Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 485738 times)


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2000 on: December 14, 2021, 04:18:46 PM »
Ran 8 x 440 yards or one lap. I did a warm up of fast walking at 3.8MPH for a lap and the same for the cool down.  I walked 3.8MPH for a quarter mile in between the 8 sets. Every working set I went up in speed. Last running quarter was in the high 7 minute range pace.  Hit the bag after.  For me I'm seriously bad cardio shape. Went to work like a zombie tired. It hit me half way through the shift this old man needs a nap, lol. Hope this work out will get some of the cobwebs out of my cardio vascular system and legs. Tomorrow is legs in the gym.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2001 on: December 14, 2021, 05:16:37 PM »
I've been neglected this training journal. Trained back and chest today in the early morning hours. I started an APP called "Lose It" and while it's very easy to use I find it a hassle. I know what needs to be done. I don't need a food log.

On another topic I've often thought about how training effects the mind. I could write a lot about the two different changes in mood that happens with lifting and running. After lifting I feel confident and it feels like a testosterone boost. Sometimes if I string too many weeks of training to exhaustion mentally I start feeling like hell mentally.

 Running can make me feel like I had too many cups of coffee. I can feel energized after but many times I crash hours after. Is it exhaustion due to my age?  I don't know. Hope to get a hard cardio session in tomorrow morning. Much has been written about the phycological affects of cardio.  The vast majority is positive.  I wish more was written on lifting and the mind. Pearl has written that training too much to exhaustion leads to dreading your workout and missed workouts.  Danny Padilla said when he was training with HIT for a period he described a fear of training calling it scary. Olympic lifters and Power lifters rarely train to failure. They cycle their training and they do it failure at the end of some cycles but it's not an every day training goal. 

I think once I get this thing fully figured out I will be too old to lift hard, LOL.

The APP you started reminded me of one I once tried called 'Cutback Coach'. It is a guide to help you drink less alcohol overtime. It seemed like a sensible idea, so I decided to give it a try. Setting everything up was good. You determined your own goals. To help you achieve them, the coach suggested a plan which was basically just to report how cutting back was going...were you meeting your goals? So far, so good. Then the emails started flooding my inbox, asking for daily reports. When I didn't respond, I'd get additional emails. The result was that I was spending far too much time focusing on how my cutback successes and failures. Never been to an AA meeting, but I imagine it would be like going to them several times a day. Needless to say it was counterproductive. Even after I opted out of the reminders, I kept getting them for quite awhile.



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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2002 on: December 14, 2021, 07:47:39 PM »
The APP you started reminded me of one I once tried called 'Cutback Coach'. It is a guide to help you drink less alcohol overtime. It seemed like a sensible idea, so I decided to give it a try. Setting everything up was good. You determined your own goals. To help you achieve them, the coach suggested a plan which was basically just to report how cutting back was going...were you meeting your goals? So far, so good. Then the emails started flooding my inbox, asking for daily reports. When I didn't respond, I'd get additional emails. The result was that I was spending far too much time focusing on how my cutback successes and failures. Never been to an AA meeting, but I imagine it would be like going to them several times a day. Needless to say it was counterproductive. Even after I opted out of the reminders, I kept getting them for quite awhile.

5 years ago I drank twice a week. I worked part time at a retirement job but it was 5 days a week Monday to Friday. I drank Friday and Saturday night.  I was pretty lean.  The new job I've had for 5 years I find myself drinking 4 days a week because of all the free time I have now. My choice of adult beverage is beer, 150 calories a can. It adds up. Going dry for around two week then I'm going to make it point to indulge only twice a week again. For me it's too easy to sit to watch tv at night with a beer.  It isn't healthy and the calories really add up.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2003 on: December 15, 2021, 06:29:09 AM »
Fucken Leg day: As usual I didn't list non taxing warm up sets.
Leg press 2 x 12
Squats 3 x 8 (If I didn't have safety bars spotting for me I would be crushed today. Cause I failed and sunk to the bottom. The bars saved me from being a squished slug. I twisted my knee a bit in the failure. Going to reevaluate  barbell squats again. I can get everything from dumbbell squats with out the spine compressing bar on my spine and with dumbbells there  is no getting stuck. I had my safety bars set so low that as I sank with the barbell I was wondering when I was going to hit them?)
Kick back machine 2 x 12 (breathing like a race horse after these. Great glute and leg machine. Zero spine compression. )
leg extensions 2 x 20
seated leg curls 2 x 15

