Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 485738 times)


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2025 on: May 10, 2023, 05:17:20 PM »
Welcome back, OT.

Sorry you went through all that.

The Scott

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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2026 on: May 11, 2023, 07:29:53 PM »
Is it safe to come back?  I'm sure nobody cares but I left because of harassing emails. No one knows my email here except two people.  One day I noticed an email and it was threatening. It mentioned getbig and how he had all my passwords and my cloud account. As proof he sent me a picture of my wife and a famous MMA champ. I was shocked. My social media accounts are not open to the public. He started showing me the contents of my emails which further shocked me.  He claimed if you don't believe my capabilities here's proof. He showed me family pictures of members here.  Did he just lift them from facebook and Instagram?  I don't know. I had to leave when my brother in law a really decent human who is a psychiatrist starting getting harassing  phone calls to his office mentioning get big. The guy is a saint of a doctor that has helped so many people.
 That's when I stopped posting here. Some of the email accounts the person said he had the passwords were mine and some he claimed were mine weren't. I started to think is Josh capable of this?  What did I do to piss him off? If I did anything I really don't mean to offend. I did some soul searching and I thought it's either my conservative politics posts or my anti steroid stance.  I just found it amazing that someone could be so obsessed with me.

I will give this another try. If it doesn't work out I will never ever sign on again. Got that Josh if it's you. If I offended you say the word and I will be gone.

I have been training hard. I'm nearly 65.  I don't use any drugs or even hormone replacement. The closest I got is using clomid 7 years ago. I use zero anything. I think I spelled clomid right. Another Doc told me some studies show an increase in brain cancer so I stopped after maybe a month of using it and I never returned.

Regarding training I'm not using heavy weights anymore. My joints are protesting. Going to use light weights with a full range of motion with a slow cadence.  I thought I would use high reps but I came to the conclusion that reps in the traditional 6 to12 can work if short rests between sets are used.  I'm not in anyway a bodybuilder. I'm just into fitness. I use bodyweight, weights and cardio to achieve that. Still doing boxing drills though I haven't been in the ring for almost 40 years.

You can laugh at my body. I do. I'm not a bodybuilder. I'm much leaner now then when this picture was taken 6 months ago. I think I'm not a complete mess nearing 65.  Like I said I'm leaner now. Maybe I will put up an updated picture but I'm afraid knowing this site I will be mocked, lol.

Welcome back, OT!  You look great, brother!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2027 on: May 11, 2023, 08:03:35 PM »
Thanks Scott, Wes and Iron nat for the welcome back. Maybe I will stick around. Then again maybe I won't.

 Since this is the training log I think I fucked up my knee on the leg press two days ago. Limping around like I'm a cripple.  Didn't hurt too much when it actually happened but I think the inside of my knee swelled after training back today. Nearly fell walking around my house. Trained back today and I semi felt fine until it swelled up tonight.  I think it's a wake up call.

I always heard and believed as we age we are one rep away from fucking our self up.  I hope it's a temp injury and I didn't break anything in there. Always had perfect knees so I thought. Grimek was doing great training in his late 60's I believe when someone young challenged him to keep up squatting going rep for rep. If I got the story straight he permanently fucked up his hip.

Going to train with volume and lighter weights. Getting too old to be doing low sets too failure. I will finish this week with low sets too failure to finish the week. Tomorrow is delt and tri day. I hope it won't put a strain on the knee. Funny my giant son in law just messed up his knee grappling in jui jitsu about six weeks ago. Doc told him he has to go under the knife but he wants to see if it will heal first.

Today I trained back and the knee felt sore but nothing bad. Hours after man was the pain bad.

Used warm ups as needed but trained one work set to failure.

Wide pulldowns 1 x 10 145lbs (strict and slow upright. No bend back and heave. Though so many with a good back swear by that technique of the heave with the lean back.

Seated cable rows with a V handle 1 x 15 180lbs (all the way out and back)

Dumbbell row with one knee on the bench 1 x 12 90lbs

Narrow pulldown 1 x 11

Dead lift, I was hoping to get 6 reps with slow negatives but after the third rep I felt out of position with a tweak and ended it after 3 reps. Did a second set of 3 with 300lbs. I think this might have really aggravated the knee.

Weighted hypers 1 x 20 with a 25lbs plate behind my head. Slow negatives and somewhat slow positive reps.

