew this was against my better judgment, giving the weights and all that. But anyway here I am.

I do the one arm standing side press, not to be confused with the regular DB press (either both hands or both DB's at a time). If anyone has experience with doing these you will find that much more weight can be handled after awhile. Quite a few men in the past could do well with-in the 220-230lb range. Olympic lifters and strongmen for example. A lifter that I used to see quite a bit used 215-220's in workouts. Probably around 2 to 3 reps if I remember correctly. There is a slight knee dip to start the weight when I do them. Free hands usually braced against a PR. These are not two hand seated DB presses. Hope we can get that straight to some out there.

Semi Hi-pull to the lower chest is just that. A little knee dip again, with the elbows traveling up a little above the shoulder line. Big deal, this is not a clean. Most people should know this, different in this regard. I seem others power clean 200's with DB's. Shorter distance moved when I do Hi-pulls.

Most BB'ers today do little heavy standing DB (even BB) presses or pulls. They are usually sitting, lying, inclined or on some type of machine. That includes leg workouts. Too bad,a lot can be said for serious  standing DB workouts. Just like if more guy's spent as more effort and time doing overhead presses (DB or BB...front or PBN), rather than bench's, there would be more powerful and impressive shoulder mass and width. In the long run this would help their benching greatly.

Samoa might be consider in a ethnic background. My family had 26 letter in the original name (hard to get on the back of a football jersey) and most were vowels. Shorten quite a bit now since moving over to the mainland when I was 10. Just to give anyone a measurement to go by, my cousins and I were benching 400+ in high school. And I never liked the BP that much, just something I did at the time.

Just a personal view: As far as QuaterOats goes, he has no personal dignity at all. Making the fool out of himself over and over again. Overwhelming need to be noticed and belong no matter what, may suggest a emotional cripple, sorry to say. QO should try, rather with all his leisure time spent on the internet, to seek counsel for the sake of his own mental health. Unless he is under a professional care already.



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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2008, 05:20:08 PM »
you could shut me up really quickly by posting up some proof, anyone on here knows that when someone does that i admit i was wrong. :D


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2008, 05:30:56 PM »
i'll go ahead and answer for Mr. Samoan Superman, "i have nothing to prove to you or anyone else QO, those lifts are nothing, there are 26 guys in my gym who weigh under 140 who bench 600, do high pulls with a pair of 300 pound db's and do step ups holding a 500 pound fire safe in each hand, maybe if you got into the gym and trained you'd see this". ;D ::)


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #23 on: October 23, 2008, 05:45:35 PM »
I knew this was against my better judgment, giving the weights and all that. But anyway here I am.

I do the one arm standing side press, not to be confused with the regular DB press (either both hands or both DB's at a time). If anyone has experience with doing these you will find that much more weight can be handled after awhile. Quite a few men in the past could do well with-in the 220-230lb range. Olympic lifters and strongmen for example. A lifter that I used to see quite a bit used 215-220's in workouts. Probably around 2 to 3 reps if I remember correctly. There is a slight knee dip to start the weight when I do them. Free hands usually braced against a PR. These are not two hand seated DB presses. Hope we can get that straight to some out there.

Semi Hi-pull to the lower chest is just that. A little knee dip again, with the elbows traveling up a little above the shoulder line. Big deal, this is not a clean. Most people should know this, different in this regard. I seem others power clean 200's with DB's. Shorter distance moved when I do Hi-pulls.

Most BB'ers today do little heavy standing DB (even BB) presses or pulls. They are usually sitting, lying, inclined or on some type of machine. That includes leg workouts. Too bad,a lot can be said for serious  standing DB workouts. Just like if more guy's spent as more effort and time doing overhead presses (DB or BB...front or PBN), rather than bench's, there would be more powerful and impressive shoulder mass and width. In the long run this would help their benching greatly.

Samoa might be consider in a ethnic background. My family had 26 letter in the original name (hard to get on the back of a football jersey) and most were vowels. Shorten quite a bit now since moving over to the mainland when I was 10. Just to give anyone a measurement to go by, my cousins and I were benching 400+ in high school. And I never liked the BP that much, just something I did at the time.

Just a personal view: As far as QuaterOats goes, he has no personal dignity at all. Making the fool out of himself over and over again. Overwhelming need to be noticed and belong no matter what, may suggest a emotional cripple, sorry to say. QO should try, rather with all his leisure time spent on the internet, to seek counsel for the sake of his own mental health. Unless he is under a professional care already.

"A picture is worth a thousand words"--or in the case of your post, about 3000 words.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #24 on: October 23, 2008, 05:48:35 PM »
"A picture is worth a thousand words"--or in the case of your post, about 3000 words.
hahahhaa, exactly, i love how these guys always work out in gyms with all these supermen pressing 200 pound dumbbells, benching 405 for reps, doing squats and stepups with loaded semi trailers yet these guys never venture out into the light of day. ::)