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Is he still dead?

Are those Titanic victims still dead?

Everybody’s dead!!!!!
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by webstar on Today at 07:37:20 AM »
I have a prescription for HGH. I am merely pointing out you have no logic in your arguments you are merely a troll.

This is Brian’s  typical response. When he gets backed into a corner, he uses two rebuttals . You don’t even lift or you are a troll.

Brian thinks getting HGH from a rejuvenation clinic is considered a prescription
Gossip & Opinions / Re: barbell hip thrust ?
« Last post by Donny on Today at 07:36:38 AM »
A girl at our gym hangs upside down from a chinning bar and lifts a dumbell from below her head up to her waist

Its basically a dumbell pullover

I would say something but I am waiting for her legs to unravel and her fall on her head
Frank Zane did some weird exercises hanging using gravity boots. A DB Row i believe if it helped him i´ve no idea.
Since man invented the wheel people have tried to find some other variation.
Is he still dead?

Are those Titanic victims still dead?
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Being Trans Now a Mental Illness in Peru
« Last post by IroNat on Today at 07:32:07 AM »
BB killin' it.

Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by BB on Today at 07:31:25 AM »

BHank's doctor watching that TRT script money come in from him.....
Gossip & Opinions / Re: barbell hip thrust ?
« Last post by Pet shop boys on Today at 07:29:58 AM »
So, the short answer  is:

NO ,

is a waste of time (women included)


Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by IroNat on Today at 07:29:54 AM »
Imagine Bhanky off the drugs...he'd disappear into a sidewalk crack.

Training Logs and Info / Re: Oldtimer1
« Last post by Donny on Today at 07:29:48 AM »
It suits my personality.  I hit it hard to exhaustion and the workout took something like 40 minutes. When I try volume it just feels weird stopping when I could get more reps. I know some volume guys doing something like this to exhaustion.  First set might be 25 reps to exhaustion. Second set to exhaustion taps out at 18 reps. Third set to exhaustion taps out at 13 reps. Last set is 8 reps to failure.

The traditional volume is doing something like 4x10. First set is 10 reps but could have gotten 15. Second set is 10 reps but could have gotten 13 reps. Third set is 10 reps but could have gotten 11 reps. Forth is failure at 8 reps.

Some volume guys do this to increase the intensity by using short rests between sets to rush the failure point.

Try it sometime.  Say for barbell curls. Do a non taxing warm up set. The key is non taxing.  Then load the bar up and do reps till you are blue in the face and if someone offered you a million you couldn't get an extra rep.  No way could you want to do another set nor could you with the same amount of reps. Truth be told multiple set might be a more optimal way to train but if you could get 95% out of training with that one jagged set and you're not a pro bodybuilder why wouldn't the majority do it? One reason is it's too hard to train that way.
I do like rest-pause reps infact people do them on say squats without realising it.
Standing EZ curls are great.
I honestly think different muscle groups needs their own stimulus and principles.
some muscles need reps, some less.
Rest-pause is painful & extends a set past failure :)
Gossip & Opinions / Re: for van and other roid experts
« Last post by joswift on Today at 07:29:00 AM »
I read enough to know HGH increases bone mineral density something someone like myself with degenerating joints would be happy to have my shoulders and knees have bone spurs and chips where the bone is breaking down bone on bone type stuff. Strengthening the bones may help with degenerative arthritis make them less brittle. Regardless even if I didn't already have degenerative arthritis, you want greater bone mineral density as you age old people have hollow bones that is why they break.
It also increases your risk of cancers as you age as well so crack on and stay on year round
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