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 28 reps
AB pulley 1 x 60 reps


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2028 on: May 15, 2023, 05:40:44 PM »
Thought I would do a more volume week starting today doing more sets per exercise. I lift in the early morning hours before work. Had every intention of doing it then second guessed myself if I would have enough time. I have to time those workouts on my day off. Today I did back and chest. No warm ups shown.

Power cleans 4 x 3

Wide grip pulldowns with a Mag bar supinated grip 2 x 10
Seated lat cable row with a V handle 2 x 12
Dumbbell lat row with a knee on the bench 2 x 10
Narrow supinated pulldown with a Mag bar 2 x 10

Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8
Decline dumbbell bench 2  x8
Flat flies 2 x 10
Push ups 2 x max

Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15

ab wheel roll out 1 x 28
pulley crunch 1 x 47

    Thinking about my experiments with cardio over about 18 months. I ran distance, semi sprint intervals usually about 440 yards; fast walking on an incline treadmill and fast long walks on a trail by my house.

   I have to say I got the best results from fast walking on an isolated trail by my house. The fat melts off. I kept thinking about the reasons why. My guess is as a percentage it uses more fat for fuel than the other cardio methods I used. It can be done for a longer duration. I usually walk the trail at a speed between 3.5 MPH and 4.0 MPH.  I head out to my turn around with pure speed walking. On the return I do a little speed play so to say. I might pick out a land mark such as a fat tree and sprint to it. The distances are from around 200 yards down to as little as 40 yards. Of course those distances are guesses.  Still most of the return trip is fast walking. I think during the fast walking I never really get my heart beat that high except for the semi sprints.

    Fast walking burns roughly 100 calories per mile. Running hard maybe 130.  When you run you are using a higher percentage of sugar as opposed to fat as fuel but of course this is speed dependent.  Just walking five miles fast for five miles 4 times a week adds up to a 2000 calorie deficit for the week. That's over a pound of fat lost every two weeks. Imagine what 5 pounds of fat would look like on a plate.  I'm also positive it hypes your metabolism. After cardio I often feel like I had 4 cups of coffee. I firmly believe in the after burn of cardio. I also believe fast walking spares your muscles. Any lifter that has gone on a running kick can tell you how it sacrifices some muscle. Run a hard five miles and tell me how good your lifts are the day after.

    On a side note don't be like these delusional fit bit people. I was talking cardio with a guy and I told him lately I'm walking five miles a day when I can. He said he got 6 miles. I asked him if he walked on a treadmill or outside? He said, neither. He just put on the watch and it told him the steps and I guess miles at the end of the day. I don't own one. Don't take credit for just being alive. Everyone can rack up miles by putting on a watch unless you're a dud sedentary person. Only count dedicated continuous walking. Low intensity aerobics doesn't count if it's not continuous regarding the health benefits.

    I'm no one to give advice but try walking fast for a month with your lifting. I think you will see noticeable change in four weeks.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2029 on: May 16, 2023, 06:55:40 AM »


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2030 on: May 16, 2023, 07:12:55 AM »
Funny you mentioned Aruba cause my sister in law said I can use her place there.  Going to go next year.  Wife is doing good.  Her spinal cord operation went well.  She is out of pain and slowly getting her health back. Kids are great. How are yours?  As you know I live near the beach. I have been on the beach a couple of days already as well as the bars/restaurants.  We will run into each other some day where you vacation.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2031 on: May 16, 2023, 04:59:31 PM »
Walked 5.0 miles today as fast as I could. 2.5 miles walking  out and at the turn around coming back I mixed in some sprints. I pick out arbitrary land marks like big trees for finish lines of sprinting. The distances are from approximately 200 yards down to 40 yards. My first sprint was the long one of about 200 yards. I started this one at the beginning of a guide rail to the end. I haven't done much cardio because I had a bad case of bronchitis I was getting over. Now I feel good. I took off at a good clip and I was just trying to hold my speed till the finish of the guide rail on this trail.  They have guide rail to keep out people with quads to keep it a walking/running/biking path.  I started to suck wind and I was at the end of my wind. Damn I had to walk. Maybe I was still getting over the effects of the bronchitis. I looked up to see how close I got to the end and noticed it went on for about a half mile more. The mo fo's from the county that maintain the trail extended the guide rail while I was sick. I still wonder how far I sprinted till I ran out of gas. I bet it was 300 yards, lol.