Hanging leg raises 1 x 27 ( almost straight legs. Tried to curl my hips in.)
Hip ups off the floor 1 x 32

Standing calf raise 2 x 15
Seated calf raise 2x 15
Tibilalis work 1 x 20

four way neck machine 2 sets per side 20-25 reps. ( I do a giant set. First is neck curls, then each side finishing with neck extensions. One after another of 20 to 25 reps. After one circuit I rest about 45 seconds or so and do another one. My neck is pumped.  Then I do isometrics each direction and five twists with my hands for each direction for rotation. Thinking about the pump I get. Wondering if tri sets and giant sets can have the same effect on the other body parts? My neck grows the fastest.  Thinking if I tried high reps and a tri set or giant set would work for say biceps?  I know Larry Scott used tri sets for biceps and Joe Means was a big super set and tri set guy.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2004 on: December 15, 2021, 07:09:52 AM »
Larry Scott was a big drug guy.  Took loads of D-bol.  Just sayin'. 
Without it he had a good build but was Clark Kent.  D-bol turned him into Mr. Olympia.  Also messed him up and forced his retirement.

Because you have not asked for my advices...I will give it.  :D

High volume/high intensity/balls out routines work great for druggers.  Not well for nattys.  Too much stress on the CNS, cortisol, inflammation.  That's probably why you feel like crap.
You could cycle the intensity somehow so you can recover.

Sounds like you have really blasted your CNS and it's fried.  You have pumped the well dry.  This can take awhile to recover from.  I suggest to keep training but drop the intensity way down.  Stop each set well before failure, at least 2-3 reps out.  Lower the volume to 1-2 exercises per bodypart.  There is no need to do 4-5 exercises per bodypart but you could if you kept the intensity low.  Not just lighter weights but also staying away from failure.

If you feel refreshed after training you are doing it right.  If you feel wiped out you are doing it wrong.
When you feel better watch out for going back to frying yourself. 

My two cents but it's really common sense.  You know this already.

For example, using your workout today as an example:

Leg press or squat - 2x12
Kick back machine or Seated leg curls - 2 x 12

Standing calf raise or Seated calf raise or Tibilalis work - 2x20

Hanging leg raises - 1 x ?

That's all.  No sets to failure.


I've had good results eating like this.  High fat, low carb.
I also have maybe 3 drinks a week.  1 drink in a day. 
Simple whiskey, vodka, gin drinks, schnapps drink. 
Not beer as too many carbs.
Excess carbs get stored as fat.
Eating low carb makes your body burn fat for energy. Improves your insulin sensitivity.

Anything not on the following list I don't eat.  Occasional (once a month) cheat.
If I get hungry I eat nuts, fats, meat, eggs, etc. but no carbs.
You do get some carbs from the green vegetables, nuts, berries.

I think it would work for you too.  Drop the carbs.  It's not as difficult as you think.

Meat, eggs, fish
Non-starch vegetables (green)
Lettuce, radishes, celery, etc.
Berries (but sparingly)
Cheese, cream
Nuts, seeds
Butter, healthy oils

Had a physical in November.  My bloodwork was quite improved.  Cholesterol numbers improved a lot over previous.

Good luck.

I'm hoping to hear about the Steve Reeves book!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2005 on: December 15, 2021, 08:52:35 AM »
I read half of the Steve Reeves book.  The author claims he bought from the estate his training journals.  He also uses first hand accounts of how he trained from Grimek observations and Reeves own books.  He also mentions a book that credits Reeves as a co author was published years after his death so he feels it's suspect.

