LOLOLOLOL.....OH MY GOD......HAHAHAAA! !!!!!!!!! After he sat down with his potential "clients" for 15 minutes they would get up and say...."are you fucking retarded? ? I want to get in shape...not put an inch on my biceps and neglect the rest of my body....what do you mean "training legs is pointless" ?? ....I'm no trainer and even I know that's idiotic...and by the way buddy, the only thing "sub-8" on you are the dollars in your bank weirdo ""Cancel my membership...and tell that idiot I don't want to trade YouTube videos on Facebook. "............"BTW, What nationality is that freak? He speaks some gibberish language, couldn't understand what he was talking about half the time"
Customer would say "you guys are funny,ok where's the real trainer"
ROFL @ Groink's posts! Conflict brings out the best in that man
I hate to disappoint all of my fans and admires here, but I'll be leaving tomorrow to go on a 2 week holiday with a ladyfriend of mine, and therefore I won't be posting any updates for a few weeks. Ciao!
Translation : I cant deal with this abuse anymore.LOL....this jerkoff goes from just getting a new apt. And looking for a taking a three week vacation....
Phase 1....start a blog claiming how your gonna get shredded but instead just end up skinny.Phase 2....get abused for spewing bullshit.Phase away and claim you're going on vacation.
Hey....shouldn't the little piece of shit have been back already ?