When I came back I did a couple of rounds of hitting the heavy bag. I egotistically  say I hit the bag like a mule. When I actually got in the ring in my younger years I had a bad habit of blocking punches with my face. Not a good attribute for boxing. My footwork is really bad too. According to my Hispanic heritage it should be good but it stinks. At this age I will stick to hitting the heavy bag, focus pads and shadow boxing. I don't want to get hit anymore, lol.

When I got to my job I felt great for the first four hours. Then it hit me. I was spent. Now on a sofa at home on my back typing this out. Early bed night. Tomorrow is legs with a sore knee. Going to make some changes to avoid aggravating it. No glute kick backs or dumbbell squats. My deep leg presses will change to the typical half leg presses with higher reps. I will use the squat machine because the machine is much safer. Hopefully the knee will be okay with this. I feel better every day with this knee. Convinced I had a lot of swelling in side it and that is dissipating.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2032 on: May 17, 2023, 03:40:58 PM »
I started warming up on leg day doing leg presses and the knee and hip started to hurt. I just quit the training day. So pissed.  I will regroup and come back. I might have to lay off the leg press for a while.  Taking tomorrow off of lifting too. Those heavy leg presses are just grinding my joints to dust, lol.  Running and walking  it only hurts moderately.  The leg press is out for awhile. It goes to the old rule of if it hurts don't do it no matter how much you think you should.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2033 on: May 18, 2023, 01:34:15 PM »
Took another day off. Fucken knee.  I did about three hours of yard work if that counts for anything and I know it doesn't. Mowed, weed whacked, blower; vacuumed pollen strings around the pool and got up the last remaining leaves around the pool.  Wore a N95 mask to avoid the pollen and allergens. When I took it off my nose was dirty and I was blowing brown stuff into a tissue. If anyone believes a mask protected you against covid you're a fool.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2034 on: May 19, 2023, 02:36:49 PM »
Trained light due to my knee. I did a whole body routine.

Cleans 3 x 3 then 1 x 1

squats 2 x 8 then 1 x 1
standing leg curls 2 x 15
Weighted knee raises 1 x 12

Flat dumbbell presses 2 x 8 (Nice doing these light. Slow and controlled.)
Dumbbell flies 2 x 12

Pull ups 2 x 8
Yates type barbell rows 2 x 10 (Maybe the first time I used these semi upright back rows. I feel it in the middle of my back.)

PBN 2 x 6 (Haven't done these in ages. The flexibility wasn't there. Good thing I was using baby weights)
Delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 16

dumbbell curls standing 2 x 20
dips 2 x 12

standing calf raises 2 x 15

Incline sit ups 1 x 20
Incline leg raises 1 x

Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15

four way neck machine 2 sets a side.

Ivanko grippers 2 x 20

I realized after this routine there is no way I could have done this routine prior to work in the early morning hours. It just was too long. It makes me think how did I train when I was working revolving long hour shifts with four kids? I always seemed to get the workouts in somehow. Now I have the time working a part time retirement job the thought of long workouts seem like something I don't want to do.

  I hear young men saying they do three on and one off. I wonder how they maintain a career and a family?  My son in law works a similar demanding job as I did and still wrestles three days a week in a jui jitsu dojo.  He's been doing it for years. He just submitted two black belts. I hope he advances because that's his passion. He has zero interest in anything bodybuilding related and he just doesn't get it.  At 300lbs he's big enough. He says stuff like why would anyone want to look like they can kick ass when they can't reference bodybuilders? I can't argue that, lol.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2035 on: May 21, 2023, 05:23:54 PM »
The swelling is going down on the knee. It's actually pretty good. The hip is getting better too. I did a cardio day today walking to limit any aggravation to the knee.  I did incline walking on the treadmill. All listed below reference the laps are done with no rest. It's continuous. I think it lasted 61 minutes. I call this workout the ladder. Every lap I go up an incline percent climbing up the ladder. It's easy on the joints but gets the job done. I find if I can get up to 12% going up the ladder I'm in pretty good cardio shape for myself.

3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at zero incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 1% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 2% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 3% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 4% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 5% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 6% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 7% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 8% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 9% incline
Getting tough but must finish
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 10% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 11% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 12% incline
I was hurting a little at 12% but wanted to test the knee so I ran a lap.
7.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 0% incline (Knee held up and I was very conscious of wear the turn off cord was.)
Last lap was 3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 0% grade for a cool down. Covered in sweat.