He also speculates that his own hand written journals might have left out exercises because the journals weren't written for us but for him.  For example by first hand accounts he loved using the seated alternate dumbbell curl. It isn't mentioned in most of his journals. He could have said to himself, "I always do these I don't have to write it down."

 Over all it's a very small book that could be read in one sitting in under a hour.  The examples of his hand written journal entries sure look like Reeves distinct hand writing. It's basic whole body routines.  In his other book Building the Classic Physique he says he basically used three exercises a body part for three sets each.  I don't think he concentrated on strength but on bodybuilding but the book gives examples of times where he did. Bottom line is that if you're a Reeves fan you would want this in your collection. If you're a casual fan you might feel the book is a waste in it's brevity.

Did I learn somethin new?  Yes, he sprayed his balls with cold water to stimulate testosterone.  Can you say shinkage?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2006 on: December 15, 2021, 11:43:04 AM »
I read half of the Steve Reeves book.  The author claims he bought from the estate his training journals.  He also uses first hand accounts of how he trained from Grimek observations and Reeves own books.  He also mentions a book that credits Reeves as a co author was published years after his death so he feels it's suspect.

He also speculates that his own hand written journals might have left out exercises because the journals weren't written for us but for him.  For example by first hand accounts he loved using the seated alternate dumbbell curl. It isn't mentioned in most of his journals. He could have said to himself, "I always do these I don't have to write it down."

 Over all it's a very small book that could be read in one sitting in under a hour.  The examples of his hand written journal entries sure look like Reeves distinct hand writing. It's basic whole body routines.  In his other book Building the Classic Physique he says he basically used three exercises a body part for three sets each.  I don't think he concentrated on strength but on bodybuilding but the book gives examples of times where he did. Bottom line is that if you're a Reeves fan you would want this in your collection. If you're a casual fan you might feel the book is a waste in it's brevity.

Did I learn somethin new?  Yes, he sprayed his balls with cold water to stimulate testosterone.  Can you say shinkage?

Is that in the book for real?  There was another thread here about him running to the fridge to eat protein after ejaculating to replace his "loss".

They say to get your wife pregnant wear boxers so your balls stay cool and you will produce more/better swimmers so maybe that is it.

I wore boxers and my wife got pregnant right away.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2007 on: December 15, 2021, 11:57:49 AM »
5 years ago I drank twice a week. I worked part time at a retirement job but it was 5 days a week Monday to Friday. I drank Friday and Saturday night.  I was pretty lean.  The new job I've had for 5 years I find myself drinking 4 days a week because of all the free time I have now. My choice of adult beverage is beer, 150 calories a can. It adds up. Going dry for around two week then I'm going to make it point to indulge only twice a week again. For me it's too easy to sit to watch tv at night with a beer.  It isn't healthy and the calories really add up.

It is too bad that I am not fond of beer. A couple of beers every now and then, would be healthier than a couple of shots of scotch.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2008 on: December 15, 2021, 12:46:59 PM »
Is that in the book for real?  There was another thread here about him running to the fridge to eat protein after ejaculating to replace his "loss".

They say to get your wife pregnant wear boxers so your balls stay cool and you will produce more/better swimmers so maybe that is it.

I wore boxers and my wife got pregnant right away.

Yes, it's in the book.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2009 on: December 15, 2021, 12:48:07 PM »
It is too bad that I am not fond of beer. A couple of beers every now and then, would be healthier than a couple of shots of scotch.

A shot of scotch and a 12 oz can of beer has the same amount of alcohol. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2010 on: December 15, 2021, 12:58:34 PM »
A shot of scotch and a 12 oz can of beer has the same amount of alcohol.

I don't measure, but I think the term is "two fingers" of scotch. I have large hands, so two fingers is probably the same as a double. It is not unusual for me to have two drinks in an evening. There are 8 doubles in a fifth.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2011 on: December 15, 2021, 03:59:24 PM »
I don't measure, but I think the term is "two fingers" of scotch. I have large hands, so two fingers is probably the same as a double. It is not unusual for me to have two drinks in an evening. There are 8 doubles in a fifth.