I did some rehab type work with rubber bands and an ankle strap for leg abductions. When my hip acts up this seems to help. 

Finished with hitting the heavy bag for a couple of rounds.

Prior to working out I saw my doc for an unrelated problem to my joint issues. A really kind nurse saw me prior to the doc and was chatting with me for awhile. She was maybe 70 and I imagine she was working part time to assist her retirement. Her wisdom was deep. She basically told me at my age and hers we are all aging.  She said we all go through it and realize you can't defeat it but you can be the best version of yourself even if it doesn't involve the physical. Except she said it with much more eloquence and poetry than my written word remembrance of the conversation.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2036 on: May 22, 2023, 06:03:35 AM »
Really wanted to do volume this week but I just don't think I have the time to do it prior to work. Leaving the job in months then I can do it.

No warm ups listed. One set to failure. I do one to two warm up sets but on many exercises I do none since the previous exercise served as a warm up. Trained chest and biceps.  Took around 40 minutes. Single set to failure Yates style.  The reps listed are sometimes approximate. I don't use a notebook anymore and typed it up after the training session.

Dumbbell incline press 1 x 10
Decline dumbbell press 1 x 10
Flat flies 1 x 15
Push ups 1 x 25 (all the way down)

EZ barbell curls 1 x 15
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 10
dumbbell drag curls 1 x 10
concentration curls 1 x 14

wrist curls 1 x 30
wrist extension 1 x 25

Incline situps 1 x 30
Incline leg raises 1 x 15

Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Finished with about 40 minutes of incline treadmill at 3.8 MPH.

Off to work where I stand on my feet a lot.  I often wonder how much a fit bit would say I stepped if I put one on from the time I got up till I went to sleep? I refuse to take credit for being a alive. I only log dedicated exercise.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2037 on: May 23, 2023, 05:36:24 PM »
Leg day:  With a sore hip and knee I went light when I had too.  Again no warm up sets shown. I do one, two or none depending on the exercise. One set to failure. Rep count isn't always accurate. Doing this from memory.

Barbell squat 1 x 10  (I can count on one hand how many times I barbell squatted in the last 12 months. I might stop doing these forever. Even though I was going super light I don't think my old joints can handle it.)

Machine squats 1 x 10 (This was way more joint friendly.  The safety catch on this is fixed and way too low.  I sweat sometimes thinking what I would do if I fail at rock bottom.)

stiff dead 1 x 8 ( Had trouble with flexibility but on the last couple of reps I got low)

leg extension 1 x 25
standing leg curl 1 x 14 (Any variation of leg curls hurts my right leg right at the knee joint for some reason. Can't figure out why.)

hanging leg raise 1 x 29
hip ups on my back 1 x 33

standing calf 1 x 20
seated calf 1 x 20
tibalis raise 1x 20 ( done with a tib contraption I got. A really good movement for runners to prevent injuries

4 way neck machine: One set a side

On a side note.  I saw a video and the guy was giving his opinions from an athletes perspective and not a bodybuilding one. Not to put words in his mouth but he said in effect that standing calf machine and seated do little for an athlete regarding sprinting speed or vertical leap. He said in effect the Achilles the biggest tendon acts as a spring and actually has stretch and energy return in conjunction with the calf contracting.  He instead recommends plyometric type calf jumps. He stressed this will make your calf and Achilles work in an explosive matter making you a better athlete.

  Sometimes I feel stretching calf raises on a calf machine actually weakens the calf for sprinting.  When disgraced steroid sprinter Ben Johnson lifted weights his coach according to an article I read discouraged calf training in the weight room but encouraged such lifts as the power clean, squat and bench. He also allowed him to do what he called fun exercises like curls if he wanted to do them. After awhile he discouraged power cleans cause he was using so much weight and his form wasn't the best. He was afraid of injuries.  Ben was sick strong for 170lbs.  Benching 400 for reps days before the Olympics and crazy squat weights.

I am not a bodybuilder. I care more about athletic performance over looking good in a speedo.  Regarding calf training I think he might be right on target.  On a similar concept I think sometimes my ridiculously deep leg presses over stretched my knee tendon.

I digress and it's unrelated but since the topic is sprinting speed, I never forgot how slow Mike Mentzer was in the 100 yard dash on ABC's Superstars competition. He might have been the slowest athlete there. Mike did good in the push press hitting 320lbs.  A pretty good lift for something bodybuilders don't work on. Big Lou beat him with 325lbs. I know a lot of these current bodybuilders do more in a smith machine or a partial seated. It's a different animal taking the weight off a squat rack and putting it over head without leaning back to make it a standing incline press.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2038 on: May 24, 2023, 03:01:31 PM »
Walked fast for 4.7 miles. After I did rotator cuff rehab for about ten minutes. The way I do fast walking is that I walk to the turn around then pick arbitrary marks to sprint to. The first was roughly 200 meters and the rest were roughly 40 meters.

While I was walking a young woman about 25 ran past me in skin tight leggings. I kept thinking what an incredible body on this chick. Thin with a more than an ample ass.  Perfection.

Pool opening and the massive work it takes to get the pool on track. I hope to have it completed by Friday. Drinking cocktails for hours getting it ready.  It's not even hot in NJ. Top temps are around 70.

Tomorrow is back day.  Then fuck with the pool some more.  Nothing is better than floating in a floating chair with a cocktail with some of the big band crooners like Sinatra or Martin on a quality speaker. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2039 on: May 25, 2023, 02:26:17 PM »
Back day:  Finishing the week with the one set to failure training. Again warm ups when needed. Training after many beers yesterday poolside. Ugh.

Power cleans 4 x 3 then 1 x 1 (It's a fun exercise and so good for developing power)
Wide grip supinated MAG bar pulldown 1 x 11
Seated lat cable row 1 x 14
Dumbbell lat row one knee on a bench 1 x 12
Narrow grip supinated MAG pulldown 1 x 11

Weighted hyper extension 1 x 20

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30
Ab pulley crunch 1 x 50

Tomorrow is delt and tricep.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2040 on: May 26, 2023, 10:38:42 AM »
Delt and Triceps: No warm ups listed. Used as needed. One set to failure. Reps shown aren't always accurate. Done from memory.

Standing dumbbell delt press 1 x 10
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 11
Dumbbell rear delt lateral seated 1 x 14
Face pulls 1 x 19
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14

V bar tricep push downs 1 x 12
Narrow bench 1 x 9
Single arm behind the head standing tricep extension 1 x 13
Dips 1 x 15 (dug deep. See so many doing these shallow)

floor crunches with an ab mat to give a greater range of motion 1 x 50
pulley crunches 1 x 60
decline bench crunches almost like a roman chair 1 x 30

A little rehab work to finish. I did pullovers with two dumbbells to stretch my arms back. I also inhale to stretch the abs. Sometimes I feel tightness in my lower abs and my shoulders get tight. This rehab pullover kills two birds with one rehab exercise.

Waited about an hour then went out the door with music blasting for a 5 mile fast walk.  During the fast walk on the return I would pick various land marks like a big tree to sprint to. Estimated the sprints were between 200 meters down to 40 meters.  My last sprint on the return is roughly 100 meters. Walking fast is a very under rated exercise. I throw in some sprints to remind my body I'm an athlete. Walking fast uses high percentage of fat for fuel. I guess I used about 175 calories for the lifting and maybe 525 for the walk.  Nice calorie deficit to my total calorie count for the day.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2041 on: May 27, 2023, 02:34:49 PM »
Did jack shit today.  Cancer runs in my family and yesterday I logged into my blood and urine test I had recently. I'm no doctor but I'm really disturbed.  Doctor's office said they would contract me on Wednesday. Doc is off till then. 

Went to a bay side bar.  Rich people in their huge boats drop anchor and the shuttle boat picks them up to hit the place. It was around 72 and pure sun. The rock band was rocking and the outdoor place was packed. Met a really nice couple next to us at bar and we struck up a nice conversation. They even bought us a round.  Turns out they are going to our favorite vacation area for the first time so we filled them in where to go and what to do.

After we left the huge bay side outdoor bar we went to our pool. It felt really cold but I said fuck it. I sat in a float with a Guinness listening to Sinatra looking at the sky. It was pure sun and no clouds. Made some stuff on the BBQ and now eating great.  The men in my family suffer from cancer and I hope I fair better.  If it hits me I had a good life.  Had a great wife, kids, grandchildren  and career.  No regrets. I want to accomplish more and I might be jumping the gun on the life is over bit. I see a biopsy coming but I don't care.   God has blessed me with a great loving wife. I have been fortunate enough make sure she is well provided for if I expire in the next couple of years. The house will be paid off soon too.