A standard shot is 1.5 oz.  That is equal to a 12oz beer.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2012 on: December 15, 2021, 05:32:20 PM »
Same alcohol but beer has around 10 grams of carbs in 12 oz.

Whiskey or vodka has calories but zero carbs.  A shot of 80 proof whiskey has 105 calories.

A whiskey and soda has zero carbs.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2013 on: December 15, 2021, 05:43:09 PM »
Same alcohol but beer has around 10 grams of carbs in 12 oz.

Whiskey or vodka has calories but zero carbs.  A shot of 80 proof whiskey has 105 calories.

A whiskey and soda has zero carbs.

I was talking about alcohol content.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2014 on: December 16, 2021, 10:43:34 AM »
I did 8 x quarter miles (440 yards or one lap on a track).  Hit the heavy bag after. I ran slightly faster than what I did two days ago.  Fastest was 7.7 MPH or around a 7:48 pace.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2015 on: December 17, 2021, 10:49:47 AM »
Delt and arm day. My fifth workout in a row for the week. No warm ups listed. Felt a little weak from yesterdays' cardio.

Standing dumbbell press 2 x 10
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12
Seated rear delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 11
face pulls 2 x 12
barbell shrugs 2 x 10

skull crushers with easy bar 3 x 12 (These always killed my elbow but I tweaked the way I do them and no problem so far. I lightened the weight and increased the reps. Instead of coming down to my face area I'm letting the bar drift behind my head. It made a ton of difference in the torque on the elbow.
Push down pulley triceps 2 x 10
dips 2 x 10 ( I went deep with no weight and immediately after push downs.)

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Drag barbell curls 2 x 12
Concentration curls seated 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 25
wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 60 (waiting for a curved back pad to get a larger range of motion. Should come soon. I will see if it works as I anticipate.)
Pulley crunches 1 x 60

Tomorrow is another hard cardio day for me. I hope I don't can it. It would make for me a perfect week of workouts.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2016 on: December 18, 2021, 03:08:53 PM »
Did my interval treadmill work.  8 x quarter miles (one lap or 440yards). Walked 3.8 MPH in between sets for quarter mile. Fastest was 7.8 MPH or 7:42 pace.  No heavy bag after.  Giving my shoulders a break.  Had a good work week.  Three hard lifting days and three hard cardio runs.  Slow steady progress on the interval work.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2017 on: December 19, 2021, 10:52:10 AM »
Just a ten minute rehab day. I did three rotator cuff movements for one set each with dumbbells.  My right hip is bugging me slightly so a did some leg abduction work using a "monkey feet boot" with a light dumbbell. I stood on a block pulling my leg away in abduction. After the set I immediately felt better from my hip socket. Sometimes you have to hit those little stabilizer muscles. If not you can end up with a lot of grief.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2018 on: May 15, 2022, 11:07:18 AM »
My standard split in general is Monday, Back and chest.  Wednesday is legs. Friday is delt and arms then two days off.  It works well for me.  I know many will say you need to work out body parts more than once a week but I do because of over lap.  On back day all the pulling is getting biceps hard. No way from a kinesiology analysis can you avoid the bicep involvement. On Friday biceps gets hit directly again on arm day. Another example is legs get their own day on Wednesday but on back day Monday they are hit hard when I do either power cleans or deadlifts. On it goes. Triceps are being hit hard on chest day with the pushing on Monday and again hit on arm day on Friday.  I could go on for each body part but you get the drift.

 I enjoy hitting a body part with several different exercises to use exercises that work mid range, stretch and the contracted position.  An example is dips or close grips for midrange triceps, Single dumbbell behind the neck with two hands for stretch position and something like two hand kick backs to emphasize the contracted position. 

The split I use the majority of the time also gives me four days off. On two of those days I try to get a run in with some boxing drills that I enjoy. 