Tomorrow is a cardio day.  I think I am over lifting heavy weights and I know that term is relative.  Heavy weights for me is light for another. Though the classic phrase making a light weight heavy through a full range of motion; limited rest between sets and a slow lifting cadence makes what seems like a light weight very heavy. Lifting for endurance is something I think I want to explore. Who knows what I will do next week in the weight room. We shall see.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2042 on: May 27, 2023, 03:13:05 PM »
PSA high?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2043 on: May 27, 2023, 05:49:49 PM »
PSA high?

That among other stuff that is indicating something is off. Went from 1.6 to way over 4 in 12 months. Never had such bad tests in every conceivable area showing something is going on. Uncle died from it. Father was terminal with it but died from a heart attack. Brother had radiation for it and is messed up down there. Been getting signs something is off. Groin pain, hip pain and not being able to pee sitting. Hopefully worrying for nothing. Just three family members with the same cancer is disturbing.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2044 on: May 28, 2023, 03:21:58 AM »
That among other stuff that is indicating something is off. Went from 1.6 to way over 4 in 12 months. Never had such bad tests in every conceivable area showing something is going on. Uncle died from it. Father was terminal with it but died from a heart attack. Brother had radiation for it and is messed up down there. Been getting signs something is off. Groin pain, hip pain and not being able to pee sitting. Hopefully worrying for nothing. Just three family members with the same cancer is disturbing.

Sorry to hear this.  And it is odd to have such drastic changes over such a short time period.

Be careful not to jump to conclusions and submit to the knife or drastic treatments right away.

Re-test.  Have them done again.  Go to a different lab.

There have been instances where the lab has messed up with the tests.  Even gave you someone else's results!

I prefer Quest Labs, not Lab Corp.  Maybe you went to Quest already.

Quest has different parameters in testing.  Their "normal ranges" are different than Lab Corp.  Sometimes much different.

However, they could make an error too so re-test. 

Regarding peeing, you might think this odd, but I've been peeing standing up for over a year, into a bottle (2 qt wide mouth plastic juice bottle).

I use one bathroom and my wife uses another so no problem.  I keep the bottle in mine.  When full, dump and flush, etc.

When I was a kid it was always pee standing up into the toilet.  However, that is not sanitary in a home bathroom to do.

I remember being little, standing next to my older brother and crossing streams.  :D

In nature men pee standing up, not sitting.

Much better to do it standing though rather than sitting.  May help you.

A side benefit is your water bill will go down.  Thousands of gallons down.  But that is beside the point.

Hip and groin pain could be caused by other things.  You run a lot for example which stretches out the hips and groin.  Great for that but might make you sore too. 

Article: Non-cancerous-reasons-your-psa-levels-are-high


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2045 on: May 28, 2023, 05:14:44 AM »
Sorry to hear this.  And it is odd to have such drastic changes over such a short time period.

Be careful not to jump to conclusions and submit to the knife or drastic treatments right away.

Re-test.  Have them done again.  Go to a different lab.

There have been instances where the lab has messed up with the tests.  Even gave you someone else's results!

I prefer Quest Labs, not Lab Corp.  Maybe you went to Quest already.

Quest has different parameters in testing.  Their "normal ranges" are different than Lab Corp.  Sometimes much different.

However, they could make an error too so re-test. 

Regarding peeing, you might think this odd, but I've been peeing standing up for over a year, into a bottle (2 qt wide mouth plastic juice bottle).

I use one bathroom and my wife uses another so no problem.  I keep the bottle in mine.  When full, dump and flush, etc.

When I was a kid it was always pee standing up into the toilet.  However, that is not sanitary in a home bathroom to do.

I remember being little, standing next to my older brother and crossing streams.  :D

In nature men pee standing up, not sitting.

Much better to do it standing though rather than sitting.  May help you.

A side benefit is your water bill will go down.  Thousands of gallons down.  But that is beside the point.

Hip and groin pain could be caused by other things.  You run a lot for example which stretches out the hips and groin.  Great for that but might make you sore too. 

Article: Non-cancerous-reasons-your-psa-levels-are-high

Yes, Quest was the first one and Lab corp was the second. I would be interested if they test different for the PSA. Last year a cardiologist I saw for a check up did the lab test with Quest. She told me it's not so much the actual number but if it rises quickly from test to test. I never forgot that and now I went up four fold plus in a year with the lab corp test from a GP doctor.