I really enjoy hearing how others work out whether it's cross fit, running, martial arts, body weight or weight training.  I see the swing in weight training today seems to be away from the standard 8 to 12 reps into high reps.  I understand why many are going to it. It can be really brutal. I think the guy leading the way for this is this youtuber Ryan Humiston.  He said in effect that adding weight to do a set of 8 is easier that trying to do four sets of 20 with little rest between sets. He sometimes does a single century set (100 reps) and that sounds brutal. He gives the example of how he sometimes does that with squats or hacks.  I saw a couple of videos of the pro Kai Greene that uses high reps. On the video I watched he did three sets of an exercise hitting 20 reps on set one. Around 15 reps on set two and around 12 reps on set three. I'm sure some would argue that what ever a drug using guy does in the weight room isn't proof of a valid training protocol. If intensity was the magic bullet of training we would all be doing something like 4 sets of one rep after warm up. That's the most intense training we could do.  I think Humiston might be on to something. Maybe muscular endurance is the magic bullet of muscle growth.

Of course it is. The best bodies ever were built by muscular endurance training. Zane, Reeves, Park, Arnold, Oliva, Nubret, Davis, Gironda, etc used it or incorporated some of it into their training. The answer is staring you right in the face. We don't know exactly why it works but we know that it does work due to real world results.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2019 on: May 19, 2022, 03:27:10 PM »
Anyone heard from Rich?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2020 on: May 19, 2022, 03:50:34 PM »
Anyone heard from Rich?

He quit Getbig because some a-hole was emailing him personally and harassing him.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2021 on: May 19, 2022, 03:55:25 PM »
He quit Getbig because some a-hole was emailing him personally and harassing him.

Who was the a-hole?  Was it the mayor of Regina?  Or someone else?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2022 on: May 20, 2022, 05:41:59 AM »
Who was the a-hole?  Was it the mayor of Regina?  Or someone else?

No idea but I doubt it was Josh.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2023 on: May 20, 2022, 12:22:49 PM »
That's lame.

Wonder who it was?

Definitely wasn't Josh.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2024 on: May 10, 2023, 02:54:56 PM »
Is it safe to come back?  I'm sure nobody cares but I left because of harassing emails. No one knows my email here except two people.  One day I noticed an email and it was threatening. It mentioned getbig and how he had all my passwords and my cloud account. As proof he sent me a picture of my wife and a famous MMA champ. I was shocked. My social media accounts are not open to the public. He started showing me the contents of my emails which further shocked me.  He claimed if you don't believe my capabilities here's proof. He showed me family pictures of members here.  Did he just lift them from facebook and Instagram?  I don't know. I had to leave when my brother in law a really decent human who is a psychiatrist starting getting harassing  phone calls to his office mentioning get big. The guy is a saint of a doctor that has helped so many people.
 That's when I stopped posting here. Some of the email accounts the person said he had the passwords were mine and some he claimed were mine weren't. I started to think is Josh capable of this?  What did I do to piss him off? If I did anything I really don't mean to offend. I did some soul searching and I thought it's either my conservative politics posts or my anti steroid stance.  I just found it amazing that someone could be so obsessed with me.

I will give this another try. If it doesn't work out I will never ever sign on again. Got that Josh if it's you. If I offended you say the word and I will be gone.

I have been training hard. I'm nearly 65.  I don't use any drugs or even hormone replacement. The closest I got is using clomid 7 years ago. I use zero anything. I think I spelled clomid right. Another Doc told me some studies show an increase in brain cancer so I stopped after maybe a month of using it and I never returned.

Regarding training I'm not using heavy weights anymore. My joints are protesting. Going to use light weights with a full range of motion with a slow cadence.  I thought I would use high reps but I came to the conclusion that reps in the traditional 6 to12 can work if short rests between sets are used.  I'm not in anyway a bodybuilder. I'm just into fitness. I use bodyweight, weights and cardio to achieve that. Still doing boxing drills though I haven't been in the ring for almost 40 years.

You can laugh at my body. I do. I'm not a bodybuilder. I'm much leaner now then when this picture was taken 6 months ago. I think I'm not a complete mess nearing 65.  Like I said I'm leaner now. Maybe I will put up an updated picture but I'm afraid knowing this site I will be mocked, lol.