I piss standing up but when I crap it's sitting down. I can't pee that way anymore. It won't work in that position. Thank you for your response. Yes, I won't be quick to go under the knife. I'm sure they want to do a biopsy next and then rate the cancer on something called the Gleason scale.  I read two articles in Men's Health about prostate cancer many years ago when it was a good magazine.  I kept the two magazines  knowing my uncle died a horrible death from it when it spread outside the area. They were very involved articles by two different writers.  Interesting they had the same conclusion. If they had to do it again they wouldn't.  Even though one had targeted radiation and the other so called nerve sparing operation they both couldn't get erections anymore.  They both were pissing in their pants and had to wear pads. One said his urologist told him once it spreads you're in for a world of hurt as it attacks other areas like the bones,  bladder and intestines. Another thing they do is give a pill to shut off your testosterone which they say fuels it's growth. Can you imagine how that would affect lifting? The two different articles said the odds are for many it's such a slow growing cancer that many without treatment will live for years and die from something else like a heart attack.  I don't know if a wait and observe is an option considering my family history but that is what I would prefer to do. Going to read that link you provided now.

Doing google research stuff they treat this with either an operation to cut it out or radiation to burn the prostate dead. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2046 on: May 28, 2023, 05:26:56 AM »
Good article Iron nat. I thought prostate cancer was the leading cause of death for men from cancer but the article says it's lung cancer and prostate second.  I don't know if you read the article but it says PSA readings go up as a man ages. Also having an orgasm the day before can make it rise. I really don't know if I did.

Just learned a better blood test is a PHI test. Maybe the doc will do this next.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2047 on: May 28, 2023, 07:58:56 AM »
Rich,,,nothing to do with you but I had prostate infection 2104 or 15;out of nowhere peeing like crazy,worst pain ever groin to tip penis took 3 months intense antibiotics to kill ,leading up to it I do recall some discomfort in one leg like I overtrained it I thought and peeing different then it came on one day like a volcano erupted.I see a urologist actually a friend sorta lol he’s great at .5 on psa says I have a prostrate 20 something lol.should feel like a ripe fruit no bumps.I hate having 2 fingers jammed in there but hey better than nothing


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2048 on: May 28, 2023, 09:20:07 AM »
Rich,,,nothing to do with you but I had prostate infection 2104 or 15;out of nowhere peeing like crazy,worst pain ever groin to tip penis took 3 months intense antibiotics to kill ,leading up to it I do recall some discomfort in one leg like I overtrained it I thought and peeing different then it came on one day like a volcano erupted.I see a urologist actually a friend sorta lol he’s great at .5 on psa says I have a prostrate 20 something lol.should feel like a ripe fruit no bumps.I hate having 2 fingers jammed in there but hey better than nothing

Thanks for sharing the personal experience.  Doc called and said to make an appointment with a urologist. I guess I will see. They say guys with an enlarge prostate often have an urgent feeling to pee but when they do little comes out. I pee like a race horse.  So I don't see how I can have any blockage.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2049 on: May 29, 2023, 05:12:40 AM »
Ran two miles yesterday instead of my walk/run usual cardio.  Ran a pathetic time running 9:30 miles but at least I ran.  Hit the heavy bag after. Prior to the run I warmed up on the treadmill walking and running a quarter mile on the treadmill. I hate going outside and running not warmed up. If I do that little quarter mile warm up I can immediately run at a good clip right off the bat.

It's funny in my younger years there was no music or GPS watch. I used nothing or a cheap casio watch to time my routes that were often measured with a car odometer. Now with a phone or gps watch you can get the exact mileage, pace and heart rate. As tech advances I don't even use ear buds anymore. I use a bone conduction head set to listen to music as I run. They can't fall out of your ears like ear buds and are more sanitary than jamming ear buds in. Nothing goes in your ears but the bone conduction part rests on your cheek bones. The sound is amazing and it lets you hear your surroundings a bit better than ear buds. I carry the phone with blue tooth to go to the Shokz head set in a slim snug belly bag. If your are new to GPS watches I would recommend a Garmin brand and any model. The base ones have all the essential info. I was fortunate that my kids gave me an expensive upgrade model for my birthday two years ago. It has more features that I don't need or even know how to use.

Regarding health I'm not drinking for two weeks then limit it to at the most one or two days a week. Not an alcoholic in denial but the amount I drink now isn't a recipe for optimal health.